Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 01-Mar-2022 World View: Attacking Russia
tim wrote:
Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:38 pm
> The Chinese surprise attack is coming but nobody knows for sure
> where it will be or what it will look like.

> While I don't wish harm on anyone, the idea of the Chinese moving
> on Eastern Russia for living space instead of a nuclear surprise
> Pearl Harbor style attack will be better for the overall outcome
> of the World War.
I agree. Napoleon's attack on Russia was his downfall. Hitler's
attack on Russia was his downfall. And Xi's attack on Russia might
also be his downfall.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by tim »


Its been an amazing experience to follow your work over the years and watch as this wheel of history turns. You're probably the first person in history to be so accurate in your predictions. While your predictions are not popular someone will always appreciate the simple truth of things no matter how awful they may be.

People who I told 10 years ago that a World War was coming laughed at me now they are asking me what they should do. Its 2022, we have war in Europe and very soon people are going to find out that history didn't end when they were born.

As we get deeper into this Crisis Era, and as the war starts to spiral out of control, I just wanted to say thanks now as we don't know how much time we have left.

My grandmother who lived through WWII and the Battle of Britain always told the family to "enjoy your friends and family because none of this is going to last".

I'm not saying goodbye yet, but the attack on America is coming and can occur at any time.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 01-Mar-2022 World View: The Forum
tim wrote:
Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:53 pm
> John,

> Its been an amazing experience to follow your work over the years
> and watch as this wheel of history turns. You're probably the
> first person in history to be so accurate in your
> predictions. While your predictions are not popular someone will
> always appreciate the simple truth of things no matter how awful
> they may be.

> People who I told 10 years ago that a World War was coming laughed
> at me now they are asking me what they should do. Its 2022, we
> have war in Europe and very soon people are going to find out that
> history didn't end when they were born.

> As we get deeper into this Crisis Era, and as the war starts to
> spiral out of control, I just wanted to say thanks now as we don't
> know how much time we have left.

> My grandmother who lived through WWII and the Battle of Britain
> always told the family to "enjoy your friends and family because
> none of this is going to last".

> I'm not saying goodbye yet, but the attack on America is coming
> and can occur at any time.
Thank you very much, Tim. I really appreciate it.

Well, I'm 77 years old (soon to be 78) and I just don't have the
energy I used to have. Furthermore, I'm tired of the losing battle of
fighting the "Cassandra curse," which means I'm treated abusively even
when (or especially when) I'm right. It's a losing battle. So it's
wonderful to read a complimentary post like yours.

It's hard to believe that I used to have a full-time job plus I wrote
and posted an emailed article every day and I wrote several books.
These days, I have so little energy that I'm lucky if I can get an
article out per month, although I do try to contribute something to
the forum every day.

I also appreciate the experts who contribute to this forum. They make
this site extremely valuable, although little appreciated.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Xeraphim1 »

tim wrote:
Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:38 pm
John wrote:
Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:39 pm
** 01-Mar-2022 World View: A Chinese Communist surprise?

That certainly would be a surprise, and it's possible since Putin has
transferred many of his forces in Siberia and the Far East to the west
to fight in Ukraine. So this point in time presents a good
opportunity to the Chinese Communists.

It also fits the paradigm that history doesn't repeat itself, but it
rhymes. Hitler double-crossed a desperate Stalin by invading Russia
after promising not to, and Xi could double-cross a desperate Putin by
invading Russia after promising not to.
The Chinese surprise attack is coming but nobody knows for sure where it will be or what it will look like.

While I don't wish harm on anyone, the idea of the Chinese moving on Eastern Russia for living space instead of a nuclear surprise Pearl Harbor style attack will be better for the overall outcome of the World War.
No one expects the Spanish Inquisit....

I mean the Chinese Invasion!


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by MrGuest »


Its been an amazing experience to follow your work over the years and watch as this wheel of history turns. You're probably the first person in history to be so accurate in your predictions. While your predictions are not popular someone will always appreciate the simple truth of things no matter how awful they may be.

People who I told 10 years ago that a World War was coming laughed at me now they are asking me what they should do. Its 2022, we have war in Europe and very soon people are going to find out that history didn't end when they were born.

As we get deeper into this Crisis Era, and as the war starts to spiral out of control, I just wanted to say thanks now as we don't know how much time we have left.

My grandmother who lived through WWII and the Battle of Britain always told the family to "enjoy your friends and family because none of this is going to last".
I concur in thanking John. I don't comment often, but I've followed your work for close to 20 years and have watched this all unfold. Perhaps part of the curse is that once the unthinkable becomes obvious people forget that they once thought it unthinkable. I don't hear much about it from those to whom I've talked to about Generational Theory, but I hope at least some of them see the connection enough to get a head start.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

I too concur in thanking John for his work on Generational Theory.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

I agree. I wouldn't be half as informed as I am if I didn't stumble onto this website. Funny thing, it was by pure chance when reading about Strauss and Howe's Generational Theory, read a couple articles here I thought was interesting, and here I am.

I will admit, until the Ukraine invasion, the prospect of a world war. . . while I believed the analysis, it had been an abstract thought for me. it didn't feel real and genuine. I expect most people in Europe back in the 1930s felt the same way. Having another world war break out was just too unimaginable; they couldn't believe anyone would willingly go through something like that, especially after the Great War.

Scares the hell out of me, given I don't think my chances of survival are that high being on the autism spectrum. Almost every article I've read sees this in the context of a new Cold War with Russia and China, because that's what all these pundits are old enough to remember. No one younger than 80 has any memory of the Second World War.

Suppose all that can be done is prepare as much as my limited budget allows. Thanks for developing Generational Dynamics.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

John does in fact do a nice job of posting and moderating the board. I poke at him often, but he is a sharp cookie.

So thanks, big guy. I'll save 10% for you (-:

Zoomer go Brr

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Zoomer go Brr »

Russian reservists called up are basically kids that were lied to and told they were taking part in training exercises and then pushed to the front. Here’s your average Russian soldier in the field with flagging morale/surrendering: ... 61475?s=21

I feel bad for the Ukrainian people, but also for these kids thrown into the meat grinder.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »


I'll admit all these people rushing to thank you like it might be their last chance have me a little spooked, but I'm going to say "thank you" also.

I have been reading your site every day for about a decade, and I have found it by far to be the most useful and believable news site on the internet. In addition to the experts who comment, whom we all appreciate, your site is also made great by contributions from people from other countries, often posting as "guest" (maybe to avoid persecution). I think they post because 1) they believe what they read here, and 2) they think your audience wants to hear what they have to say.

Now that I've thanked you, my earnest wish is that you and your site will be around and active for many more years for us to enjoy.

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