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=// &&2 e120317 17-Mar-12 World View -- Turkey once again talks about a 'buffer zone' in Syria
17-Mar-12 World View -- Turkey once again talks about a 'buffer zone' in Syria
Korea to launch long-range rocket, in violation of
recent nuclear agreement
** 17-Mar-12 World View -- Turkey once again talks about a 'buffer zone' in Syria
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 17#e120317
Major web site problems
Turkey once again talks about a 'buffer zone' in Syria
Korea to launch long-range rocket, in violation of recent nuclear agreement
Furious Karzai repeats demand for early Afghanistan withdrawal
Keys: Generational Dynamics, Turkey, Syria, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, North Korea, Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai
17-Mar-12 WV-Turkey once again talks about a 'buffer zone'
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