16-Apr-12 WV-Taliban in Afghanistan begin spring offensive

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16-Apr-12 WV-Taliban in Afghanistan begin spring offensive

Post by John »

16-Apr-12 World View -- Taliban in Afghanistan begin their 'spring offensive'

U.N. observers arrive in Syria as 'cease-fire' shows signs of collapse

** 16-Apr-12 World View -- Taliban in Afghanistan begin their 'spring offensive'
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 16#e120416

South African president will marry again and have four wives
Taliban in Afghanistan begin their 'spring offensive'
U.N. observers arrive in Syria as 'cease-fire' shows signs of collapse
N. Korea's Kim Jong-un places 'national pride
The 'Summit of the Americas' ends in bitter division

Generational Dynamics, South Africa, Jacob Zuma, Zulu,
Afghanistan, Kabul, Taliban, United Nations, Syria,
Kim Jong-un, North Korea, Summit of the Americas,
Organization of American States, OAS, Falkland Islands,
Malvinas Islands, Cristina Kirchner, Argentina,
Bolivia, Evo Morales, Cuba, United Kingdom

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