Week of June 7 - Hiatus

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Week of June 7 - Hiatus

Post by John »

Week of June 7 - Hiatus

** Week of June 7 - Hiatus
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 08#e100608

For the rest of this week, my job (the one that actually pays a
salary, as opposed to this one) will be taking up all my time, and
I'll be unable to write daily reports.

I've set up this comment thread to which anyone can post comments. If
time permits during the week, then I'll post there as well.

Web site readers are encouraged to post their own brief news reports
on breaking events, if they think that other readers of this web site
will find them interesting.

I expect to be posting regularly again at the end of the week.

"June is bustin' out all over"
"Additional links"
Protest music fills the streets of Tehran, Iran
Al-Qaeda in Iraq is 'devastated'
US and Yemen target Al-Qaeda on Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
'The euro will be dead in five years'
America's public debt is passing a key threshhold
List of printers that do and do not display yellow tracking dots
Obama administration prepares for fall elections
Burma (Myanmar) will be a new flashpoint between China and America
Major government shakeup in North Korea
Key ally of North Korea's Kim Jong-il mysteriously killed
Germans concerned about far-left terror manual
Elton John plays at Rush Limbaugh's wedding
Darth Vader suffered from borderline personality disorder.
Senators miss the simpler times

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Re: Week of June 7 - Hiatus

Post by vincecate »

Gaza blockade: Iran offers escort to next aid convoy
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ju ... aid-convoy

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Re: Week of June 7 - Hiatus

Post by John »

vincecate wrote:Gaza blockade: Iran offers escort to next aid convoy
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ju ... aid-convoy
I understand from a BBC report that Iran's escort would have to go through the Suez
Canal, and Egypt has historically not permitted that.


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Russia does not blame N. Korea for Cheonan sinking

Post by John »

http://beta.thehindu.com/news/internati ... 450117.ece

Russian probe undercuts Cheonan sinking theory
Vladimir Radyuhin

Russian experts who carried out a probe into the South Korean warship
sinking refused to put the blame on North Korea, military sources said on Tuesday.

A team of four submarine and torpedo experts from the Russian Navy returned to Moscow on Monday after making an
independent assessment of the March 26 sinking of the South Korean corvette Cheonan, in which 46 sailors were

A Russian Navy source said the experts had not found convincing evidence of North Korea's involvement.


A leading Russian expert on Korea suggested that the ship had been probably hit by friendly fire. “I think it was a
tragic accident during war games that cynical politicians are trying to exploit to maximum advantage,” said Dr.
Konstantin Asmolov of the Korea Centre at the Institute of the Far East.
This is going to infuriate the S. Korean hardliners. This is an increasingly incendiary situation.


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Glenn Beck Promotes Vicious Anti-Semite on Radio Show

Post by Oakwood »

Glenn Beck Promotes Vicious Anti-Semite on Radio Show
Menachem Rosensaft
Posted: June 8, 2010 07:14 AM

Just when we thought that we had heard all the offensive, Nazi-related comments that could possibly be uttered, we are proven wrong with a vengeance.

First we had Newt Gingrich's absurd pronouncement that the Obama administration's policies represent "as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did." Then Helen Thomas went into her rant about how the Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go home" to Poland and Germany, where Nazi Germany murdered millions of Jews. And now Tea Party movement hero and Fox News host Glenn Beck promotes a vicious anti-Semite and Nazi fellow traveler on his radio show.

At least Helen Thomas had the good sense to resign as a Hearst columnist. Beck, on the other hand, is utterly unapologetic, secure in the knowledge that his reactionary audiences applaud his hate mongering.

On his June 4 radio program, Beck sang the praises of Elizabeth Dilling's 1936 book, The Red Network: A "Who's Who" and Handbook of Radicalism for Patriots, in which she declared that "the problem of the large number of revolutionary Russian Jews in Germany doubtless contributed toward making Fascist Germany anti-Semitic." "Naziism [sic]," Dilling wrote in the screed Beck is now heralding, "has directed its attacks more against conspiring, revolutionary Communist Jews, than against nationalist German Jews who aided Germany during the war."

Dilling's book, Beck told his audience, was "from people who were doing what we're doing now." Ok, at least we now know what Beck purports to be doing.

Dilling, it should be noted, was an admirer of Adolf Hitler who appeared at rallies organized by the German-American Bund, the largest Nazi group in the United States. As Eric Hananoki observed on Media Matters for America, she has become a cult hero for White Supremacists like Women for Aryan Unity and Stormfront.org "who revere her 'fearless' work against Jewish people."

Elsewhere, Dilling wrote that "Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modern Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world's population;" she called President Eisenhower "Ike the kike;" and she dismissed President Kennedy's legislative agenda as the "Jew Frontier."

