Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Read the History, Taiwan is part of China!
China can win, it's just that there is one nuisance country that likes to get involved everywhere in the world!
taiwan part of China. period!
Austria is German! The Sudetenland is German! Danzig was always a German city!

Sound familiar?

China is about to follow the same path. Hopefully the rest of the world will stand up to China's bullying better than they did to the National Socialists in Germany.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 21-Dec-2020 World View: Read the history
guest wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 6:35 am
> Read the History, Taiwan is part of China!

> China can win, it's just that there is one nuisance country that
> likes to get involved everywhere in the world!

> taiwan part of China. period!
I have read the history. In fact, I wrote a book on the history
of China:

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: War Between China and Japan:
Why America Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book
2), June 2019
Paperback: 331 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99 ... 732738637/

China's claims to Taiwan and the South China Sea are hoaxes, with
no support in history. China is annexing them the way that Adolf
Hitler annexed Austria.

As for being "one nuisance country," read the history. The United
States saved China from Japan in World War II. If the United States
hadn't saved China, then your father would be Japanese, and you would
be speaking Japanese today. Now we have to save Taiwan from China.

Also, if you lived in Taiwan instead of Beijing, your income would be
four times higher, and you would have a happier life.

The Chinese Communist Party are war criminal thugs.

  • Xi Jinping


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Burner, before tim responded, you said
It is so simple as to be dismissed for its banality: When the population of reproductive aged males (16-55) far exceed that of females(16-35), humans trend toward culling the herd of excess males.
So everything you see happening in the world can be explained by that simple hypothesis. That is the trend toward World War, desire to import masses of different ethnicities that can only lead to conflict, where the strongest win. In this case females of any race and creed win; their genes will carry on and include the ones of the winners every time. Even the financial ruin we're headed for supports this. Placing more and more females into positions of power also supports this, as desperate males do everything they can to placate and appease women in order to gain access. Every decision we're trending toward supports this, besides all the anecdotal evidence of Japanese Hikikomori and "Herbivores", 20M+ excess Chinese males looking for foreign brides, plus the MGTOW and PUA cultures and many Westerners looking for foreign brides, while Western women hold out for the prime Alpha, simultaneously making themselves as undesirable as possible. (Note that is not the case with Russian & Japanese women whose societies were bereft of males, post WWII. The US did not have this issue) The superabundance of desperate Western males happy to connect with grotesque females supports this. No such desperation exists in Russia or Japan.

This hypothesis also supports GD: Periodically, humans need to cull the herd of weak, excess males.

So as we all know already, the future is going to be a blood bath and killing field until the imbalance is resolved. Men will take the brunt of it.
Burner Prime wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:17 pm
tim wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:02 pm
Burner Prime wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:58 pm

This hypothesis also supports GD: Periodically, humans need to cull the herd of weak, excess males.

So as we all know already, the future is going to be a blood bath and killing field until the imbalance is resolved. Men will take the brunt of it.
War does not cull off the "weak" males.

Who does a country send to war? The strong and fit males.

The criminals, the mentally ill, the physically unfit, the genetically unfit, etc. do not get shipped off to war.

War is dysgenic and kills off the best of humanity.
This is certainly not true to the point of idiocy: Since losing the best of humanity for the past 5000 years, we now exist in the space age, with 6ft+ humans, and are close to the singularity. You realize how stupid that sounds?

If it were true, humans wouldn't exist due to 5000-10,000 years of 'dysgenic' practice. Or we'd be in some primitive stone age. Also if it were true, what would explain why humans have engaged in war since the beginning of time? For fun? So we can eliminate ourselves? Are we predisposed to dysgenic practices that result in a weakened species? Absurd. Why?

It's not true because there's no sense to it.

War is a means though not necessary. If one side refuses to engage in war, the chance they're eliminated is 100%, as is happening in Europe right now. Otherwise it goes to the victors in any case. Not dysgenic though.

