4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

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4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by John »

4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

JNIM (Group for Support of Islam and Muslims) takes credit for attacks

** 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e171004

Jihadist attacks on UN peacekeepers surge in Mali
JNIM (Group for Support of Islam and Muslims) takes credit for attacks

Generational Dynamics, Mali, Kidal, Gao, Niger, Burkina Faso,
Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission, MINUSMA,
António Guterres, France, Mauritania, Chad, G5 Sahel Force,
Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims,
JNIM, Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslim,
Ansar Dine, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, AQIM,
Al Murabitoon, Katibat Macina, Macina Liberation Front,
Ansaroul Islam

Coordinated fires
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Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by Coordinated fires »

Would thier last crisis period then be the famine and the first Tuareg rebellion in the late 60s early 70s?
Politics is war by other means

Coordinated fires
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Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by Coordinated fires »

Nigeria is the most stable developed economy in West Africa. The last thing that continent needs is the most stab,e country to collapse into chaos.
Politics is war by other means


Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by Guest »

Coordinated fires wrote:Nigeria is the most stable developed economy in West Africa. The last thing that continent needs is the most stab,e country to collapse into chaos.
Most stable, but relative to what? The Congo?

Coordinated fires
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Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by Coordinated fires »

well, yes. Compared to all the west and central African states. They're already facing an economic slowdown and al-shabbab. So it doesn't bode well for a region that is already rife with corruption, economic stagnation, crime, and terrorism.
Politics is war by other means

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Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by Weiseth »

Coordinated fires wrote:Nigeria is the most stable developed economy in West Africa. The last thing that continent needs is the most stab,e country to collapse into chaos.
I'm going to Nigeria Lagos and Benin City next month on business trip, will definitely only stay in the city limits.

John loves to point out Christians killing Christians 80 years ago or in Ukraine, but with the exception of Ukraine the only problem in the world outside of state power committing genocide are Muslim Militias. Even the Anti-Selekas in CAR are only killing muslims for retribution and self defence.

There is much explanatory power in Generational Dynamics (perhaps the most there is, especially in conjunction with evolutionary psychology), but to treat every religion as equal outlets/justification for crisis era wars is just not statistically significant which is why Obama had to go back to the Crusades to point out Christian holy war and why people have to rhetorically dance back 100-400 years to make the point that Christianity function as identical system to Islam.

And even the Thirty Years Wars which Xenakis point out from time to time was justified more through Bohemian Sovereignty and taxation than as a religious war. Take Sweden the protestant lion from the north to destroy the evil Catholics only intervened because of Oxenstierna Baltid Design Plan which Sweden wanted hegemony over the Baltic sea by conquering the northern german sea ports. And true enough the Swedes sued for peace after completing that plan. John George of Saxony intervened two times and both times annexed neighbouring provinces increasing his power as Saxony was one of the more powerful german states. Catholic France supported Protestant Palatinate Pretender Emperor. Denmark wanted to expand southwards beyond Holstein. The England wanted to disrupt the Habsburg as the Habsburgs was aligned with Spain which was England rival.

Sure it is Christians killing Christians, but it is not because God commands them to kill people, but in Islam Allah commands Muslims to always kill infidels. So in conclusion Islam is a existential threat even outside of crisis eras.

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Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by John »

This is total nonsense.

There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, and only a small number of
jihadist terrorists interpret the Koran as you claim to. That's
obvious from the fact that almost all of those 1.8 billion are not
only not going around killing infidels, but in fact they're living
peacefully with the so-called infidels.

It says something about you that you interpret the Koran the same way
that a small number of jihadist terrorists do, instead of the way that
billions of Muslims do.

You also ignore the massive Christian genocides in the last century in
Germany, Russia, and more recently Rwanda and Bosnia.

People like you would say that those 1.8 billion Muslims are not
really Muslims, because they're not going out killing infidels.

People like you would then say that those Christians weren't really
Christians because they committed genocide.

So you have it all figured out: If billions of Muslims aren't
committing genocide, then they're not really Muslims, while if
billions of Christians DID commit genocide then they're not
really Christians.

So I'm telling you that genocide is caused by DNA, not by religion,
and that all religions have the same DNA, and that Muslims are no
different than Christians over a period of decades. I'm also telling
you that, based on the opinions of billions of Muslims, your
interpretation of the Koran is wrong.

I hope you'll be safe in Lagos, and that it won't be as dangerous as
South Chicago or Las Vegas.

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Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by Weiseth »

John wrote:This is total nonsense.

There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, and only a small number of
jihadist terrorists interpret the Koran as you claim to. That's
obvious from the fact that almost all of those 1.8 billion are not
only not going around killing infidels, but in fact they're living
peacefully with the so-called infidels.

It says something about you that you interpret the Koran the same way
that a small number of jihadist terrorists do, instead of the way that
billions of Muslims do.

You also ignore the massive Christian genocides in the last century in
Germany, Russia, and more recently Rwanda and Bosnia.

People like you would say that those 1.8 billion Muslims are not
really Muslims, because they're not going out killing infidels.

People like you would then say that those Christians weren't really
Christians because they committed genocide.

So you have it all figured out: If billions of Muslims aren't
committing genocide, then they're not really Muslims, while if
billions of Christians DID commit genocide then they're not
really Christians.

