20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

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20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by John »

20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its stockpiles of chemical weapons for 'unknown reasons'

Spam: The luxury food of South Korea

** 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its stockpiles of chemical weapons for 'unknown reasons'
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e130920

Golden Dawn killing in Greece stirs huge protests
Syria moves its stockpiles of chemical weapons for 'unknown reasons'
Senator John McCain responds to Putin in Pravda.ru
Spam: The luxury food of South Korea

Generational Dynamics, Greece, Golden Dawn, Antonis Samaras,
Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Russia, John Kerry,
John McCain, Pravda.ru, Vladimir Putin,
South Korea, Spam

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Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by thomasglee »

즐거운 추석 명절 보내세요,^^ - http://m.cafe.daum.net/-vision/K2Eq/180 ... ardType%3D

Happy Chuseok~! (belatedly, since it was the 19th).

Anyway.... Spam is FAMOUS because it is used in a wonderful Korean dish called "Budae Jjigae". Which literally means, "Army Base Stew".

The story goes, that after the Korean war, when the mess halls would throw out their waste (leftovers and food that the soldiers would throw in the food cans that they didn't eat), the Koreans were so starving for meat, that they would take those bins of slop and make a soup out of it. They would cut up onions, kimchi, etc., and add to it ramyun noodle, water and whatever other food was in the slop bins (normally potatoes, hot dogs, spam, etc.) and boil it up to make a nice stew (sometimes they would find an occasional cigarette butt or cigar stub in their stew!). Nowadays, in Korea, there is an entire industry around this "stew" and Budae Jjigae restaurants are quite famous.....

Here's a quick recipe for those that might want to try and make it at home:

150g of Spam
3 Frankfurter sausages
1 handful of Beansprouts
150g of Tofu
1 Instant Noodle (don't use flavouring)
handful of Rice cakes (if you have)
1/2 Onion
2 Mushrooms
2 spring onions
800ml of Water with Chicken Stock

1 Tablespoon of Gochujang
1 Tablespoon of Red Pepper Powder
2 Cloves of crushed garlic
3 Tablespoons of Soy Sauce
1 Tablespoon of Sugar
1 Tablespoon of Sesame Oil

Start by putting about 800ml of water in a pan, add to this about 4 cubes or 2 tablespoons of chicken stock and mix well. Cut the Spam, sausages and tofu in to slices and cut all the vegetables. In a bowl add all the ingredients for the sauce and mix well, Place the sauce in to the pan and add the other ingredients around it, keep the noodles to on side for now.

Bring the entire mix to boil and cook well, this should take about 15 minutes, the easiest way to check is to see if the onion is soft. At this point add some noodles it is common to use some instant noodles like shin Ramyun, you could though use any supermarket noodle. This will take a further 3-5 minutes to cook.

Serve in a bowl and enjoy, there should be plenty for up to 5 people and you could serve with rice and some side dishes if you like, however with the noodles there is enough to fill you up.

Last edited by thomasglee on Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”


Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by NoOneImportant »

Regarding McCain: life is just so difficult! Based upon McCain's gun control positions I had come to the conclusion: better that he had died a hero's death in North Vietnam rather than return home and spend the remainder of his life betraying the ideals that gave birth to America. After the Pravda article, I guess that nothing is easy.

Having just read John's article I need a bit of time to re-consider how I see McCain. What I do know is that no matter how many crazy people kill innocents, the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to assure that the "... pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..." will continue on in America unimpeded, in spite of those who think like Valery Jarrod, Cass Sunstein, Rham Emanual, Axelrod, and Obama. I just don't know all that much, and I certainly don't have any answers; but what I do know is that it will take one boat load of "crazies" killing innocents for hundreds of years with guns to come anywhere close to matching the evil and killing of the Gulags, the Kamps, the Katine Forrest, or the Killing fields. I would proffer the question: what differentiates a society like Putin's from a society like ours? It is always interesting to note that these crazies always go to areas where the entire population is know to be disarmed. How many would have died in Virginia had all at the Naval base been armed?

My position is, in the end, that I would personally rather die on my feet, than live on my knees - regarding our free society, anybody have any idea whether the "film maker" who "precipitated" Benghazi is still in prison?

Rhetorically, why is it that liberals hate guns so? Is it because their ultimate fear is that you will cease to obey, and be armed to back up that choice? Why has firearm ammunition become essentially unobtainable in America for the last 10 months? Might Americans be preparing, and if so, then for what? What is it that they fear?

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Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by shoshin »

My Russian is a bit rusty, but I think that PRAVDA means "truth" and IZVESTIA (the other Russian newspaper) means "information." The old joke was that "thee is no information in Truth, and no Truth in Information."

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Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by gerald »

shoshin -- you are correct and I recall the joke.
Pravda = truth
Izvestia = to inform
NoOneImportant -- gun control is easy to understand, with no weapons people are easier to control.---

For citizenry to have some amount of freedom they must be armed and informed.

Consider for a moment the plight of the medieval serf.--- who was kept ignorant by the lords and the church, was kept unarmed, was required to work to support himself and required to work and fight and die for the lord ---- AND came with the land like rocks and trees, who did not even have the "dignity" of being bought and sold individually as a slave. ---- it is interesting to note that etymologically, slave, serf and slav are related. Russians are Slavs, were sold as slaves and many lived as serfs until the revolution. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=slave After the Muslim conquests of North Africa and most of the Iberian peninsula, the Islamic world became a huge importer of slaves from Eastern Europe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_medieval_Europe This may be a contributing cause to the animosity between the Russians who are Christian and the Chechens who are predominantly Sunni Muslim.

