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19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:16 am
by John
19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Comparing Russian trolls to Chinese hackers

** 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls
** ... tm#e180219

Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls
How the Russian trolls do their jobs
Russian trolls are Bashar al-Assad's use of chemical weapons
Comparing Russian trolls to Chinese hackers

Generational Dynamics, Department of Justice, Rod Rosenstein,
Robert Mueller, Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Syria,
St. Petersburg, troll factory, Internet Research Agency,
Bashar al-Assad, Igor Strelkov, AN-26, China,
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, Russian Buk 9M38 missile

Re: 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:11 am
Summary: Yes the crimes are real, but it is laughable to prosecute these crimes because everybody knows about them and everybody is doing it.

You right wing nut jobs are so laughable. Anything to obstruct justice when it is you who benefits from the crime. You are so deep into your false ideology that you cannot even comprehend another way of thinking.

Re: 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:37 pm
by wasp
ZZAZZ wrote:Summary: Yes the crimes are real, but it is laughable to prosecute these crimes because everybody knows about them and everybody is doing it.

You right wing nut jobs are so laughable. Anything to obstruct justice when it is you who benefits from the crime. You are so deep into your false ideology that you cannot even comprehend another way of thinking.
These crimes won't be prosecuted because the people being charged are in Russia.

You left-wing nuts are so predictable. You pretend to be outranged over something completely meaningless, then stand firm against prosecuting Hillary for repeatedly breaking the law with her server, or her husband for rape.

Re: 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:01 pm
by devorah
Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 were not far off in their portrayals of Russian and some American intel. Trolls are increasingly common. Hacking attempts into our family' banking matters have been unsuccessful but disconcerting. To know that national govt data is vulnerable is not reassuring.
The bigger questions are how far afield Mueller's "investigation" strayed, and how he can with a straight face ignore the entire dossier and illegal server schemes. This administration has made little attempt to address matters involving national security, including enforcing immigration laws and cleaning up illegals' voting. Millions of dollars have been wasted on this indeed farsical rummaging in all the wrong places.
Thank you, John, for addressing this. Yet another day passes that law, order and justice are swept under the political rug.
You ZZ guy: leftist trolls do not thrive here.

Re: 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:26 am
by psCargile
Oh, the irony of Democrats siding against their ideological twin Russia.

Re: 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:46 pm
by PonderingPossum
ZZAZZ wrote:Summary: Yes the crimes are real, but it is laughable to prosecute these crimes because everybody knows about them and everybody is doing it.

You right wing nut jobs are so laughable. Anything to obstruct justice when it is you who benefits from the crime. You are so deep into your false ideology that you cannot even comprehend another way of thinking.
How do define "nut jobs"? When insanity is the rule of the day sanity feels like insanity. I thought I had a mental break but it turns out I just started to view reality for what it is. I'm so embarrassed I lied to myself for so long. And to think I voted for Hillary and Obama. Not that the specifics matter. We are just rearranging deck chairs on the titanic.

Re: 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:20 pm
by Higgenbotham2
The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB

Been going on a long time. It's what they do.


Re: 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:05 am
by Russialovesyou
And how many US Presidents actually sided with Russia since 1960? 1. Tiny Trumpkins.

Re: 19-Feb-18 World View -- Special prosecutor Robert Mueller issues farcical indictment of Russian trolls

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:51 pm
by Higgenbotham2
Russialovesyou wrote:And how many US Presidents actually sided with Russia since 1960? 1. Tiny Trumpkins.