Beck is not alone in praising the works of Elizabeth Dilling. Remember David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who served briefly as a Republican member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, received over 43% in his 1990 race for the U.S. Senate seat from Louisiana, and ran for the 1992 Republican presidential nomination? Dilling's book, The Plot Against Christianity, is prominently featured on Duke's web site, including her assertions that the Bolshevik Revolution was "heavily financed by outside Jewish financial and banking houses," and that "This Jewish control still exists, despite propaganda to the contrary, designed to delude and deceive non-Jews."

According to Amazon.com, "customers who bought" The Plot Against Christianity also bought such classics as Martin Luther's The Jews and Their Lies and The Synagogue of Satan. One Amazon.com customer praised the Dilling book as "one of the best books I have ever read. This book exposes the fundamental teachings of modern day Jewry... the very Jewry that our Lord and Savior fought against."


This is the paragon whose writings Beck holds up to his listeners as required reading.

But then again, Beck announced on Fox & Friends last year that President Obama had "a deep-seated hatred for white people;" told his listeners on August 12, 2009 that while he was "not comparing" President Obama to Adolf Hitler, "please read Mein Kampf;" and two weeks later denounced the president's plan to expand the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps as "what Hitler did with the SS."

The real problem is that Beck, like Rush Limbaugh, has become a Republican and conservative icon. Earlier this year, he gave the key note address at the Conservative Political Action Conference. He also appeared together with Representative Michele Bachmann (R.-MN) at the annual conference of the Constitutional Coalition, and addressed the recent national convention of the National Rifle Association.

When the conservative establishment, including much of the Republican Party leadership, bestows a mantle of credibility on someone like Beck, it means that his words have their tacit endorsement. When they do not disavow Beck's promotion of an anti-Semitic pamphleteer, they give his national audience the green light to identify with and espouse Dilling's toxic views.

The time has come for prominent Republicans such as Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, Senator Mitch McConnell, the Minority Leader in the U.S. Senate, Representative John Boehner, McConnell's counterpart in the House of Representatives, and Representative Eric Cantor, the Republican Whip in the House, to be forced to publicly address Beck's irresponsible promotion of Elizabeth Dilling's book.

While we're at it, we are entitled to know whether other conservative political commentators like former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and William Kristol are prepared to distance themselves from Beck's offensive rhetoric.

As a nation, we simply cannot afford a resurgence in the American body politic of the xenophobic, racist, anti-Semitic sentiments once espoused by Father Charles Coughlin and his ilk. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/menachem- ... 04021.html

Tom Acre
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Re: Week of June 7 - Hiatus

Post by Tom Acre »

So HuffPo doesn't like Glenn Beck and is willing to tie itself into knots to call him names. Is this news? And aside from being an example of the irrational vitriol that exacerbates problems endemic to eras marked by crises, how is it relevant to Generational Dynamics?

Tom Acre
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Re: Week of June 7 - Hiatus

Post by Tom Acre »

Lending, saving, borrowing, spending seem to be consistent with generational analysis predictions.

http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. ... nk-in.html

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Re: Russia does not blame N. Korea for Cheonan sinking

Post by thomasglee »

A leading Russian expert on Korea suggested that the ship had been probably hit by friendly fire. “I think it was a
tragic accident during war games that cynical politicians are trying to exploit to maximum advantage,” said Dr.
Konstantin Asmolov of the Korea Centre at the Institute of the Far East.
This is an absurd statement. In war games one does not just fire weapons for the hell of it. A a matter-of-fact, during war games live ammunition is specifically not put into situations where an accidental firing might even occur. It's not as if the Cheonan was in a live-fire range zone. Sure, the ships participating in the war games probably had ammunition on board as that is a hostile area, but they NEVER would load a live missile into a tube even during a drill. They use dummy munitions for such exercises.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: Glenn Beck Promotes Vicious Anti-Semite on Radio Show

Post by thomasglee »

Oakwood wrote:Glenn Beck Promotes Vicious Anti-Semite on Radio Show
Menachem Rosensaft
This shows the ignorance of the left and is clearly a play to those that do not (will not) watch Beck's show and learn what he really says.

1. Beck is a devout Mormon. Mormon's have a deep love and respect for Jews as God's chosen people.

2. Beck OFTEN suggests his viewers read books written by those he disagrees with philosophically. He says we have to read their books to understand their minds.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Iran and N. Korea in the UN Security Council

Post by John »

The UN security council approved new sanctions against Iran today. This is actually
pretty signifcant, because both Russia and China voted in favor. Only Brazil and
Turkey voted against, and Lebanon abstained.

http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/mi ... 60364.html

Now focus returns to North Korea, where the North Koreans are once again threatened
war if the Security Council even discusses the subject. Meanwhile, S. Korea has
installed the loudspeakers for its psychological warfare campaign. Another day,
another increase in danger on the Korean Peninsula.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/asia_p ... 271883.stm


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