17-Jul-12 World View -- Barclay's COO admits rigging Libor

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17-Jul-12 World View -- Barclay's COO admits rigging Libor

Post by John »

17-Jul-12 World View -- Barclay's COO admits having rigged Libor, thought it was OK

Russia accuses the West of 'blackmail' on Syria

** 17-Jul-12 World View -- Barclay's COO admits having rigged Libor, thought it was OK
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 17#e120717

Barclay's COO admits having rigged Libor, thought it was OK
Russia accuses the West of 'blackmail' on Syria
Germany's Angela Merkel denies caving in on Spain's bank bailout

Generational Dynamics, Barclays, Libor, Jerry del Missier,
Bob Diamond, Russia, Syria, Sergei Lavrov,
Bashar al-Assad, United Nations, Security Council,
Kofi Annan, Angela Merkel, Spain, Italy, Germany

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Re: 17-Jul-12 World View -- Barclay's COO admits rigging Lib

Post by Trevor »

If Assad decides to use chemical weapons on the rebels, I'm going to come to the conclusion that this is a crisis war. So far, I've mostly taken your word that this is an awakening-era event, but going as far as to drop nerve gas or anything of the sort will do a lot towards changing my mind.

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Re: 17-Jul-12 World View -- Barclay's COO admits rigging Lib

Post by Marc »

Trevor wrote:If Assad decides to use chemical weapons on the rebels, I'm going to come to the conclusion that this is a crisis war. So far, I've mostly taken your word that this is an awakening-era event, but going as far as to drop nerve gas or anything of the sort will do a lot towards changing my mind.
I have to tend to agree with you, Trevor — when you take a rabid dictator along with enough of his followers who are able to use very lethal weapons and/or enough troops to inflict sustained, massive genocidal damage to an ethnic/sectional group of a country, this seems like enough to take the normal saecular progression and kick it to a 4T followed by a 1T reset. But, just my humble opinion there.... Thanks for the cogent view here and for others' intelligent thoughts as well. —Best regards, Marc

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Re: 17-Jul-12 World View -- Barclay's COO admits rigging Lib

Post by Trevor »

I'd say this is most likely an awakening era event, brutal as it might be. It's becoming a proxy war between Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, similar to what Iraq was. Nevertheless, the reports on chemical weapons is an ominous sign.

If he's just moving them to, say, keep the United States and NATO from destroying them, then I'll consider this a non-crisis civil war. I find it unlikely that Assad would be willing to go that far, but if he does, if he actually drops Sarin gas on the rebels, that's the conclusion I'll end up coming to. I just don't see anyone taking it that far except in a crisis period. Besides, I find it very unlikely that the rebels will win.

Thankfully, this war seems to be confined to Syria, at least for the moment.

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