11-Feb-11 News -- Egypt 'contagion' threatens stability of Saudi Arabia
Iran's opposition leader under house arrest
** 11-Feb-11 News -- Egypt 'contagion' threatens stability of Saudi Arabia
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 11#e110211
"Egypt 'contagion' threatens stability of Saudi Arabia"
"Additional links"
Iran's opposition leader under house arrest
France's president Sarkozy says that multiculturalism is a failure
11-Feb-11 News -- Egypt 'contagion' threatens Saudi Arabia
Re: 11-Feb-11 News -- Egypt 'contagion' threatens Saudi Arab
Hi John,
How are you?
"Iran, which has a hardline anti-American government, but a large pro-American population, will side with eht West when forced to choose one side or the other."
I have a question regarding the definition of pro-American, do you define those who think the same way that American think are pro-American?
"The world is headed for a "Clash of Civilizations" world war, pitting China, Pakistan, and Sunni Muslim nations against the US, India, Russia and of course Israel."
John,you can criticize China because there ARE numerous ridiculous things happen in China everyday. but I have problem with your word because it sounds like China is the enemy of the whole world. Since China opened the door, more and more Chinese start to think and accept the way western people think. (btw do you think they are pro-American?) More and more Chinese who study abroad are going back to serve the country, changing the country, and the trend is going up. Everyday, people from two countries and other countries talk to each other, visit each other, do business each other, understanding each other, work together, Lots of positive things are happening. Most importantly, Chinese always treat foreigner nicer than domestic people. Don't forget this is based on that every Chinese is taught about how China was hugely ripped off by Great Britain, France, Germany, United States and others including well known Japan since the opium war started in the middle of 19th century. This only shows how wise and generous Chinese people are. Chinese want to learn the history but Chinese will move forward. Unless foreign countries push Chinese into the corner, Chinese will not fight against any other countries. I don't know why China should be the enemy of the world, if you go to the factories in China, they work like ants or bees whatever you want to call them just try to earn tiny incomes to support their families. I have a lot of respect to those people and I despise any people who ignore this fact. John, I respect you very much, and I am living on the same soil you are living, I am not here to be the enemy of American, most most Chinese here are not, on the other side of the pacific are not neither.
Your words only increase the tension.
How are you?
"Iran, which has a hardline anti-American government, but a large pro-American population, will side with eht West when forced to choose one side or the other."
I have a question regarding the definition of pro-American, do you define those who think the same way that American think are pro-American?
"The world is headed for a "Clash of Civilizations" world war, pitting China, Pakistan, and Sunni Muslim nations against the US, India, Russia and of course Israel."
John,you can criticize China because there ARE numerous ridiculous things happen in China everyday. but I have problem with your word because it sounds like China is the enemy of the whole world. Since China opened the door, more and more Chinese start to think and accept the way western people think. (btw do you think they are pro-American?) More and more Chinese who study abroad are going back to serve the country, changing the country, and the trend is going up. Everyday, people from two countries and other countries talk to each other, visit each other, do business each other, understanding each other, work together, Lots of positive things are happening. Most importantly, Chinese always treat foreigner nicer than domestic people. Don't forget this is based on that every Chinese is taught about how China was hugely ripped off by Great Britain, France, Germany, United States and others including well known Japan since the opium war started in the middle of 19th century. This only shows how wise and generous Chinese people are. Chinese want to learn the history but Chinese will move forward. Unless foreign countries push Chinese into the corner, Chinese will not fight against any other countries. I don't know why China should be the enemy of the world, if you go to the factories in China, they work like ants or bees whatever you want to call them just try to earn tiny incomes to support their families. I have a lot of respect to those people and I despise any people who ignore this fact. John, I respect you very much, and I am living on the same soil you are living, I am not here to be the enemy of American, most most Chinese here are not, on the other side of the pacific are not neither.
Your words only increase the tension.
Re: 11-Feb-11 News -- Egypt 'contagion' threatens Saudi Arab
John's statement is that the world will go to war when it can't feed all the people. China is certainly in that situation now, and so is there neighbor, Russia. Food prices are jumping world wide, slab bacon at the butcher near my house jumped 2$ a lb yesterday. The butcher was astonished that his distributor connections raised the price that much so rapidly.
I'm seeing many editorials saying Obama should do "something" about Egypt in terms of "showing support" for Mubarak. Just what is he supposed to do that would have any effect? We won't get involved in an Egyptian civil war, the very idea is stupid. Short of that, what? Statements of support won't impress a mob, mobs are not impressed by jawboning. Perhaps if we said "the Egyptian army should slaughter the protestors" the army would have been emboldened to do just that, but the cost to US prestige around the world would have been terrific. And there's not a bit of evidence they'd have quit protesting if the army did kill a few hundred more of them, 300 are dead already. Would 1000 more have sent them home? Good grief.
I am at a loss to know just what Obama "should have done" to change things. It looks to me like he's trying to have some influence on the final outcome, but even that's doubtful to me. Guess we'll find out.
