1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

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1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

Post by John »

1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

The Grand Bazaar and the prospects for regime change

** 1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e180801

Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets
The Grand Bazaar and the prospects for regime change

Generational Dynamics, Iran, Tehran, Grand Bazaar, Isfahan,
Seyed Ali Khamenei, Ruhollah Khomeini,
Khuzestan, Iran/Iraq war,
Tobacco Revolt, Constitutional Revolution,
White Revolution, Islamic Revolution


Re: 1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

Post by Guest »

How will there be regime change in Iran without a violent revolution? America was a democracy when Nixon resigned. Iran has never be a real democracy in any western sense of the word. Iranians are not Americans. I think you are using a template they fails to take that in consideration.

Silent Guest 2

Re: 1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

Post by Silent Guest 2 »

Guest's comment further prompts my own question. America is no longer a Constitutional democratic republic. We are deeply fragmented and divided. Bazaar shop merchants are the catalysts for Iran's revolutions. Overt shop talk. Here we have covert big biz, pharm and ag.
Apparently Iranian clergy also assumed different 2016 election results. The money and who knows what else supply train has been derailed. The Bazaar version of Tieneman Square may be ahead unless Russia or China throw rial prop ups.

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Re: 1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

Post by John »

Guest wrote: > How will there be regime change in Iran without a violent
> revolution? America was a democracy when Nixon resigned. Iran has
> never be a real democracy in any western sense of the
> word. Iranians are not Americans. I think you are using a template
> they fails to take that in consideration.
The people did not directly force Nixon to resign. It was the
politicians in Congress that forced Nixon to resign.

Iran is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and a lot of
people, even hardliners, are sick of this. The Assembly of Experts
could exercise its oversight role and force some change on the Supreme

Khamenei is old, and rumored to be ill, though that's denied. If he's
replaced by a Reformist, there could be significant change with no
crisis war. The Shah's son could be brought back in some form. There
will be some violence that will fizzle like the Tobacco Revolt or
White Revolution protests, but not a full scale war like the Islamic
Revolution or the Constitutional Revolution.

Javid Shah

Re: 1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

Post by Javid Shah »

Javid Shah, God bless the great king. For the attention of the evil Brits far left radical liberal democrats in USA & all the EU Iranhaters. Millions of Iranians love the Pahlavi kings & know that it was Jimmy Carter & the evil Brits who overthrow Iran's modernizer Shah in 1979 because he wouldnt renew the oil contract due to expire on that year. Shah loved Iran more than anything in his life & he bacame the thorn in the USA & British eyes for standing for his principles.

Javid Shah means Long the Shah. Monarchy was an is an institution a way of life & a unifying element. It has been for over 7000 years. The Pahlavi's symbolised all of that yet the evil Brits with the help of Jimmy Carter didn't want the continuation of the stability & progress in Iran. When the Shah refused to renew the oil contract s with the west in 1979, he was terrorised & removed in no time. The very same ignoble westerners R opposing regime change in Iran.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

Post by John »

Javid Shah wrote: > Javid Shah, God bless the great king. For the attention of the
> evil Brits far left radical liberal democrats in USA & all the EU
> Iranhaters. Millions of Iranians love the Pahlavi kings &
> know that it was Jimmy Carter & the evil Brits who overthrow
> Iran's modernizer Shah in 1979 because he wouldnt renew the oil
> contract due to expire on that year.
Shah loved Iran more than
> anything in his life & he bacame the thorn in the USA & British
> eyes for standing for his principles.

> Javid Shah means Long the Shah. Monarchy was an is an institution
> a way of life & a unifying element. It has been for over 7000
> years. The Pahlavi's symbolised all of that yet the evil Brits
> with the help of Jimmy Carter didn't want the continuation of
> the stability & progress in Iran
. When the Shah refused to
> renew the oil contract s with the west in 1979, he was terrorised
> & removed in no time. The very same ignoble westerners R
> opposing regime change in Iran.

Anyone who thinks that Jimmy Carter and the "evil Brits" overthrew the
Shah is delusional.

The Shah's reign was violent and suppressive, no better than Khomeini
who replaced him.
Iran Chamber wrote: > In 1967 he crowned himself as King of the Kings (Emperor of Iran)
> and his wife, Farah Diba, as Shahbanoo (Empress), which caused
> discontentment amongst diffrent levels of society. ...

> The shah's regime suppressed and marginalized its opponents with
> the help of Iran's security and intelligence organization, the
> SAVAK. Relying on oil revenues, which sharply increased in late
> 1973, the Shah pursued his goal of developing Iran as a mighty
> regional power dedicated to social reform and economic
> development. Yet he continually sidestepped democratic
> arrangements and refused to allow meaningful civic and political
> liberties, remaining unresponsive to public opinion.

> By the mid-1970s the Shah reigned amidst widespread discontent
> caused by the continuing repressiveness of his regime,
> socioeconomic changes that benefited some classes at the expense
> of others, and the increasing gap between the ruling elite and the
> disaffected populace. Islamic leaders, particularly the exiled
> cleric Ayatollah Khomeini, were able to focus this discontent
> with a populist ideology tied to Islamic principles and calls for
> the overthrow of the shah. The Shah's government collapsed
> following widespread uprisings in 1978 -1979 and consequently an
> Islamic Republic succeeded his regime.

> http://www.iranchamber.com/history/moha ... zashah.php
I believe that the first paragraph of the above describes the ceremony
in the youtube video.

Silent Guest 2

Re: 1-Aug-18 World View -- Iran's anti-government protests expand as rial currency plummets

Post by Silent Guest 2 »

Javid's post is an example of extremist beliefs. Our family lost 3 young male children to an Irani spouse. "Not Without My Child" was not just a movie.
Until recently America has been an assimilation of many ancestories and we were once The United States. Iran is an example of historic ongoing fragmentation. John's response is certainly militarily and politically factual. Javid will not accept anything beyond unreasoned historical talking point beliefs.
A hard lesson is in this series of posts.

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