Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Burner Prime wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:08 am
Even if "Guest" is not authentic, his advice was 100% accurate, so he's been there or has a deep understanding of situations where society has completely broken down.
What advice?

If you're talking about how to survive in a completely broken down society, then maybe. I haven't seen much of that advice, since I don't go on here that often (I've been much more active on here over the last few days than in many months before that), so I can't give an informed opinion on that one.

But if you're talking about anything he's said regarding Jews, then that's a different story.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 30-Nov-2020 World View: Australia demands apology from China for 'truly repugnant' photoshopped tweet

  • Photoshopped image depicts an Australian soldier cutting the
    throat of an Afghan child holding a sheep, together with the words:
    “Don’t be afraid, we are coming to bring you peace!” It also shows a
    large Australian flag behind the soldier covering what appears to be a
    number of body shapes.

As I've been writing, relations between China and Australia have
been deteriorating sharply, and a new Chinese attack on Australia
indicates that the Chinese would like the deterioration to continue
or even accelerate.

China's official Foreign Ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao on Sunday
posted a photoshopped image depicting an Australian soldier cutting
the throat of an Afghan child holding a sheep. It also shows a large
Australian flag behind the soldier covering what appears to be a
number of body shapes.

The image in the tweet accompanies the following text:
"Shocked by murder of Afghan civilians & prisoners by
Australian soldiers. We strongly condemn such acts, &call for
holding them accountable. — Lijian
Zhao (@zlj517) November 30, 2020"
Considering the state-authorized atrocities that the Chinese Communist
government commits on a daily base, the word "shocked" can only be
described as humor.

Australia's prime minister Scott Morrison called the Chinese
official's post "truly repugnant," and said,
"It is utterly outrageous and cannot be justified on
any basis. The Chinese government should be utterly ashamed of
this post. It diminishes them in the world's eyes."
China's barrage of attacks on Australia began in April, when
Australian officials called for a joint international investigation of
the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, provoking the usual
hysterical demands by the Communists to shut up. Australia has also
criticized China's arrest and enslavement of millions of Uighurs, and
has also criticized China's brutal actions in Hong Kong, as well as
other human rights violations.

The new photoshopped image is the latest action by the Chinese
Communists to retaliate against the Australians. The image was based
on the "Brereton Report," a recent report documenting murders by
Australian special forces in Afghanistan. Thirteen special forces
soldiers face dismissal, based on the report. The Communists
are suggesting that the murders by the 13 soldiers are equivalent
to China's human rights violations.

This incident follows the recent blunt attack by Chinese Communists
on Australia's government with a list of 14 complaints, and an
escalating program of trade sanctions.

** 28-Nov-20 World View -- Australia-China relations become more toxic through boycotts and accusations
** ... tm#e201128

As I always point out, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does one
really stupid thing after another, always making each situation worse.
It appears that China is intentionally trying to be as offensive as
possible, to provoke maximum outrage. When China has used these
tactics of bribery and extortion against smaller nations, the
tactics are often successful, and the nation does as China demands.

But there's no possibility that Australia will back down in the same
way. It's possible that the Communists are just making one more
stupid mistake, assuming that Australia will back down, and will shut
up and do as the Communists demand. Since there's no apparent endgame
to these escalating attacks by the Chinese Communists, it seems that
the CCP is trying to provoke some kind of response that goes beyond
mere outrage.

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: War Between China and Japan:
Why America Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book
2), June 2019
Paperback: 331 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99 ... 732738637/

*** Sources:

-- Australia demands apology from China after fake image posted on
social media ... dia-177969
(Reuters, 30-Nov-2020)

-- 'Repugnant': Scott Morrison demands apology from China over
Australian soldier tweet – video ... cb6f2c7dd0
(Guardian, London, 30-Nov-2020)

-- [Original China tweet]
(Twitter, 30-Nov-2020)

-- Brereton report / Afghanistan war crimes report released by
Defence Chief Angus Campbell includes evidence
of 39 murders by special forces ... d/12896234
(Australian Broadcasting, 19-Nov-2020)

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

DaKardii wrote:
Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:19 pm
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:33 pm
It's my opinion that you have no idea what you're talking about. It's also my very strong opinion that people who are part Jewish can see both sides of this argument more clearly than either side. And I am that, you can be sure.
In case you haven't noticed, this discussion started because another poster strongly implied that an "International Jewish Conspiracy" exists, and I objected to that claim. What do you believe?
You blame others for conversations devolving and then throw this into your dumpster fire. Come on, the others that are discussing this with you are just trying to be open and honest about the topic. Including me. What I don't like is when, as others have pointed out, we are hamstrung by political correctness or leftist language shaming. You'd think on the internet we could be adults because it's not like you are paying a social price for telling the truth here.

