5-Dec-18 World View -- Ukraine and Turkey develop closer relationship amid Russia's aggression

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5-Dec-18 World View -- Ukraine and Turkey develop closer relationship amid Russia's aggression

Post by John »

5-Dec-18 World View -- Ukraine and Turkey develop closer relationship amid Russia's aggression

Russia 'partially unblocks' Ukraine's ports

** 5-Dec-18 World View -- Ukraine and Turkey develop closer relationship amid Russia's aggression
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e181205

Russia 'partially unblocks' Ukraine's ports
Turkey and Ukraine may establish strategic military partnership against Russia

Generational Dynamics, Ukraine, Sea of Azov, Russia, Kerch Strait,
Crimea, Mariupol, Berdyansk, Turkey, China, South China Sea,
Petro Poroshenko, Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
Montreux Convention, Bosphorus, Dardanelles


Re: 5-Dec-18 World View -- Ukraine and Turkey develop closer relationship amid Russia's aggression

Post by Guest »

Second, Ukraine has asked Turkey to invoke the Montreux Convention, to shut down the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, in order to block passage of Russia's ships between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.
Now that would be interesting.

Silent Guest 1

Re: 5-Dec-18 World View -- Ukraine and Turkey develop closer relationship amid Russia's aggression

Post by Silent Guest 1 »

Putin plays an endless version of arrogant cheater chess. Always he is concealing bogus extra pieces up his sleeves. Just as China sucks in potential economic slave nations, Putin is busily reassembling the USSR.
Barry's 8 years have left America quite vulnerable. Half the standing military consists of officers sitting office thrones, playing tin soldier war games and living large until death. The remaining half reduced by green cards and alphabet people. This is polar opposite of the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. We are a fragmented nation, many of whom have chosen to be looped in leftist lunacy. In this season, "Peace on earth to men of GOOD will", has loaded implications. The first object is to be part of the GOOD ones.

Orthodoxy or death

Re: 5-Dec-18 World View -- Ukraine and Turkey develop closer relationship amid Russia's aggression

Post by Orthodoxy or death »

Hopefully the Russians target the Neocon stooge Poland first and foremost. The Pollacks, who masquerade as Nationalists, are in fact the ultimate globalist cucks having been used as the spearhead of the vile pedophile-infested Catholic Church against Russian Orthodox Christians for centuries.

Orthodoxy or death.

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Re: 5-Dec-18 World View -- Ukraine and Turkey develop closer relationship amid Russia's aggression

Post by CH86 »

Orthodoxy or death wrote:Hopefully the Russians target the Neocon stooge Poland first and foremost. The Pollacks, who masquerade as Nationalists, are in fact the ultimate globalist cucks having been used as the spearhead of the vile pedophile-infested Catholic Church against Russian Orthodox Christians for centuries.

Orthodoxy or death.
A catholic Ukraine would be a mocking of history, Since the Kievan Rus was orthodox and a precursor to both Russia and Ukraine. When the Mongols ravaged Kiev the majority of the surviving population fled north into what is now European Russia.

The Problem with pedophilia in the church is not because of inherent evil in the church, but due to the influx of protestant type doctrines post-Vatican 2 which made it easier for a pedophile to get in there. The Church undertook the wrong type of reform then, they implemented protestant type reform when they should have returned to the Pre-Trent doctrines.

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