18-Apr-12 News -- IMF's World Economic Outlook warns of eurozone meltdown
There won't be a recovery until the 2020s
18-Apr-12 World View -- As Kofi Annan's Syria peace plan collapses, Russia blames 'external forces'
Ban Ki-moon asks the EU for airplanes and helicopters for observers
** 18-Apr-12 News -- IMF's World Economic Outlook warns of eurozone meltdown
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... b#e120418b
** 18-Apr-12 World View -- As Kofi Annan's Syria peace plan collapses, Russia blames 'external forces'
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 18#e120418
IMF's World Economic Outlook warns of eurozone meltdown
Uneasy calm
World View
As Kofi Annan's Syria peace plan collapses, Russia blames 'external forces'
Turkey says that we just have to wait and see what happens in Syria
Ban Ki-moon asks the EU for airplanes and helicopters for observers
Overseas aid is credited for falling child mortality rate
Generational Dynamics, International Monetary Fund, IMF,
World Economic Outlook, Germany, United States, Spain, Italy
Generational Dynamics, Suria, Kofi Annan, United Nations,
Russia, Sergey Lavrov, Friends of the Syrian People,
Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ban Ki-moon, Arab League,
Overseas Development Institute, Save the Children,
child mortality
18-Apr-12 News -- IMF warns of eurozone meltdown
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