20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in China

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20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in China

Post by John »

20-Aug-12 World View -- Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in cities across China

Credibly charged serial rapist Julian Assange gains
worldwide support as U.S. victim

** 20-Aug-12 World View -- Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in cities across China
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 20#e120820

Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in cities across China
California hopes to stop bankruptcies by anticipating bankruptcy
Real-money bets on poker, slots and other Vegas games coming to iPhones
Credibly charged serial rapist Julian Assange gains worldwide support as U.S. victim
Finance Minister says debt crisis can't become 'bottomless pit' for Germany
Turkey becomes overwhelmed with refugees from Syria

Generational Dynamics, Japan, China, Shenzhen, Senkaku, Diaoyu,
California, Stockton, San Bernardino, Mammoth Lakes,
Moody's, Jerry Brown, Billl Lockyer, Las Vegas,
Julian Assange, Sweden, Ecuador,
Germany, Wolfgang Schäuble, Greece,
Turkey, Syria

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Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by Trevor »

I happen to live in California and I can tell you that description fits things completely. I've even heard that Los Angeles is approaching bankruptcy, though I don't know how far away from that we are.

With Assange, the support seems to be the claim that these rape charges were fabricated, that the government (American, naturally) has paid these women, planted the evidence, and so on and so on. He embarrassed us, so he's a hero, and nothing is going to get in the way of it.

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Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by OLD1953 »

I was pointing out ages ago that if California, Florida and Nevada simply fell to average home prices in the rest of the country for comprable housing, the dollar value of real estate would indeed be reduced by about 1/2.

To me, the interesting sidelight on the whole Clinton sexual mess was Linda Tripp. She outed Bush Sr. for having a mistress, and the press mostly ignored it, she outed Clinton (who kept her on because he thought her treachery to Bush was "cute") and the press loved it, and when Bush Jr. entered the White House he immediately fired her, and she got no sympathy from the right wing groups that had previously lionized her. There were many many claims that Clinton would be "put under the jail" as soon as he was out of the White House. Didn't happen. Apparently the evidence was more than a bit lacking. Yes, he had his licence to practice law in Arkansas revoked, which I'm sure was a terrible blow, I'm certain he was intending to hang out his shingle in Little Rock until that happened, and he was forced to take the low road of parties, wining and dining and political speeches he's had to endure since. But that's a far cry from being "under the jail".


Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by SouthernGentlman »

You should shy away from your personal political views with your rants. It diminishes your credibility when you express your leanings. You of all people should realize that neither the Red team or the Blue team has your best interest at heart. Both political parties or to blame. That is what happens when you have career politicians. They don't care about you or me, they just behave in ways that benefit themselves and their cronies. I admire your work and truly believe in generational dynamics.

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Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by John »

SouthernGentlman wrote: > You should shy away from your personal political views with your
> rants. It diminishes your credibility when you express your
> leanings. You of all people should realize that neither the Red
> team or the Blue team has your best interest at heart. Both
> political parties or to blame. That is what happens when you have
> career politicians. They don't care about you or me, they just
> behave in ways that benefit themselves and their cronies. I admire
> your work and truly believe in generational dynamics.
Everything that I write about is seen through the prism of the
reader's political beliefs. When I write about how the Eric Holder
refuses to prosecute banksters, Democrats think I'm favoring
Republicans. When I DON'T write about how all Muslims are evil,
Republicans think I'm being naive and favoring Democrats.

I don't consider the subject of feminist policies and Gen-Xers to be
any more political than anything else that I write about. I believe
that it's important to understand how Gen-Xers got the way they are,
and how ordinary Gen-Xers could possibly have entered financial
institutions and set out to defraud people (Boomers) and create tens
of trillions of dollars in fraudulent securities. In order to
understand how Gen-Xers got the way they are, you have to look at how
they were raised as kids, and the main thing that stands out is that
for most of them, their only "father" was a string of men in their
mother's beds. Once you get to that point, the issues with Clarence
Thomas and Bill Clinton become highly significant milestones.

There is a Gen-Xer in this forum who says that the most significant
event in his childhood that formed his negative view of Boomers was
streaking. ("It was the most insane thing you ever saw, but the
Boomers invented something called streaking, where a lone Boomer or a
group of Boomers would run naked through the streets or through public
events. Now that the Boomers are in charge of other things, their
behavior tends to be similar to streaking.") Something like streaking
was a simple joke to Boomers, but was a significant lifetime event to
some Gen-X kids growing up. So if streaking could have that effect on
kids growing up, imagine the powerful effect of watching the same
feminists who had already taken their own fathers away also create the
spectacles involving Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton.

So my response to you is that I consider the analysis of the effect of
feminist policies on Generation-X to be an extremely important subject
having nothing to do with politics, even though almost everyone will
interpret it through their own political lens.

One more thing: In the past ten years, I've been called all kinds of
names because of things I've written about -- China, the financial
crisis, the Iraq war, etc. -- and Generational Dynamics has always
turned out to be right, sometimes to my own surprise. I'm not going
to win any awards for the stuff that I write about. To the contrary,
I'm only hoping that I don't suffer the same fate as the mythical
Cassandra, with whom I identify closely, who was hated and disbelieved
in her predictions, and then reviled and raped when the predictions
came true, and then finally brutally murdered by her boyfriend's wife,
an event that she foresaw but was unable to prevent.


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Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by OLD1953 »

Well, don't get too excited about my stuff on politics John, I'm mostly yanking your chain a bit. It's regrettable that congressmen seem impelled to go skinny dipping, whether in the capital fountain or in Israel, but it would go unnoticed save for them being politicians. Would anyone have heard about a drunk running off a bridge and a girl in the car with him drowning, unless he was Ted Kennedy? But the double standard goes all the way around, ignoring behavior in Bush then getting excited about it in Clinton, even though reported by the same person just shows how these things work.

