Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Guest wrote:
Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:13 pm
My sister is really leftwing, has a rich husband, and owns a luxurious house in Portland. She told me off last year saying things like "BLM is not the problem!"

Well, I guess it is.

She now lives overseas.
Which country?

Silenced S

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Silenced S »

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be devastating to the U.S. military as a result of Beijing’s aggressive military development in recent years, according to a U.S. Air Force general.

The outcome was based on a classified Pentagon war game simulation carried out over the years, Air Force Lt. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote said in a recent interview with Yahoo News. He said that U.S. forces were losing more quickly in recent simulations after taking into consideration the Chinese regime’s new military capabilities.

“After the 2018 war game, I distinctly remember one of our gurus of wargaming standing in front of the Air Force secretary and chief of staff, and telling them that we should never play this war game scenario [of a Chinese attack on Taiwan] again, because we know what is going to happen,” Hinote said.

“The definitive answer if the U.S. military doesn’t change course is that we’re going to lose fast. In that case, an American president would likely be presented with almost a fait accompli.”

Around September 2020, the U.S. Air Force gamed out a conflict set more than a decade in the future, which started with a Chinese biological-weapon attack on U.S. ships and bases in the Indo-Pacific region, according to the outlet. Using military drills as a cover, Beijing then deploys an invasion force to attack Taiwan, while targeting U.S. bases and ships in the region with missile strikes, the outlet said.

Since President Joe Biden took office on Jan. 20, the Chinese Communist Party has escalated its war-mongering toward Taiwan, a democratic self-ruled island that Beijing claims as a part of its territory. In late January, a Chinese military official threatened war against the island.

Beijing also has sent military planes into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on a nearly daily basis since the start of this year. Most recently on March 10, a Chinese anti-submarine warfare aircraft entered southwestern Taiwan’s ADIZ, according to Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense.

Earlier this week, Adm. Philip Davidson, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, warned during a Senate hearing that the Chinese regime could invade Taiwan in the “next six years.”

When asked by a senator about the United States’ ability to defend Taiwan, Davidson said, “I think our conventional deterrent is actually eroding in the region,” citing the Chinese military’s “vast advances” in size over the past decade, and also in capability.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy is now larger than the U.S. Navy. By 2025, the PLA is projected to have three aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific to the United States’ one, 12 amphibious assault ships to the United States’ four, and 108 modern multi-warfare combatant ships to the United States’ 12, according to estimates by U.S. Indo-Pacific Command submitted to Congress.

Hinote told Yahoo News that certain adjustments are needed to tilt a possible war with China in favor of the United States. They include moving away from relying on large military bases, ports, and aircraft carriers while fighting the Chinese military, as well as deploying dispersed and mobile forces with large numbers of long-range, mobile strike systems, anti-ship cruise missile batteries, mobile rocket artillery systems, and unmanned mini-submarines, according to Hinote.

What’s more, the adjustments call for greater use of surveillance and reconnaissance sources to allow U.S. policymakers to make quicker decisions.

“If we can design a force that creates that level of uncertainty and causes Chinese leaders to question whether they can accomplish their goals militarily, I think that’s what deterrence looks like in the future,” Hinote said.

Air Force officials didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment. ... 29657.html


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

The American military is woke. Look at their woke response to Tucker Carlson. A woke military will lose the next war. We won't have six months to turn the situation around. Politcal Correctness has paralyzed the country. There won't be enough time for a hero generation to emerge. Why not call a spade a spade? (And then get fired for making an obviously racist comment like that...) There will be no generalissmo as Navigator suggests. We are done.

Ameica has become a land of losers.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 13-Mar-2021 World View: Generational timeline for Vietnam
Phong Tran wrote:
Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:34 pm

> I was wondering if you were planning to include a generational
> historical breakdown of Vietnam, the same way that a breakdown for
> the history of Myanmar (Burma) was presented?
I've added a generation timeline to most of the dynasty histories,
and I've added a section listing the major generational crisis
wars in history:

111 BC - Invasion and conquest by Chinese
938 AD - Battle of Bach Dang River -- end of Chinese rule
1287 - Tran Dynasty defeats the Mongol invasion
1471 - Destruction of Champa Kingdom
1771 - Tay-Son Rebellion
1887 - France completes conquest of French Indochina
1979 - Climax of massive genocidal war involving Vietnam,
Cambodia and China
Phong Tran wrote:
Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:18 pm
> Just one other thought about the book. I'm wondering if the sub
> title "How Vietnam became an economic powerhouse after the
> Vietnam War
" may be a bit misleading as only Part II really
> talks about Vietnam's economic history and policies which is only
> about 10-15% of the book. Anyone purchasing the book based on the
> title might be expecting the topic to be at least 30-35% of the
> book.
Haha. That's very funny.

If you're not Vietnamese, and you want to live in Vietnam or do
business in Vietnam, then you're going to have to know a lot more than
just a list of economic reforms. Such a person should really take the
time to understand the entire history of Vietnam, to get a feel for
what the Vietnamese culture is like. Therefore, 100% of the book is
how Vietnam became an economic powerhouse.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:18 am
The American military is woke. Look at their woke response to Tucker Carlson. A woke military will lose the next war. We won't have six months to turn the situation around. Politcal Correctness has paralyzed the country. There won't be enough time for a hero generation to emerge. Why not call a spade a spade? (And then get fired for making an obviously racist comment like that...) There will be no generalissmo as Navigator suggests. We are done.

