21-Feb-12 World View -- Tumultuous Greek bailout meeting continues long into the night
Terrorism drops in Iraq, as Al-Qaeda in Iraq moves to Syria
** 21-Feb-12 World View -- Tumultuous Greek bailout meeting continues long into the night
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 21#e120221
Tumultuous Greek bailout meeting continues long into the night
Egypt to help with Gaza power shortages
Terrorism drops in Iraq, as Al-Qaeda in Iraq moves to Syria
International Red Cross negotiates with Syria for cease fire
City of Homs in Syria braces for bloody assault
Generational Theory, Egypt, Gaza, Christine Lagarde, Greece,
Lucas Papademos, Eurogroup, Kees de Jager, Troika,
Iraq, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Ninewah province, Mosul,
International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC,
Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Homs, Baba Amr
21-Feb-12 WV-Tumultuous all-night Greek bailout meeting
Re: 21-Feb-12 WV-Tumultuous all-night Greek bailout meeting
I don't believe it's possible to beat down the Greek standard of living to the point where Greece doesn't import more than it exports. Beating down the standard of living to that point would mean most of the employers that produce goods for export would have already closed their doors, so you beat the standard of living down some more and more close their doors, it's a vicious cycle without end. I don't know if the IMF is being advised by drunks or maniacs, but they certainly aren't looking at what they are trying to produce in Greece. An honest appraisal of the Greek situation would result in the conclusion that Greece must leave the EURO. And all these finance people must know this to be the case. I have to believe they are just buying time in hopes of a miracle.
Re: 21-Feb-12 WV-Tumultuous all-night Greek bailout meeting
Postings by xakzen and Marc have been moved to the thread
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