Here's a simple fact to mull over, for an extended period in the last decade, Republicans held the house the senate, the presidency and had appointed the majority of supreme court judges, and nearly 90 percent of federal judges. If any segment of US law or society is not to Republican taste, it's their own fault and nobody else's, they had total control in any real sense. I therefore conclude that the party does not actually want many of the things they campaign on. The same goes for the Democrats, except they've not controlled the judiciary in many decades.

As for feminists or environmentalists (an environmental "expert" who can't do the differential equations involving at least population increase and collapse isn't worth spit, IMHO) or gun rights NRA types, or any abortion activists (on both sides) or church activists or any other group primarily interested in power, I expect them to behave badly when any source or pillar of that power is threatened, and I'm rarely disappointed. The last really principled action by US power groups (AFAIK) was the DNC leaders informing Johnson that he would not be allowed to run for reelection after lying to congress about the Tonkin Gulf matter. Nixon's departure was a matter of hysteria and determination for "revenge" was a major factor in politics for decades.

Since the 80's, revenge and tit for tat is standard for US politics, and it gets worse over time. Doubtless this is the influence of baby boomers and GenX. Simply assuming they'll act like babies saves a bunch of time in wondering what will happen next.

Take this deadline for some fairly minor budget cuts and tax increases, will they just wimp out and allow it to go through, or will they try to negoiate? I suspect there will be negoiations, but they'll either be totally secret or they'll fail. Going to be interesting, to say the least.

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Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by Higgenbotham »

John wrote:There is a Gen-Xer in this forum who says that the most significant
event in his childhood that formed his negative view of Boomers was

I'd say, "There is a Gen-Xer in this forum who says that the most significant
event in his childhood that "continually reminds him of" his negative view of Boomers was

When we discussed this previously, I made mention in a second posting of the fact that millions of Gen X kids saw streaking on TV. There are two aspects to that. One is the impression it gave Xers of Boomers and the second is whether seeing that behavior was morally harmful to Xer children. My comment at the time on whether that was harmful or not was, "And I would not say that Boomers running around like naked savages didn't hurt anyone, particularly the millions of young Xers who repeatedly saw it on TV, but that can be debated endlessly because there is no concrete answer."

My primary point, though, and the part you quoted above brings that out ("Now that the Boomers are in charge of other things, their behavior tends to be similar to streaking."), is the consistency of that behavior with current behavior, as detailed below.

Let's say the Silents had streaked and I had seen it on TV. Knowing Silents as I do now, I would have long ago chalked it up to "youthful indiscretion" and realized the Silents have grown up since then, then forgotten about it.

The Boomers never grew beyond their youthful indiscretions. In saying this, I'm referring to observations of Boomers in leadership positions. I don't mean the guy who delivers the mail, etc. That's probably because being placed in a position of significant responsibility can bring out someone's best or worst characteristics. As I've watched these leaders, I've been frequently reminded of streaking because their mode of operation hasn't changed much since. They are: unkempt, provocative, raw, in your face, irresponsible, capricious, and abusive, to name a few adjectives that come to mind that are also consistent with streaking.

I've been mulling over what RC said awhile back about how it's the crisis that creates the Hero generations, that Heros are not so much born that way, but are shaped into Heros by the challenges they encounter in the Crisis. I think he is right. There's nothing so disgusting and unbecoming as a bunch of adults (Gen Xers and Boomers alike) who've never had their mettle tested and now continue to act like children instead of facing the consequences of decades of irresponsible actions.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.


Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by ambience »

John X, Didn't we all just read about that sweet deal Japan made with China on trade? I guess
that's why the Chinese police are driving Hondas? Now it looks like the monkey wrench has
been applied...by Japan.
As ever, you are insightful and incisive in your "take" about the feminist hypocrisy and
the application to behaviors of Boomers and Gen Xers. I read your book, and perhaps
you will bring up more facts about the missing fathers who wanted to stay bonded with
their children.
Now that a great many men have been emasculated and feminized (estrogen in our water?)
in America, retreated into sports as a voyeur activity (among other singular pursuits), I am
troubled. Where can a real woman find a real man among them?

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Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by gerald »


I guess you might say the epitome of the streaking phenomenon is the "Woodstock" love in orgy, ( it was a huge news event ) which was attended by those with the time and the money be involved. Some photos -- look at the scene 1969 , the nudity, the trash, public sex, etc. https://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl ... _611vGcaxk At the time I worked with engineers many of whom were in WWII and Korea, they thought these kids were druggies, dumb punks, spoiled brats, and F** animals. Some of the Woodstock crowd are now our leaders. And we wonder why we have all these problems?


Re: 20-Aug-12 WV-Anti-Japanese nationalist riots erupt in Ch

Post by SouthernGentleman »

If I may quote Mark Twain, "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."
I absolutely agree with generational dynamics. You should and will get the recognition you deserve for your work. It is a masterpiece in conceptually explaining human behavior trends. I feel adding the technological advances of the past 50 years also increases the scenario of total destruction of our species. I also agree with you on no resolution to our financial chaos. It will end worse than is imaginable. I am a stockbroker and have been for 30 years. The attitude of greed has increased by a factor of infinity. Now I currently advise clients to enjoy what they have. Forget stocks bonds mutual funds cash - just enjoy the time that the good lord has given you.
I look forward to each days post. I am intrigued by the final domino: be it china and its nationalistic attitude or the middle east or pakistan/india or financial collapse or what I like to call virus X. I do think your generational theory is correct on so many levels. It does require a special person to do what you do so well. I admire and respect your work but I also know you realize that neither the red team or blue team has your best interest at heart. I look at politics from the outside and don't get caught in the trap of sides.

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