Throughout most of history the losers, including the unfit would have been slaughtered or sold into slavery and unable to reproduce. The women would have been raped and sold into slavery passing on the genes of the victors. This happened on every continent, in every age, in every culture. Only recently, since the last World War have the weak and decrepit been able to pass on their genes in Idiocracy fashion. If you use Rome as an example you are citing a local phenomenon not the general trend of humanity. And even there the stronger invaders from North and the Mideast passed on their genes to the current inhabitants. And later, stronger Christian invaders pushed out the Muslims. Guess what? They did it with wars.

Because you know it's dysgenic and stuff...

If humans display dysgenic behavior (they certainly do) it's to precipitate some kind of crisis, which will result in a cull. There is no natural predator that would act as a culling mechanism so we do it ourselves through invasions and wars.
These points are very clear from biological and sociological perspective. It took me a few years to fully understand this reality that Burner describes. We've had a great 80 year run, yes this is actually what in many ways Generational Dynamics hinges on = nature always wins. We figured so many things out regarding hygiene, medical science, and were in a post war period. People got soft with all of the wealth and technological innovation, if not entirely manipulated. There is no coincidence that this happens to human societies repeatedly, cyclically, but of course they are only truly discernible in advanced civilizations, since subsistence livers just go along like nomads and either stay away from the more advanced, or eventually get displaced or removed by the more advanced. What's odd at this time in history also is the benevolence of the most advanced (that was America) which is also ahistorical. It was due to its enlightened founders and its christian heritage (ironically something that modern God hating secularists don't even know they inherited the values of). As a result, many of the world's overpopulation (and I only say that in a historical context, since depopulationism as we see it now by Gates etc is evil) centers really only got that way through the largesse and technical advancement in food, water, medicine that the West (primarly) imparted on them.

Women ascending in societies is a clear hallmark of a downfall. Glubb wrote on this last century, among other things. Not only that, they have fewer and fewer children; more young males (notice they are almost 95% of all "refugees") get displaced into "host" countries where parasitism became a virtue. And the cycle continues. I know many men that realize this and especially with laws have no use for the headaches that western women give them (as is natural, male female relationships take real effort for both parties) especially when they aren't as good looking, marriage minded, or even in shape as normal people were just 50-60 years ago. Again, Burner knows, as I also came to the conclusion a while back - male/female ratio is everything. There is simply NO selection pressure on women if this is not the case, and they are far lazier and have shorter windows of their prize attractions (youth, fertility, beauty). Notice that western propaganda takes them out of their prime to further the chaos = anti family and anti children imperative, consumerism to the max before it's too late ... and yes then spinster here I come with cats, dogs, but no children. And salty attitudes to boot.

Men work really hard due to feminine beauty. If it is not present, what's the point of men keeping up the civilization? There no longer exists any reward for all of their efforts, and they check out. Just saying the obvious, and Burner knows it. Good stuff my man.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Am I right, Burner? It put me in as a guest there, I guess it logged out first by the time I submitted.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Higgenbotham »

A friend of mine once said "the glory years" in terms of sexual attractiveness and fertility for males are 22-40 and for females 16-35, and that kind of fits with the statistic I once read that said if a couple doesn't meet in school the average age gap tends to be about 6 years, as well as a lot of other miscellaneous information. If we take the US birth numbers as an approximation (in other words, ignoring deaths and immigration), the ratio of males to females in those respective age ranges would have been increasing and may have reached a short term peak around 1999 (it would be interesting to see a graph of that ratio). It's been my thought that an increase in that ratio can have positive effects depending on whether the excess males can direct their excess energy to something positive. So, in the case here, in 1999, there was a lot of talk about geeks contributing to a technology boom and the excess males directed their energy toward that. I think a lot of those geeks were single.