I'm fully aware that turning out a government in such an informal way often has bad results, but just how do you stop it? Magic?
I'm seeing many editorials saying Obama should do "something" about Egypt in terms of "showing support" for Mubarak. Just what is he supposed to do that would have any effect? We won't get involved in an Egyptian civil war, the very idea is stupid. Short of that, what? Statements of support won't impress a mob, mobs are not impressed by jawboning. Perhaps if we said "the Egyptian army should slaughter the protestors" the army would have been emboldened to do just that, but the cost to US prestige around the world would have been terrific. And there's not a bit of evidence they'd have quit protesting if the army did kill a few hundred more of them, 300 are dead already. Would 1000 more have sent them home? Good grief.
I am at a loss to know just what Obama "should have done" to change things. It looks to me like he's trying to have some influence on the final outcome, but even that's doubtful to me. Guess we'll find out.
I'm fully aware that turning out a government in such an informal way often has bad results, but just how do you stop it? Magic?
Re: 11-Feb-11 News -- Egypt 'contagion' threatens Saudi Arab
I started reading news stories about student pro-Westerntx wrote: > "Iran, which has a hardline anti-American government, but a large
> pro-American population, will side with eht West when forced to
> choose one side or the other."
> I have a question regarding the definition of pro-American, do you
> define those who think the same way that American think are
> pro-American?
demonstrations in Iran around 2000. Young Iranians did not like
Americans in Iraq, but they also did not exhibit the xenophobia
towards Americans that the Chinese exhibit.
The difference between Iran and China in this regard is that in Iran,
the anti-Americanism comes from the government, while in China it
comes from the people, especially young people.
At one level, I sympathize with you. I certainly don't believe thattx wrote: > "The world is headed for a "Clash of Civilizations" world war,
> pitting China, Pakistan, and Sunni Muslim nations against the US,
> India, Russia and of course Israel."
> John,you can criticize China because there ARE numerous ridiculous
> things happen in China everyday. but I have problem with your word
> because it sounds like China is the enemy of the whole
> world. Since China opened the door, more and more Chinese start to
> think and accept the way western people think. (btw do you think
> they are pro-American?) More and more Chinese who study abroad are
> going back to serve the country, changing the country, and the
> trend is going up. Everyday, people from two countries and other
> countries talk to each other, visit each other, do business each
> other, understanding each other, work together, Lots of positive
> things are happening. Most importantly, Chinese always treat
> foreigner nicer than domestic people.
all Chinese people are anti-American, and particularly I don't expect
Chinese-Americans to be anti-American, just as most German-Americans
were not anti-American during WW II, and just as most American Muslims
are not anti-American today.
But when I say that China and the US are headed for a world war, I
don't mean that all Chinese, or even most Chinese, want a war.
Nonetheless, a war is coming. It could start tomorrow if the
Taiwanese did something that panicked the CCP. We've allready seen
how quickly things have changed in Egypt and Tunisia.
I've written about the increasing anti-American xenophobia a number of
times in the past. Here are some examples:
** Chinese embarrassment and anger grows over Tibet and Olympics
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... hina080412
** 29-Sep-10 News -- The eclipsing of China's Hu Jintao and Wen Jiaboa
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 29#e100929
** New book, 'Unhappy China,' stokes Chinese nationalism and anti-Americanism.
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 12#e090412
** Furious Chinese ambassador harshly threatens U.S. over Taiwan
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 18#e060818
And that's not just a "criticism" of China. The xenophobia is mutual,
and it's growing. The first article in the above list describes many
examples of this mutual xenophobia.
Every Chinese person I've ever met has been a nice person. But nicetx wrote: > Don't forget this is based on that every Chinese is taught about
> how China was hugely ripped off by Great Britain, France, Germany,
> United States and others including well known Japan since the
> opium war started in the middle of 19th century. This only shows
> how wise and generous Chinese people are. Chinese want to learn
> the history but Chinese will move forward. Unless foreign
> countries push Chinese into the corner, Chinese will not fight
> against any other countries. I don't know why China should be the
> enemy of the world, if you go to the factories in China, they work
> like ants or bees whatever you want to call them just try to earn
> tiny incomes to support their families. I have a lot of respect to
> those people and I despise any people who ignore this fact. John,
> I respect you very much, and I am living on the same soil you are
> living, I am not here to be the enemy of American, most most
> Chinese here are not, on the other side of the pacific are not
> neither.
people go to war with each other all the time. China and America will
be fighting a war with each other with nearly 100% certainty.
I categorically reject the idea that my writing on Generationaltx wrote: > Your words only increase the tension.
Dynamics is going to cause war, or increase tension, or make the war
worse. A major foundation of Generational Dynamics is that wars (at
least crisis wars) come from the people, not from the politicians, and
nothing that I can do will have any predictable effect on what's
coming. I've made every attempt to describe the mutual xenophobia
between Chinese and Americans as objectively as I'm capable of (given
that I'm an American). But I'm just describing what's happening, not
what's going to happen, and I'm not the cause of anything.
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