Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JM32 »

John wrote:** 10-May-2019 World View: Syria's Idlib: Al-Assad's assault continues, displacing 250,000

The renewed assault by Bashar al-Assad's forces, backed by Russian
airstrikes, has been going on for two weeks, forcing about 200,000
people from their homes, according to various reports.


--- Related:

** 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria
** ... tm#e181201

** 28-Oct-18 World View -- Syria peace summit issues delusional call for political solution in Idlib
** ... tm#e181028

I went to Syria to visit family a few years back for the summer, when the earlier signs of the uprising began to unfold.

Most the time we stayed in Damascus. I remember every Friday my cousins would say “Hey let’s go see whatsup at the city Centre!” Only a 15 minute walk from us

Every time we went, thousands of protestors (peaceful, believe it or not. at least at this stage) swarmed the center. Shoulder-shoulder. Cars, buildings, and people were decorated in white, red and green. Hundreds of Syrian flags waved along with pictures of Bashar al-Assad, honoring the president in front of a handful of (professional) cameras.

People climbed tall buildings and spat fireballs (vodka + fire) and everyone put on quite a show, it was truly entertaining !

I’m still unsure what to make of it, however. Before I returned to America, the last time I went to the protest (festival?), the crowd had dwindled to about 60-70% of the peak I witnessed my first visit (3 months earlier). And I assume not long after, the protests stopped completely.

This may be useless information, but maybe not. My cousins and I are Christain, but we had Muslim friends, both Shia and Sunni, one of whom I lifted with but then went on to join the (Free?) Syrian Army.

The crowd consisted of a hodge-podge of beliefs. Maybe they were in disbelief, denial of the atrocities being committed by the man (men) whom they have learned to praise since birth. One guy went up to me, grabbed me by the shirt and pinned me to a wall asking
“who do you love more, God or Bashar!”
“Well God, of course”
He lifted me off my feet
“God.. or Bashar”

It’s clear though, these people had immense love for their president. but as they became more exposed to the reality of their regime’s savagery, the rebels uprising, and seeing/hearing tanks outside their homes roaming the streets, it got to the point where “If we didn’t hear a bomb or missiles going off every hour, we would think something is wrong.”

people began taking sides. I know one that fled to Germany. A few that went to fight for the rebels. And several others (Christains) that received visas to move to America.

I hope I haven’t said too much, and that some of you get something out of this story.

Appreciate all that you do, John

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-May-2019 World View: Hong Kong parliament fistfight over pro-Beijing vs pro-democracy

A fistfight broke out in Hong Kong's parliament on Saturday over a
proposed law that would permit Hong Kong to deport anyone who breaks
any law to mainland China, where he will be subject to the typical
abuse of China's courts, including torture, isolation, and arbitrary

Beijing has been trying to get the parliament to pass the new law, but
they've been unable to do so. The fistfight began because Beijing has
tried to replace a pro-democracy legislator with a pro-Beijing
legislator, in order to get the law passed.

Since World War II, China has been repeatedly humiliated, as its
citizens have remain poor and oppressed, as Japan, Taiwan, South
Korea, and colonial Hong Kong have all had "economic miracles" that
made the citizens in those counties a lot wealthier and happier than
Chinese citizens.

Since the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, where the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) slaughtered thousands of young pro-democracy protesters,
the CCP has been conducting harsh violent crackdowns on anything that
could be interpreted as "pro-democracy," including the violent
suppression of religions. At the same time, the CCP adopted a
vitriolic anti-Japan hate campaign, in order to stoke nationalism
instead of pro-democracy feelings.

When Xi Jinping came to power in 2013, the CCP issued "Document Number
9," which codified CCP hostility to Western values, including freedom
of speech and press, as being a Western plot to undermine the CCP.
Document Number 9 particularly was used for a harsh crackdown on Hong
Kong media and Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrations, including the
jailing of many demonstrators.

Under the new law, if passed, pro-democracy demonstrators would not be
tried in Hong Kong, but would be deported to mainland China, where
they could simply be thrown into a pit and forgotten.