As to whether war is constructive or destructive on a long term basis, I think it depends on where things are in the longer term cycle. Where each birth peak represents a saeculum, as the peaks are rising war may be constructive in the longer term whereas, when the peaks are falling, war may be destructive in the longer term. I think the types of wars that occur will be different too depending on whether the longer term phase is rising or falling. A few years ago, I quoted from Spengler at Asia Times (not Oswald) where he said if a nation like Iran is facing a fertility dearth and finds it is confronting its own mortality as a nation, it may choose to go down in a blaze of glory.

While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

All I know is there's going to have to be a revolt or this country will resemble the Soviet Union at the height of Stalin's tyrannical reign.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I refuse to walk down the road to hell they are laying out for us, and not one concession will be made towards that end. In short F.U.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 21-Dec-2020 World View: Stalinist reign
Guest wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 9:40 pm
> All I know is there's going to have to be a revolt or this country
> will resemble the Soviet Union at the height of Stalin's
> tyrannical reign.
It really is astonishing to watch what's going on.

We have the news being censored by twitter, facebook, cnn, msnbc, nyt,
wapost, and so forth, who are bragging about how they used censorship
and deceit to manipulate the election and win it for Biden. Now that
they election is over, they haven't stopped. After controlling the
election outcome, they've tasted the erotic thrill of power, and
they're not going to give it up, and will extend their censorship in
other directions.

We have president-elect Biden still hiding out in his basement, even
though the election is over, and when he comes out of hiding for a
brief statement, the signs of dementia are obvious.

We have an incoming cabinet determined entirely by ethnicity and
gender. There isn't even any pretense that these people know what
they're doing. Their only qualifications are skin color and breast
size. I saw one of them on tv yesterday bragging about how excited
she was to have this job because she's going to going to bring about
the lunatic green new deal. She obviously had no clue what she was
talking about.

Trump always hires someone based on skills, and if he doesn't perform,
then he hears, "You're fired!" Skin color and breast size are
irrelevant for him. Trump's team is still managing the country, so
everything is ok for now, but who knows what will happen a month from
now, when the lunatics will be taking over?

How will this end? I've answered that question many times. It will
end with an existential threat to America, such as a Chinese attack on
American assets. This will immediately unite the country behind the
president who, we hope, will appoint a surrogate to run the country.
Perhaps Trump will come back in that role.

At any rate, the drift toward Stalinist Communism will be stopped at
that point, and the country will unite to face the existential threat.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Which American assets? The West Coast? Hawaii? I presume you are saying a hot war attack.

By the way Higgy, peak SMV is 16-23 females, 32-42 males. And if in shape, males can last much longer. It's just biology, shelf life, and the idea that the earlier you peak, the faster and quicker you poop out. A universal truth.

Ideally, yes, women and men would both pair off early. But the communists got to the women, so they put off family and actually meaningful stuff for cubicle jobs or the thrill of "experimenting" which typically just means drinking wine and slutting it up, sadly. Then they get left behind because no one is honest enough to tell them men are looking for women at their high value (again, young, fertile, prettier, not fatties), not washed up and put away wet.

Guest 0_0

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest 0_0 »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:38 pm
Ideally, yes, women and men would both pair off early. But the communists got to the women, so they put off family and actually meaningful stuff for cubicle jobs or the thrill of "experimenting" which typically just means drinking wine and slutting it up, sadly. Then they get left behind because no one is honest enough to tell them men are looking for women at their high value (again, young, fertile, prettier, not fatties), not washed up and put away wet.
True dat!

Feminism only works for lesbians. Fourth wave feminism has left 99% of its adherents in a ditch all alone and miserable. It's better these women don't breed anyway.

And it's true: no sane man wants a woman who has had a numerous sexual partners. I don't know any decent women who want men who have had a lot of sexual partners either. I have had the misfortune of working in offices filled with ugly, embittered, old, land whale women who tell me they don't want to compromise and marry men who are basically just like them. They are waiting for prince charming to show up and carry away an old hag like themselves. Not gonna happen. Women have been sold a false bill of goods.

Open a cat food factory; you'll make a lot of money.

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