16-Dec-11 WV-Unrest grows, China's housing bubble collapses

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16-Dec-11 WV-Unrest grows, China's housing bubble collapses

Post by John »

16-Dec-11 World View -- Unrest grows in Shanghai, China, as housing prices collapse

Turkey reviews military preparedness for war with Syria

** 16-Dec-11 World View -- Unrest grows in Shanghai, China, as housing prices collapse
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 16#e111216

Unrest grows in Shanghai, China, as housing prices collapse
Home price bubble in China crashing, causing protests by screwed homeowners
IMF says that the Europe crisis is 'escalating'
Turkey reviews military preparedness for war with Syria
Jacques Chirac found guilty of corruption in 'historic' verdict
Russia's Putin confirms that he'll appoint Medvedev to be prime minister
Russia says it will invest to save the euro
Israel's Netanyahu won't let radical settlers 'start a religious war'
Iran's people fear leadership will cause a catastrophic war

Generational Dynamics, Shanghai, China, home prices,
Beijing, Changsa, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, IMF
International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde,
Turkey, Supreme Military Council, Ahmet Davutoglu, Syria,
Bashar al-Assad, Russia, chemical weapons, biological weapons,
France, Jacques Chirac, Dominique de Villepin, Iraq,
oil for food scam, Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev,
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel, price tag attacks,
Ramallah, West Bank, Iran, Great Islamic Revolution

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Re: 16-Dec-11 WV-Unrest grows, China's housing bubble collap

Post by Trevor »

I would expect China to collapse even faster than us. We've set up some safeguards, which is helping to slow it down, even if our ultimate fate can't be avoided, but they have no such recourse. Of course, that means scenes like what's going on in the village you mention will become more frequent.

When the war happens, i would expect it to be both an attempt to become the new superpower and to stave off a civil war.


Re: 16-Dec-11 WV-Unrest grows, China's housing bubble collap

Post by JULLIEN1 »

Chirac and his deputy, Dominique de Villepin, are known for opposing the American operation in Iraq, but it later turned out that Chirac and de Villepin opposed the operation because they were making millions of dollars in a corrupt oil-for-food deal that enriched France, but left millions of Iraqi citizens to starve.
Dubious and probably American propaganda. Saddam Hussein was generous with European politicians like Jorg Haider in Austria supporting the end of the embargo (and for this one it's proved and documented). In France there were suspicions about Jean-Marie Le Pen and the former Interior minister Charles Pasqua but not about Chirac (remember he never called to end the embargo and he supported as leader of the main opposition party at the time the Gulf war even if he opposed the Iraq war). And a probably odd thing for you : in 2002 Saddam with others officials was known to have hoped Le Pen would become President beating Chirac and later disappointed by the result.

Parker Davis

Re: 16-Dec-11 WV-Unrest grows, China's housing bubble collap

Post by Parker Davis »


I challenge you to provide any proof that France profited from Iraq's Oil-for-Food program. This is about as nonsensical as it gets.

What I suspect is that you have not gotten over the fact that the Iraq war was a major strategic mistake with the negative consequences to be felt for several decades, let alone the complete waste of resources and goodwill.

France's position was mainly based on its very negative experience in Algeria.

Paradoxically, the pro-US Chirac thought it was his duty to warn a friend and ally from an impending mistake. He and all of France were bashed for it, but the American people pay the price for this mistake.


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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 16-Dec-11 WV-Unrest grows, China's housing bubble collap

Post by John »

Believe whatever nonsense you want about the Iraq war, but if it
hadn't occurred, then we still wouldn't know to this day whether Iraq
was making weapons of mass destruction -- and neither would Iran.
Iran and Iraq would both have launched WMD programs, and other
neighbors would have as well, and they would have large stockpiles
today, creating an extremely dangerous situation.

As for Chirac, note the following:
  • We already know that Chirac is a cheap crook, as he was just
    convicted of corruption last week.
  • We already know that Chirac is a cheap liar, as he and de Villepin
    repeatedly lied to George Bush and Colin Powell, and ambushed Powell
    at the U.N.
  • We already know that Chirac is vitriolically anti-American from
    many of his comments and policies.
  • I have no personal knowledge of whether Chirac personally gained
    from the oil-for-food deal. All I know is what I read. Here's an
    article from 2005 that describes France's pro-Arab anti-Israel
    policies, especially since 1967. It describes the close personal
    relationship that Chirac had with Saddam Hussein, and evidence of a
    corrupt relationship between the two.
  • So we have a corrupt anti-American cheap crook and liar, with a
    close relationship with Saddam Hussein, involved in a situation -- the
    oil-for-food deal -- where billions of dollars were available to
    Chirac for the taking. That's enough circumstantial evidence for me
    to assume that Chirac is probably guilty.
  • That isn't the "proof" beyond a reasonable doubt that you
    demanded, but I'm not a Supreme Court judge, just a lowly blogger, and
    what I have is good enough for me.
The argument that France was guided by experience in Algeria is silly.
America went into Iraq despite its experience in Vietnam. Chirac
was only guided by personal gain, nothing else.

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