China does have a problem is that a lot of Western business is done
through Hong Kong because it's the civilized face of China. As China
continues to crack down on Hong Kong, it will become as violent and
poor as the rest of China, which will make it far less useful to China
as a civilized gateway.

----- Sources:

-- Hong Kong lawmakers scuffle in parliament ... parliament

-- Document Number 9 ... ranslation
(China File, Document Number 9, 8-Nov-2013)

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-May-2019 World View: Major terrorist attack in China-run Gwardar port in Pakistan

  • Pearl Continental Hotel in Gwadar, Balochistan, Pakistan

A terror attack by the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) on the luxury
Pearl-Continental hotel in Gwadar port in the province of Balochistan
in Pakistan was mostly foiled on Saturday. Three gunmen shot and
killed a security guard who challenged them, but a quick response by
Pakistan army and navy soldiers apparently prevented further murders.
The three gunmen themselves were shot dead.

Gwardar seaport is the endpoint of a massive infrastructure project,
the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a major part of China's
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also called One Belt One Road (OBOR)
or "the new Silk Road." CPEC will be a network of roads, railways and
energy pipelines aiming to connect western Chinese cities, starting
from China's easternmost city Kashgar in Xinjiang province, to the sea
port in Gwadar on the Indian Ocean in Balochistan province in southern
Pakistan. It will have both economic and military components. Power
generation, transport, commerce, R&D and the defense of Pakistan all
will be increasingly tied to Chinese investment, supplies and
interests. It's expected to cost $55-60 billion and take 20 years to

Balochistan is Pakistan's biggest province, and also its poorest.
Most of the $55-60 billion investment will benefit the wealthy Punjab
and Gilgit Baltistan provinces, rather than Balochistan. Furthermore,
the seaport project has closed off miles of coastline to the
indigenous ethnic Baloch people in communities that have been fishing
in the natural Gwardar port for centuries, and depend on fishing to
feed their families.

Finally, as is typical of all of China's BRI projects, instead of
hiring local workers, China will bring in tens of thousands of Chinese
workers to do the work, get the money, and create a Chinese enclave,
displacing indigenous Baloch people.

The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has been conducting regular
terrorist attacks in the region. Saturday's attack on the
Pearl-Continental hotel was the most brazen because the gunmen were
able to penetrate multiple layers of security to reach it. Apparently
the only reason that a lot more residents weren't hurt is because the
security forces responded quickly and because there were few residents
living there at the current time.

------ Sources:

-- Gwadar PC hotel stormed by militants, security guard martyred ... n-underway
(Geo TV, Pakistan)

-- Pakistan / Forces stave off Mumbai-style terrorist attack on Gwadar
hotel ... otout-way/
(Express Tribune, Pakistan)

-- Pakistan hotel attack HIGHLIGHTS: All three gunmen killed in
shootout, says Balochistan Home Minister ... n-5723056/
(Indian Express)

-- Gunmen attack hotel in Pakistan's Gwadar, kill security guard ... 34253.html
(Al Jazeera)

-- National Party / Pakistan / Balochistan has right over Gwadar Port
operations: NP ... ations-np/
(Express Tribunes, Pakistan, 29-Apr-2019)

-- Pakistan / Will China’s Plans for Gwadar Destroy Fishermen’s
Livelihood? ... ivelihood/
(Diplomat, 3-Apr-2019)

-- Gunmen Storm Hotel in China-Run Pakistani Gwadar Port ... 13414.html

---- Related:

** 6-Nov-18 World View -- Pakistan's Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) claims credit for killing CPEC workers
** ... tm#e181106

** 22-Dec-18 World View -- China's CPEC project in Pakistan turns military, marginalizing Balochistan
** ... tm#e181222

** 12-Dec-17 World View -- Pakistan overwhelmed and China alarmed over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
** ... tm#e171212

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-May-2019 Bashar al-Assad
JM32 wrote: > It’s clear though, these people had immense love for their
> president. but as they became more exposed to the reality of their
> regime’s savagery, the rebels uprising, and seeing/hearing tanks
> outside their homes roaming the streets, it got to the point where
> “If we didn’t hear a bomb or missiles going off every hour, we
> would think something is wrong.”
When I was cross-posting on Breitbart, I would constantly be
attacked by Russian and Syrian trolls, telling me what a great
guy al-Assad was, and how he was a great opthamologist who just
wanted best for his people.

