17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel

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17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel

Post by John »

17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel for West Bank settlements

Wall Street professional survey reveals widespread misconduct

** 17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel for West Bank settlements
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e130717

Greece on strike amid plans to cut 25,000 civil service jobs
Wall Street professional survey reveals widespread misconduct
EU imposes sanctions on Israel for West Bank settlements

Generational Dynamics, Greece, bailout,
Wall Street corruption, Generation-X,
Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, European Union, West Bank

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Re: 17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel

Post by gerald »

From John's post --

"Let's review briefly: Generation-X grew up at a time when feminists were telling mothers to dump their husbands, and then go to court and lie about domestic violence, in order to get as much money as possible. These children grew up without fathers, except for a stream of men in their mothers' beds, some of whom would beat or abuse them. They would have loved to have their real fathers in their lives, but they knew that their mothers were lying, and they saw how their mothers lied to the divorce court and got away with it. They said to themselves, "Hey, I can do that too!" And they grew up, went into the financial services industry, and created tens of trillions of dollars in fraudulent subprime mortgage backed securities, and then sold them to older investors, the same men who had been in their mothers' beds when they were children."

And relating to this post --
This 35 minute video is worth watching and adds a different perspective and background to the above.


from the above --

Will "Feminism Gone Wild" be the movement that brings society crashing down? Get your popcorn, and go pee before we start, cause this is a long one...



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Re: 17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel

Post by 9_eU4oMpoNP »

"Surprisingly," according to the survey, younger professionals on Wall Street were significantly more likely to be aware, accept and engage in illegal or unethical conduct than their more senior colleagues. Among people with less than 10 years experience, 38% said they would commit insider trading for $10 million if they wouldn't be caught.


Second, young people -- that is, Generation-X, are substantially more lacking in ethics and morals than older people.
People with less than 10 years experience in the finance industry are far more likely to be Millennials than Gen X. Those who go straight into finance from undergrad or MBAs will probably hit their 10th year of experience around age 35. A 35 year old was born in 1978, at the very end of the Gen X cut-off. As such, the clear majority of those with less than 10 years experience will be Millennials, not Gen X.


Re: 17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel

Post by Guest »

I agree: gen Y.

I look around at Gen Ys and wonder how the America will survive. Gen Y is a generation that used Google to cut and paste its way through school. I have never encountered such a lazy group of talentless, narcissitic, and ignorant wastrels as Gen Y. America doesn't deserve to survive.

I'm Gen X, but I grew up with a moral code. I know my generation is a mess, but Gen Y is an outright disaster.

I guess this is what is was like to live during the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire. How sad. I majored in history, and I figured (even then) that the US would collapse in my lifetime, but I didn't realize how quickly that day would come.

My last breath will be a sigh of relief that my life is over.


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Re: 17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel

Post by gerald »

An ancient Roman once said - Yes, I know the Empire is corrupt, but where do I go? everywhere else is worse.
Appropriate for today?


Re: 17-Jul-13 World View -- EU imposes sanctions on Israel

Post by Guest »

gerald wrote:An ancient Roman once said - Yes, I know the Empire is corrupt, but where do I go? everywhere else is worse.
Appropriate for today?


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