Ameica has become a land of losers.
Don't worry. If China attacks, we will all be rallying around the flag and fight for freedom, democracy, and the American way! Ah, wait. Well, er, no. We don't have much freedom left here and as for democracy in America, it's all rigged and now everyone knows it. How do you define the American way? Well, I guess it's the Mexican way now which means out of control crime, disease, corruption, and dire poverty.

So...I guess the country will splinter. The patriotic will have already been dead or crowded into death camps by then and their women raped. So, I guess, America will fall. The end.

I know, I know. I'm being cynical. But the view from here is of a burned out moonscape like downtown. Oh, and everything is tagged with gang graffiti everywhere ( I mean murals) and Black Lives Matter. BLM is even spray painted on burned out cars. It looks rather picturesque, like the Bronx in the 1970s. You could film a post-apocalyptic movie here without any additional set building.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

Militaries are working class institutions. Anyone who has served in a combat unit will tell you that. The leftist woke ideology is just destructive. No military can survive, yet alone fight a war effectively after it has been demoralized and gutted. There are patriotic Americans, but they are being actively villianized as I write this. CNN and the BBC will never understand that it is dangerous to put society through a cultural revolution--the Chinese openly regret it now--but to do this to your own military is to invite defeat and subjugation by your enemies. The road we are on now has only one direction.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 14-Mar-2021 World View: Preparing for the approaching crisis

We've written a lot in this forum about preparing for the coming
crisis, and Navigator has written an entire book on making
preparations (see below).

Aeden has highlighted a new article on crisis preparation. It's worth
a read:

*** Here’s How 30 Preppers Have Adapted and What They Foresee Happening Next

Reposted on Zerohedge: ... ening-next

These are simple suggestions, like staying out of debt, keeping a
stock of dry foods, more gardening, and so forth.

Some people are preparing for "hyperinflation." As I've written in
detail many times, hyperinflation is impossible, and we're headed for
a deflationary crisis. That's why you have to stay out of debt.

At any rate, the article is worthwhile reading.

Navigator's book, How To Prepare For The Coming Storms, provides
valuable detailed information on what what's coming. Much of the
information in this book is not available in any form anywhere else.

You can obtain a copy of this book by making a $25 donation to the
following GoFundMe campaign:

This donation will fund further development of Generational Dynamics.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 14-Mar-2021 World View: Sunday morning news

Some highlights from the Sunday morning news shows today:
  • Fox News is focusing on the crisis at the southern border.
    This is an enormous crisis, which is growing worse every day, where
    thousands of migrants are simply walking in to the US. The children
    are locked up in storage containers, while the adults are put on buses
    to go wherever they want. According to sample tests, about 10% of
    them have Covid, and they're spreading it across the country.

    Another issue is that Mexican cartels are making huge amounts of money
    from this. They have complete control of the border, and they charge
    people who want to cross into America. The charge is around $5,000
    for someone from Central America, and $15,000 for someone from Europe
    or the Mideast. That doesn't even count the tons of drugs that are
    coming across the border and are being sent across the county.
    Democrats want this to continue so that the illegal immigrants will
    vote for Democrats.

    Needless to say, only Fox News is covering this. The mainstream media
    are totally silent about this.
  • The mainstream media are focusing on Biden's speech last week, how
    wonderful and nurturing it was, and how it's preparing the country to
    be ready for get-togethers by July 4. I also saw discussions about
    how California is handling the Covid crisis properly, while Florida is

    There's also a lot of coverage about Andrew Cuomo and his seven sexual
    abuse accusers. This whole subject is a farce, since Democrats don't
    care about rape or sexual abuse by Democrats. The most obvious
    example of this is that something like a dozen women accused Bill
    Clinton of violent rape, but Democrats still treat him like a god, and
    the same for Hillary, who trashes any of Clinton's rape victims.
    Democrats love rape when the rapist is a Democrat.

    So the question I have is: Why are the Democrats throwing Cuomo under
    the bus? They could easily bat away Cuomo's accusers, just as they've
    batted away Clinton's accusers. I'm 100% certain it has nothing to do
    with sexual abuse or nursing home deaths, since Democrats don't even
    care about those. Most likely is that they want to replace Cuomo with
    an even loonier leftist.
  • On CNN's Reliable Sources this morning, there was a long segment
    attacking Fox's Tucker Carlson. I recommend Carlson to everyone
    because he's been the most effective in exposing the loony leftist
    policies, such as saying that there's no difference between male and
    female, or teaching kids that all whites are racists, or ignoring the
    antifa-blm violence that's once again spreading, or the cancel culture
    lunacy. The fact that CNN is spending so much time attacking Carlson
    and trying to force him off the air shows how effective he's

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

John wrote:
Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:35 am
** 12-Mar-2021 World View: CPI
Tom Mazanec wrote:
Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:10 am
> I got the figure from the CPI calculator
> ... ream place
> across the street just sharply rose their prices :x
So I used your calculator and filled in the fields with $100, February
2020 and February 2021, and pressed "Calculate".

And it says: "$100.00 in February 2020 has the same buying power as
$101.68 in February 2021."

So that would indicate an annual inflation rate of 1.68%.
No, John.
I used January 2021 and February 2021, and got $100.55, then multiplied the 0.55% by 12.
Actually I should have compounded the change, but I figured it would not make a difference in two significant places. If so, the inflation is actually higher.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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