These trolls would say that the media was lying, that only
"terrorists" were being bombed, that Sarin gas wasn't being used, and
so forth. One troll said she had spoken to a mom in Damascus who
loved al-Assad.

A lot of them emphasized how popular al-Assad is, how he wins
elections, and how much he is loved.

None of this means anything. First of all, no one in his right
mind is going to criticize a leader committing genocide. That's
a good way to get tossed into a pit and forgotten.

Second, a war criminal has to be popular in order to commit
genocide and ethnic cleansing. Hitler was very popular, and
he won elections. Mao Zedong was very popular. All of these
genocidal monsters were extremely popular, since they couldn't
get away with genocide otherwise.

The worst people in the world are the leaders that order their armies
to commit genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, atrocities, and
crimes against humanity -- people like Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol
Pot, Robert Mugabe, Josef Stalin, and Bashar al-Assad. These people
were very popular, and won elections, just like al-Assad. They had to
be in order to get away with their horrific crimes.

Right behind them, the second-worst people, are people supporting the
war criminals -- the deniers, the collaborators, the acolytes and the
trolls -- the people who defend the war criminals and make the actions
of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and al-Assad possible. These are the people
that make genocide and war crimes possible, and they are as much to
blame as the war criminals themselves.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:...

The worst people in the world are the leaders that order their armies
to commit genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, atrocities, and
crimes against humanity ...

Right behind them, the second-worst people, are people supporting the
war criminals -- the deniers, the collaborators, the acolytes and the
trolls -- the people who defend the war criminals and make the actions
of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and al-Assad possible. ...
Where would you place those who misidentify "non-Hitlers" as "Hitlers", so as to be able to target "followers" of "non-Hitlers" as followers of Hitlers?

I'd say they are the 1½ᵗʰ Worst People, myself.

..and those would be those in the One-Party-State (Democrat et al) media/industrial complex, of course.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

12-May-2019 Elections in South Africa

I wasn't sure if John was going to talk about this, but I feel it's important and newsworthy.

South Africa held parliamentary elections several days ago. The results of which have caused me to officially announce that South Africa is doomed. We already knew it was, but these elections are certainly the nail in the coffin.

Most of us here are aware of South Africa's problems. It was once very nearly a first world country in standards of living, but has declined greatly. Unemployment is extremely high, and many of the wealthiest people are leaving the country. Crime is worse than most countries in the third world, and industry has collapsed. Of course, South Africa is the S in "BRICS." Their future was supposed to be bright, but the opposite has happened.

The government has been seizing land from white farmers and giving it to black Africans. The white farmers have also been targeted by "farm murders," wherein a large group of hoodlums swarm the farm and kill the owners and workers. In several circumstances, the govt has refused to condemn violence against the white minority. President Cyril Ramaphosa denies that the farm murders are a real problem. The last president often sang songs to crowds of black Africans about killing Boer farmers.

For South Africa to go forward instead of backward, a statement had to be made in the election. Despite everything going wrong, the ruling party has remained in power.

Major parties in South Africa:

African National Congress (ANC) - in many areas in South Africa, the black Africans vote as a bloc in support of this party. Its supporters still remember the days of apartheid, and will not vote for any party supported by whites. The ANC has been in charge of the country since Mandela, and has run the country into the ground. Economically, it is quite leftist - supporting regulation, the welfare state, and income redistribution.

Democratic Alliance (DA) - the entire white, Indian, and half-black populations vote as bloc for this party. It is centrist economically, and serves as the only hope for altering South Africa's path to destruction. There were claims that significant numbers of black Africans would vote for the DA, but that hasn't appeared to be the case.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) - a straight-up communist party. Supported mostly by black Africans in the poor, rural, inland regions of the country. Also blatantly anti-white. Leader Julius Malema stated at a political rally in 2016 that “We are not calling for the slaughter of white people‚ at least for now". They want to seize more white land, but without compensation.

In 2014, the ANC won 62% of the vote. A couple days ago, the managed 57.5%. So a decline, but still far and away the largest party.