I think the goal of "liberals" is to have people be serfs, with the liberals as the lords -- see Agenda 21---

http://endoftheamericandream.com/archiv ... on-control

"Imagine going to sleep one night and waking up many years later in a totally different world. In this futuristic world, literally everything you do is tightly monitored and controlled by control freak bureaucrats in the name of “sustainable development” and with the goal of promoting “the green agenda”. An international ruling body has centralized global control over all human activity. What you eat, what you drink, where you live, how warm or cold your home can be and how much fuel you can use is determined by them. Anyone that dissents or that tries to rebel against the system is sent off for “re-education”. The human population is 90 percent lower than it is today in this futuristic society, and all remaining humans have been herded into tightly constricted cities which are run much like prisons. Does all of that sound good to you? Well, this is what Agenda 21 is all about."

Oh, by the way John, the Agenda 21 crowd probably thinks gassing people is a good idea, it works toward their goal. Note the size and construction of the refuge camps.-----photos ---
https://www.google.com/search?q=refugee ... 1077&dpr=1

Just think what a little gas could do, nice setup for maximum efficiency.

The agenda 21 crowd are true sociopaths.

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Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by at99sy »

NoOneImportant wrote:Regarding McCain: life is just so difficult! Based upon McCain's gun control positions I had come to the conclusion: better that he had died a hero's death in North Vietnam rather than return home and spend the remainder of his life betraying the ideals that gave birth to America. After the Pravda article, I guess that nothing is easy.

Rhetorically, why is it that liberals hate guns so? Is it because their ultimate fear is that you will cease to obey, and be armed to back up that choice? Why has firearm ammunition become essentially unobtainable in America for the last 10 months? Might Americans be preparing, and if so, then for what? What is it that they fear?
McCain is a traitor and has been for a long time. I have no respect for this man.
Yes rhetoric indeed, you do answer your own question. The left is terrified that they can be tossed out on the rears by an armed and angry population.
The ammo is in short supply and as it arrives it is being snapped up. Many I know are not shooting much now just collecting.



Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by NoOneImportant »

Don't know that enjoy is the proper term, but the comments here are as interesting as the articles. Earlier in life, read the standard fair: Animal Farm, 1984, Atlas Shrugged, the Republic, The Road to Serfdom, the Social Contract, the Metamorphosis, et al, but the crown jewel IMHO is Shirer's, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, although Serfdom is a close second. I read Shirer's tomb completely twice, and the first 360 - 370 pages - Hitler's rise to and consolidation of power - a third time. On the second and third iteration I found myself screaming: "... no, no, no, don't do it..." to the Church, and the participants described by Shirer. It became readily apparent after the second reading that the "blueprint" is a general plan for circumventing any democracy, not just, as had generally been asserted in America, the Wiemar Republic. And I present to you: BHO, and the disarming of America.

Don't understand how McCain can't be bright enough to be able to make the connection between Putin's Russia and the absence of the ability of the Russians to resist? But then again, there's a whole boat load of stuff that I don't understand.

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Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by gerald »

NoOneImportant wrote:Don't know that enjoy is the proper term, but the comments here are as interesting as the articles. Earlier in life, read the standard fair: Animal Farm, 1984, Atlas Shrugged, the Republic, The Road to Serfdom, the Social Contract, the Metamorphosis, et al, but the crown jewel IMHO is Shirer's, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, although Serfdom is a close second. I read Shirer's tomb completely twice, and the first 360 - 370 pages - Hitler's rise to and consolidation of power - a third time. On the second and third iteration I found myself screaming: "... no, no, no, don't do it..." to the Church, and the participants described by Shirer. It became readily apparent after the second reading that the "blueprint" is a general plan for circumventing any democracy, not just, as had generally been asserted in America, the Wiemar Republic. And I present to you: BHO, and the disarming of America.

Don't understand how McCain can't be bright enough to be able to make the connection between Putin's Russia and the absence of the ability of the Russians to resist? But then again, there's a whole boat load of stuff that I don't understand.
If you want a different perspective - yes tin foil hat time way, way out in left field, and if you read it and think about it and look at people, events and history, --- it's like, it can't possibly be true,--- but it explains things. --- disturbing ---- http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_ ... erview.htm
Personally I think there is truth in it, but you have to be careful, deception is pervasive in our realm.
The "Interview" has helped me understand some of my life experiences. If you can't entertain other ideas, no matter how far out, do not read the "Interview"


Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by NoOneImportant »

Ya know Gerald, I think I read this gal's first book: Johnathan Livingston Seagull.

Once consumed, you won't be offended if I don't explicitly reference this doc to substantiate any future point I might try to make, will you?

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Re: 20-Sep-13 World View -- Syria moves its chemical weapons

Post by gerald »

NoOneImportant wrote:Ya know Gerald, I think I read this gal's first book: Johnathan Livingston Seagull.

Once consumed, you won't be offended if I don't explicitly reference this doc to substantiate any future point I might try to make, will you?
Sorry, different author,( author's ?) totally different context, about one half of the book is references. Red pill or blue pill?

Offended? I don't think so, I did not get to where I am by being easily offended or going with the crowd. I may disagree with people on various topics, that is to be expected, that is the way things are.
What is true for one is true for one ( true or not ), I have been right at times and wrong at times, and sometimes we don't know.


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