24-Mar-12 World View -- Greece's debt crisis spreads to Italy and Spain
Hong Kong holds 'anti-locust rally' protesting mainlanders from China
** 24-Mar-12 World View -- Greece's debt crisis spreads to Italy and Spain
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 24#e120324
Greece's debt crisis spreads to Italy and Spain
Hong Kong holds 'anti-locust rally' protesting mainlanders from China
Syria's first lady is banned from EU, except for Britain
Generational Dynamics, Greece, Spain, Italy, China, Hong Kong,
Syria, Asma al-Assad, Bashar al-Assad
24-Mar-12 WV-Greece's debt crisis spreads to Italy and Spain
Re: 24-Mar-12 WV-Greece's debt crisis spreads to Italy and S
The Greek debt crisis spreading to Europe? No, that's impossible! The mainstream pundits can't be wrong again! Oh, wait, they're wrong almost all of the time.
Personally, I think Portugal is going to be next, since they are the ones who are second in line. In themselves, I don't think they can collapse the world financial system, but Spain and Italy are certainly big enough to do so. We've got serious issues and most aren't willing to talk about them. Just look at what the most covered subjects are in the media.
Personally, I think Portugal is going to be next, since they are the ones who are second in line. In themselves, I don't think they can collapse the world financial system, but Spain and Italy are certainly big enough to do so. We've got serious issues and most aren't willing to talk about them. Just look at what the most covered subjects are in the media.
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