In 2014, the DA won 22% of the vote (with a white party leader). Now they have a black party leader. In light of the ANC's woes, as well as reports of black African defection to the party, I thought the DA would gain significant support. I didn't think it was possible for their vote share to decline... but sure enough, it went down by 1-2%.

In 2014, the EFF won 6% of the vote. It has nearly doubled its vote share, winning 11% of the vote now. This will pull the ANC to the left, unless the ANC wants to keep losing black African votes to the EFF. Since the DA's vote share decreased somehow (I am still bewildered by this) the ANC can now be much more bold in their slow but steady removal of the white population.

South Africa is relevant to the Clash of Civilizations world war. The ANC is closely aligned with China, who is looking to invest billions of dollars into the country's economy. Perhaps John knows more about this.

Anyone here from South Africa? Get out if you can! ... 81815.html ... al-parties ... t-terrible

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 12-May-2019 South Africa - killing white farmers

That's a great analysis. Thank you.

See also the following:

** 24-Aug-18 World View -- South Africa politics roiled by Trump tweet on killing white farmers

** ... tm#e180824

mps92 wrote: > Anyone here from South Africa? Get out if you can!
Where are they going to go? Zimbabwe?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:** 12-May-2019 South Africa - killing white farmers

That's a great analysis. Thank you.

See also the following:

** 24-Aug-18 World View -- South Africa politics roiled by Trump tweet on killing white farmers

** ... tm#e180824

mps92 wrote: > Anyone here from South Africa? Get out if you can!
Where are they going to go? Zimbabwe?
Europe refuses to take them in and Australia revoked their offer of asylum almost immediately after the offer was made last year because of the SJW backlash. Genocide is in the offing. Perhaps this genocide in SA will finally galvanize the remaining whites to defend themselves (or at least their children lives). But I doubt it.

But, hey: CNN said this story was just fake new put out by Trump and his deplorables.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

John wrote: Where are they going to go? Zimbabwe?
The ones with money can often immigrate to countries like Canada and Australia because of the British Commonwealth connection.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 12-May-2019 US-China trade talks

Tim Randal Walker wrote: > Peter Zeihan ( has been posting to both his online
> newsletter and twitter regarding Chinese/U.S. trade. It seems that
> the Trump administration is contemplating imposing higher tariffs
> than before, for China being uncooperative.

> I understand that Trump has thought of selling more stuff to
> China, but the Chinese seem to want a one sided relationship. So
> in that respect I don't think that Trump will get what he wants.

> On the other hand, I don't think that the Chinese grasp how little
> support for globalization now exists in America. Think about
> it-many Americans dislike Trump, but there has no big uproar
> regarding tariffs.
Yes, Trump is indeed threatening to increase the tariffs further.

The news this evening is that everyone in Washington and Asia are
wondering what China is going to do to retaliate, but except for some
nationalistic bluster from the Global Times newspaper, China has been
almost completely silent. There's a feeling that the Chinese are
totally at a loss of what to do. They've gotten away with so much for
so many decades. It's quite likely that they were certain that they
would get away with simply editing down the 150-page draft trade
agreement so it would be completely unenforceable. It's quite likely
that the Chinese were confident that the Trump administration would
simply whine and complain but still go along with all the edits, which
is exactly what the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations would have
done. It's quite likely that they were enormously shocked when Trump
called their bluff.

It's amazing how much support or tacit support that Trump is getting
-- not only from Shumer and the Democrats, but also from other Western
nations, who are sick and tired of dealing China's dishonest,
contemptuous trade practices. There was even a farmer interviewed by
the BBC who was losing money from the tariffs, but said that it had to
be done.

The level of hostility to China in America and in Western countries is
growing rapidly, because of the trade and Huawei issues, and because
of the contemptuous way that China treats everyone.

On the other hand, someone on Bloomberg tv this evening (morning in
Asia) has pointed out that the tariffs depend on shipping dates, and
it takes about a month for goods from China to reach America, so the
tariffs won't really be felt for a month.

But there's no doubt that this is a very deep and serious split
between the US and China. This is the kind of situation that can lead
to tit-for-tat responses that spiral into war.

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