5-Oct-17 World View -- Russia considers taking on a huge financial burden - Venezuela

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5-Oct-17 World View -- Russia considers taking on a huge financial burden - Venezuela

Post by John »

5-Oct-17 World View -- Russia considers taking on a huge financial burden - Venezuela

Maduro has 'plans A, B and C' if US imposes further sanctions

** 5-Oct-17 World View -- Russia considers taking on a huge financial burden - Venezuela
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e171005

Russia considers taking on a huge financial burden - Venezuela
Maduro has 'plans A, B and C' if US imposes further sanctions

Generational Dynamics, Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, Hugo Chávez,
Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., PDVSA, Fitch Rating, Rosneft,
Russia, Vladimir Putin, International Monetary Fund, IMF

Talking doesnt work

Re: 5-Oct-17 World View -- Russia considers taking on a huge financial burden - Venezuela

Post by Talking doesnt work »

President Trump gave a great speech. Too bad the liberal media chose to ignore most of it and take the rest of it out of context.

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Re: 5-Oct-17 World View -- Russia considers taking on a huge financial burden - Venezuela

Post by Brendan »

I would agree. Trump's international speeches are really strong and coherent. It is interesting to contrast those speeches with some he has made domestically and even his rhetoric on twitter. Obviously there are speech writers involved in some of these scenarios but I think it still illustrates that Trump is more than what the left and the media want to make him out to be. He could make all of his rhetoric like his UN speech (similar to past presidents) but he chooses not to because he knows better.

This is an interesting situation for Russia to be in. It will show how dedicated they are to their cause of undermining global political stability.

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Re: 5-Oct-17 World View -- Russia considers taking on a huge financial burden - Venezuela

Post by Weiseth »

Talking doesnt work wrote:President Trump gave a great speech. Too bad the liberal media chose to ignore most of it and take the rest of it out of context.
That speech redeems any compromise he does with Democrats in my opinion, never since Reagan has such truths been signalled to all of humanity. Socialism owns it's failures. And the great thing is young people are waking up and embracing traditionalism all across Europe and USA, the leftist hedonism and cultural decay that both leftists and conservatives had come to see as the inevitable decay of our civilization is now just a part of aging old outdated leftist shit that is called socialism, outside screeching university students people are discarding socialism and leftism for the entropic shit that it is. The future has never looked brighter even if we have to go through a War to achieve it.

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