7-Aug-10 News -- Financial experts freaked on jobs report

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7-Aug-10 News -- Financial experts freaked on jobs report

Post by John »

7-Aug-10 News -- Financial experts freaked on jobs report

** 7-Aug-10 News -- Financial experts freaked on jobs report
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 07#e100807

"Jobs report reflects continued downward trend in economy"
"An analogy for the Law of Mean Reversion"
"Increasing debt of US companies"
"Additional links"
Devastating Pakistan floods worsen with new rains
Both the U.S. and militant groups are providing aid to Pakistan
Fires in Russia are causing intense anger at the government
A Japanese oil tanker was bombed by al-Qaeda group
Indonesians seeking trip to Mecca victimized by government officials
Young Chinese are increasingly unable to write Chinese characters
100'th anniversary of Japan's annexation of Korea in 1910
Pakistan's activists object to China's help with nuclear reactors
Julia Roberts says that she's a practicing Hindu


Re: 7-Aug-10 News -- Financial experts freaked on jobs report

Post by Guest »

Myself, I'm just surprised it took this long to turn down.

Companies won't hire until they pay down debt and consumer sales pick up.

Consumer sales won't pick up until consumers see secure jobs and pay down their debts.

Honestly, the better use for that two trillion in bailouts and stimulus would have been to buy and cancel the credit card debts for the US. That would be a stimulus, and only cost 800 billion or so.

http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card- ... s-1276.php

As it is, we are stuck in low gear, and will stay that way until we build infrastructure to reduce overall costs. That's going to take a while, as infrastructure spending (as opposed to pork) is anathema to most in Congress now.

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