5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

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5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by John »

5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Trump approves more powerful weapons sales to South Korea

** 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e170905

America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'
China's UN ambassador Liu Jieyi responds to Haley
Trump approves more powerful weapons sales to South Korea

Generational Dynamics, North Korea, South Korea, Nikki Haley,
Cheonan, Yeonpyeong Island, Liu Jieyi,
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, THAAD


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Guest »

I've read news articles in the British press that claim that President Trump calls Steve Bannon every day with General Kelly is out of the room. It seems Trump is still solidly connected to Steve Bannon and Generational Dynamics.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... round.html
Trump’s calls to Bannon: US president 'phones former aide when John Kelly isn’t around' – as staff dub his new chief of staff ‘the church lady’
-Insiders close to the President claim Trump has regular conversations with Bannon
-Close aides worry about the relationship between Trump and chief of staff John F. Kelly
-Kelly is referred to as 'the church lady' by loyal supporters of the president

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Trevor »

From what I've been reading, most don't seem to think that Trump is actually going to do anything, that it's just words, that we'll end up having to accept a nuclear North Korea no matter what. Those who do are claiming: "He's going to destroy the planet!" We just want to pretend that things are still the same as they were 20-30 years ago, that it'll stay the status quo forever. No way is North Korea going to stop or even slow down their nuclear program.

We're seven years deeper into a Crisis Era and I don't doubt that it won't be too long before North Korea launches a similar attack killing South Korean civilians, confident that they can do as they please with no one willing to do anything about it. Trump may have committed himself to stopping North Korea, but I'm not sure the public is willing to go along just yet, especially considering how hated he is.

A belief that is pretty constant is that the ordinary person would much rather live in peace, that it's only because the leaders want war and manipulate the public into supporting it. It's rather naïve, but a widespread belief. (For example, one of the greatest criticisms of Obama is that he was a wimp) Nevertheless, I wouldn't expect broad support unless China attacks directly.

Ironically, North Korea may end up complicating China's plan. I wouldn't expect them to attack until they feel they're fully prepared, but the North Koreans aren't cooperating.


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by guest »

Obama did nothing. At least Clinton did something. He gave the North Koreans light nuclear reactors. Oh wait, Clinton just made the situation worse.


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Guest »

Trump may have committed himself to stopping North Korea, but I'm not sure the public is willing to go along just yet, especially considering how hated he is.
Hated by who? The SJWs? The Women's Studies majors? Drug addicts who would never be allowed into the military? Tattooed lesbians? Transsexuals? Illegal immigrants living off of the American taxpayer? You mean the takers hate President Trump! The same people who hate America. The people who advocate open borders and rubbing America off the map.

The makers, the taxpayers, the skilled, the tradesmen, support Donald Trump.
These are the men who end up fighting the wars- not the "nasty women" and liberal self-loathing cucks.

The makers are what make a country function. The honest people who pay their taxes and obey the law. The makers-not the law breakers and takers-are the people who matter. Martin Armstrong is right: the vote should be restricted to the people who pay taxes; who have a stake in the game. I don't care what the parasites think.

If President Trump decides to take America to war, the patriotic taxpayers will support him with our money and our lives. Anyway, support him or not, it's people like me that end up paying for everything in blood and treasure.

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by psCargile »

What does North Korea want?


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Volcano »

There is now no doubt that North Korea and all those who live there are to be exterminated, The country has gone too far and got too dangerous. All that the world is waiting for is for North Korea to make the first move, a mistake and hopefully a small mistake costing as few lives as possible, then The world can obliterate North Korea. Good riddence too.

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by John »

Guest wrote:I've read news articles in the British press that claim that President Trump calls Steve Bannon every day with General Kelly is out of the room. It seems Trump is still solidly connected to Steve Bannon and Generational Dynamics.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... round.html
Trump’s calls to Bannon: US president 'phones former aide when John Kelly isn’t around' – as staff dub his new chief of staff ‘the church lady’
-Insiders close to the President claim Trump has regular conversations with Bannon
-Close aides worry about the relationship between Trump and chief of staff John F. Kelly
-Kelly is referred to as 'the church lady' by loyal supporters of the president
That would explain the "begging for war" comment.

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Brendan »

psCargile wrote:What does North Korea want?
I alluded to this in a previous news thread and have been thinking about it. I think what ultimately NK wants is to be respected. They seem like a kicked dog in a shitty situation (similar to post WWI Germany). I think their mentality is not far from many people in weak disadvantageous situations. I have a few to illustrate this point:
  • Men who beat women. I've heard a saying that I think holds true: It isn't the strong men that hit women it's the weak ones.
    Racism. I've read the most oppressive hate crimes against black are from whites at the very bottom and they attack so they themselves can feel stronger.
    Teens and young adults who carry guns to threaten and rob people.
What all of these situations have in common (like NK) is people in weak and vulnerable positions who become aggressive. Obviously it doesn't feel great to be in those positions and one of the quickest and easiest ways out is to threaten someone else. Rather than working hard over a period of years to gain respect and strength the individual is easily able to feel strong powerful and important. NK has been in modern times nothing but a joke in the international community. To the point where our media (which Kim Jon Un follows closely) openly mocks him which noticeably upsets him (think the movie the interview). He has made threats in the past that have gone largely ignored until now. By posing a threat he is now constantly a topic of discussion and fear (making him feel VERY important and strong). I think the problem is too that when you go down this path there really is no turning back. He could never back down because that would put him in an even lower standing/ more embarrassment than ever before and in some sense admitting that they aren't important or strong. Its a high that as it escalates feels great until the inevitable crash and reality sets in, which at that point is too late. It starts with small threats (much like any drug addiction) but then slowly becomes more and more aggressions and threats, especially in the context of WWII Germany if it works and you acquire more land and power why would you ever think of stopping? Everyone wants to feel important.

Thats at least my two cents...


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by zzazz »

There will be war, but only because Trump needs a war to cover his crimes and his abject failure as a president. Recent Republican presidents are almost compelled to start new wars to mollify their racist base. Unfortunately, Trump does not have either Obama's integrity or his morality; like king Bush Trump actually prefers policies that kill millions of foreigners and takes a keen delight in authoritarian depravities.

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