Iran attacks onSaudi

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Iran attacks onSaudi

Post by Goose »

Any time you let a neighborhood bully run loose because it suits your own ends it will always end badly. Asia and Europe have kissed the backside of the Mullets (sp) for a long time and now it is going to bite them. They forgot or ignored the fable about the frog and the scorpion so I have no sympathy. As far as I am concerned it their problem and I would let them solve it. A very good opportunity for us to improve our defenses against the types of attack that were used. Give the Mullets the Gadaffi treatment and see how it goes. Additionally we could start by saying anyone who trades with Iran cannot sell into the US. One or the other; secondary boycotts can work.

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Re: Iran attacks onSaudi

Post by John »

** 18-Sep-2019 Iran's attacks on Saudi Arabia
Goose wrote: > Any time you let a neighborhood bully run loose because it suits
> your own ends it will always end badly. Asia and Europe have
> kissed the backside of the [Mullahs] for a long time and now it is
> going to bite them. They forgot or ignored the fable about the
> frog and the scorpion so I have no sympathy. As far as I am
> concerned it their problem and I would let them solve it. A very
> good opportunity for us to improve our defenses against the types
> of attack that were used. Give the [Mullahs] the Gadaffi treatment
> and see how it goes. Additionally we could start by saying anyone
> who trades with Iran cannot sell into the US. One or the other;
> secondary boycotts can work.
Well, you seem to captured the spirit of what John Bolton might be
advising, but there are several problems with your two proposals.

First, contrary to popular contemporary mythology, the ouster of
Muammer Gaddafi from Libya in 2011 was not the result of a
spontaneous, out-of-the-blue decision by Nato and America to start
bombing a peaceful country. In fact, Libya's crisis began with the
"Arab Spring" launched next door in Tunisia, and Gaddafi's response to
peaceful protests with a bloodbath from Benghazi and Tobruk in the
east to Tripoli in the west, driving hundreds of thousands of refugees
fleeing from Libya pouring into neighboring countries, and crossing
the Mediterranean into Europe. At that point, the Arab League voted
unanimously for the US, Britain and Nato to establish a no-fly zone
over Libya. Gaddafi kept slaughtering civilians anyway, and that's
what led to the ousting of Gaddafi.

** 5-Mar-16 World View -- A look back at Libya in 2011 as the West debates another military intervention
** ... tm#e160305

So when you say you want to give Iran "the Gadaffi treatment," that's
impossible, since there's no similarity between Iran today and Libya
in 2011.

Your second suggestion is to say "anyone who trades with Iran cannot
sell into the US."

Soooooooooooo, let's see. Russia and China will continue to trade
with Iran. Are you saying that all American imports from Russia and
China would be cut off? I don't think so.

At any rate, Trump this morning announced new sanctions on Iran. That
will have to be enough for today.

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