20-Feb-10 News - Russia 'alarmed' at Iran

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20-Feb-10 News - Russia 'alarmed' at Iran

Post by John »

20-Feb-10 News - Russia 'alarmed' at Iran

** 20-Feb-10 News - Russia 'alarmed' at Iran
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 20#e100220

"Russia losing patience with Iran's "very alarming" nuclear non-cooperation"
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Re: 20-Feb-10 News - Russia 'alarmed' at Iran

Post by gerald »

Russia's concern over Iran's nuclear program may very well be about Russia's own survival. Why? Iran is being guided by a religious fanaticism offering a reward in the here after, and a mega A-bomb may be a device that the fanatics may think could do the trick. However, there is a problem, in the late 1950"s and early 1960's the US and the USSR were in a race to build the biggest bomb. The USSR succeeded in October of 1961, in October of 1963, ( only two years later ) there was a partial test ban treaty between the two countries. Later other countries were brought in and many people in the world thought how great! The two super powers are finally starting to get reasonable. Tests were still conducted but were much smaller and mainly underground. The treaty did not come about because they became reasonable, did so for self preservation!

Years ago I came across a report that may help explain why. ( sorry no link )

The treaty came about because something happened during the USSR test that was unexpected. At the time, both sides had spies watching each other and both a had a fairly good idea what the other was doing. Also, after years of testing, the energy yield of a bomb could be predetermined by size and design. What happened? the 1961 USSR test produced substantially more energy then anticipated, both sides studied the results and learned to their horror that the bomb was at the threshold of beginning to consume the atmosphere as additional fuel! Hence the treaty shortly there after.---- Now would a religious fanatic care if the world's atmosphere was consumed -- so all could be rewarded in the here after?


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Re: 20-Feb-10 News - Russia 'alarmed' at Iran

Post by John »

Dear Gerald,
Federation of American Scientists wrote: > High Altitude Burst. A high altitude burst is one in which the
> weapon is exploded at such an altitude (above 30 km) that initial
> soft x-rays generated by the detonation dissipate energy as heat
> in a much larger volume of air molecules. There the fireball is
> much larger and expands much more rapidly. The ionizing radiation
> from the high altitude burst can travel for hundreds of miles
> before being absorbed. Significant ionization of the upper
> atmosphere (ionosphere) can occur. Severe disruption in
> communications can occur following high altitude bursts. They also
> lead to generation of an intense electromagnetic pulse (EMP) which
> can significantly degrade performance of or destroy sophisticated
> electronic equipment. There are no known biological effects of
> EMP; however, indirect effects may result from failure of critical
> medical equipment.
> http://www.fas.org/nuke/intro/nuke/effects.htm

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Re: 20-Feb-10 News - Russia 'alarmed' at Iran

Post by gerald »


Yes, I am familiar with this effect, It just did not cross my mind at the time. That does make for a more logical threat, which
also requires less nuclear material.


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