10-May-12 WV-China drills for oil as 'strategic weapon'

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10-May-12 WV-China drills for oil as 'strategic weapon'

Post by John »

10-May-12 World View -- China drills for oil as 'strategic weapon' in South China Sea

Waves of immigrants are overwhelming Germany

** 10-May-12 World View -- China drills for oil as 'strategic weapon' in South China Sea
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 10#e120510

China deploys oil rig as weapon to assert South China Sea claims
China hails a 'new era' for its oil industry
China's media 'accidentally' claims Philippines as part of China
China cracks down further on internet free speech
China considers postponing its quinquennial Communist Party Congress
Waves of immigrants are overwhelming Germany
The era of the 'negative money multiplier'

Generational Dynamics, China, Haiyangshiyou 981, South China Sea,
Philippines, He Jai, Sina Weibo, Bo Xilai,
Community Management Regulations, Communist Party Congress,
Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Negative money multiplier,
quantitative easing

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