So I'm telling you that genocide is caused by DNA, not by religion,
and that all religions have the same DNA, and that Muslims are no
different than Christians over a period of decades. I'm also telling
you that, based on the opinions of billions of Muslims, your
interpretation of the Koran is wrong.

I hope you'll be safe in Lagos, and that it won't be as dangerous as
South Chicago or Las Vegas.
Alright then, I concede that your model explains that there is a universal collective application of State Power in the organization of violence that can be explained through DNA and in that regard religion is not the cause. But for your model to be valid you also have to account for all the non-state terrorist attacks in Europe and Africa by Muslims whereas there are next to no Christian terrorist attacks, and no terrorist attacks done in the name of Christianity. Yes in my country we had the terrorist attack of Breivik who wanted to create a Norse-Pagan "Crusader" movement to kill muslims, but even so that was not done in the name of Christianity as he himself said, and that was just one attack whereas there has been over dozens of muslim terrorist attacks, not to mention all the thousand of Jihadists that went from Europe to join ISIS and wage terror in Iraq and Syria. There are no Christians flocking to join up with anti-selekas in CAR to kill muslims.

As for the small number of Muslims interpreting Islam radically I recommend watching this breakdown by Ben Shapiro:

And I didn't ignore the previous wars, which is why I said you have to dance back 100-400 years to prove the "Christianity and Islam are just as violent" claim, granted I should have said 72 years. I also mentioned Ukraine as the exception. And I don't know if you can explain that as a crisis era war, they are still fighting true but it is not a full scale war or full scale genocide. At least not yet, so for the time being Ukraine is not a comparative example with for example Syria or Myanmar.

But yes I'm saying those Muslims who are not radical are not really muslims. You are American so I'm guessing you don't have much experience living with muslims but I grew up in the ghetto with 30% muslims in my city and those muslims were completely non-religious. The only thing they observed was not eating pork with the exception of bacon and they all partied and consumed alcohol. So of those 1.8 billion "muslims" that are not radical they are "muslim" in name only just like the Nazis were mostly "Christian" in name only and the Soviets were "Christian" in name only as if you study National Socialism it is not a coherent ideology but the teachings of Himmler, Hitler, Wiligut which were based on Guido Von List they are not Christian at all, they are based on a mix of pagan inspired esotericism mixed with Blavatsky and the Soviets were completely based on dialectical materialism.

Though we might be arguing past each other here, what is your definition of religion in your model? Because I think it has to be accounted for to explain the huge difference in number of terrorist attacks by non state actors in Europe and Africa between Muslims and other religions.

Thanks for wishing me safe travels by the way. As for Las Vegas, I don't think they will suffer as much drop in tourism as Morocco did after their beach terrorist attack for the exact same reason I argued above.


Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by Guest »

The Turkish Lira is imploding, Ankara and Washington are suspending the issuance of visas, and the Turkish economy is heading towards collapse. It looks like the realignment of Turkey is accelerating. The Turks appear to be throwing caution to the wind. They seem to have planned out this fiasco well in advance with the arrest of an American embassy employee on trumped up charges.

What happens when NATO allies go to war with each other? What is the protocol for that?

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Re: 4-Oct-17 World View -- Jihadist attacks in Mali surge with rise of al-Qaeda linked JNIM

Post by John »

Weiseth wrote: > As for the small number of Muslims interpreting Islam radically I
> recommend watching this breakdown by Ben Shapiro:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7TAAw3oQvg
This really infuriates me because it's total, absolute bullshit, and
yet it's highly inflammatory and does a lot of damage. It sickens me
that media people on both the left and the right are willing to spout
any crap with impunity.

I'll just take one of his examples, because I wrote an article about
it a couple of years ago:

** 10-Feb-15 World View -- Bill O'Reilly's statistics on Islamic terrorism are nonsense
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e150210


The youtube video refers to polls that show that some percentage of
Muslims believe that "suicide bombings can be justified against
civilians," and conclude that this same percentage of Muslims believe
that suicide bombings in Paris or New York can be justified.

The reason that anyone would reach such a stupid conclusion is that
they know absolutely nothing about what's going on in the world.

Let's take Bangladesh for example, which I wrote about at length in
the 2015 article referenced above, and I've written about Bangladesh
several times since then. To understand why some Bangladeshis think
suicide bombings are OK you have to understand that in 1971 there was
an extremely bloody and vicious war between Biharis and Bengalis,
resulting in the creation of the state of Bangladesh.

Today, the Biharis are only 12% of the population, but they control
the government and the businesses. The other 88% are extremely poor
Bengalis, doing menial jobs, earning little money. So yes, many
Bengalis say that suicide bombings are sometimes justified -- but
targeting Biharis, not targeting Americans or Europeans, about whom
they couldn't care less.

So that's what I mean about this. You have stupid people, knowing
nothing about what's going on in the world, making stupid,
inflammatory statements, creating hatred, xenophobia and nationalism
-- and this is what's happening to people in all countries of all
religions, and it's why we're headed for WW III.

Here are a couple of other articles where I've written about this
general subject:

** 3-Mar-15 World View -- Why did ISIS release 19 Assyrian Christian hostages?
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e150303

** 13-Jan-15 World View -- Concern rising over Muslim 'no-go zones' as terror breeding grounds
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e150113

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