I also found Navi's previous post unfortunate, because it is mentally lazy. Of course individuals don't always conform to what a baseline or average group member would be. You can be for philosophical approaches that inform your life (treat everyone as an individual - and I do) but still not hide your head in the sand about the reality that a) there are groups, b) we have a word for them which means they share characteristics among other things, and c) these characteristics inform even individuals. This is just plain reality and is obvious.

The next time you walk into the jungle, any given tiger might not eat you. It is high stupidity to deny that he is a tiger, though, for your own approach to reality and the way you make decisions, in order to navigate through life. It's really quite simple.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:59 am
** 28-Nov-2020 World View: Israel and Iran
Cool Breeze wrote:
Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:47 pm
> John, where do you see Israel as a player or agitator in the next
> crisis war? You seem to indicate that they are a side player in
> your former analyses, since China is your public enemy #1 (which I
> agree with).

> What is your take on Iran (since you said they'd join the allied
> powers) moving ahead? Do you think Israel likely was the genesis
> of the assassination?
The basics haven't changed since I began writing about them almost 20
years ago: There will be a war between Jews and Palestinians,
refighting the 1948-49 war between Jews and Arabs that followed the
partitioning of Palestine, creating the state of Israel. However, the
Arab world is far from monolithic, as illustrated by the Yemen war,
the Syria war, and the four-year-old Saudi blockade of Qatar. Turkey
will try again to revive the Ottoman empire, and the ancient war
between Sunnis and Shias will be fought again.

There are some political changes in the last 20 years that are worthy
of note.

Iran is basically a pro-Western country that was split into two
separate countries by the 1979 civil war (Great Islamic Revolution).
The war survivors are the increasingly ancient geezers who form the
hardline government of Iran. They are dying off, and are being
replaced by younger generations that are pro-American, pro-Western,
and have no desire to see Israel pushed into the sea. They are deeply
angered by the corruption, greed, brutality and incompetence of the
hardliners, as the general population suffers. The fact that a top
scientist was assassinated yesterday is just seen as more proof of the
government's corruption and incompetence. It is inevitable that there
will at some point be a "regime change," an Awakening climax where the
younger generations take control. Iran will still be at war with the
Saudis, and possibly aligned with Qatar and Turkey (as far as I can

As for Israel, the most surprising political change occurred 15 years
ago when Israel completely reversed its foreign policy:

** 6-Feb-20 World View -- Israeli diplomat reveals Israel's startling new 'pragmatic' foreign policy
** ... tm#e200206

In the new "pragmatic" foreign policy, adopted around 2004, Israel no
longer considers itself to be a Mideast country, so much as a European
country. It no longer pretends to try to integrate itself into the
Mideast. Instead, the Arabs and Israelis continue to hate each other,
but Israel would use money and trade incentives to "buy" peace with
its Arab neighbors. The recent Trump-mediated peace agreements with
UAE, Bahrain and Sudan appear to be the implementation of this
pragmatic strategy.

Still, there are over 300 million Arabs living in the Mideast, and
Israel's population is around 9 million. Israel has existed for only
74 years, making it a tiny blip in Mideast history. It's likely that
some kind of Jewish community will survive the next war, but there is
absolutely no guarantee that Israel will survive the next war.

The following is a brief summary that I've used many times during the
last 15 years: Generational Dynamics predicts that there is an
approaching Clash of Civilizations world war, pitting the "axis" of
China, Pakistan and the Sunni Muslim countries against the "allies,"
the US, India, Japan, Russia and Iran. Part of it will be a major new
war between Jews and Arabs, re-fighting the bloody war of 1948-49 that
followed the partitioning of Palestine and the creation of the state
of Israel. Although the exact scenario can't be predicted, the war
between Jews and Arabs will be part of a major regional war, pitting
Sunnis versus Shias, Jews versus Arabs, and various ethnic groups
against each other.
REALLY great post John, thank you for the ideas and the summary once again.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

By the way John, the dominion and vote dumping claims aren't bold --- at least the coordinated dumping effort one is clear as day. What else were DMV-like workers doing in urban city centers in swing states ? ... at 3 am, after everyone went home and came back. And it all looked exactly the same. It is blatant cheating.

I've always thought because of the timing aspect (short on it to throw all the votes out), you need to just de-legitimize it so much that the electors have doubt/state legislatures don't send electors. That's the Trump path for sure. And he needs one state to fall first, then the others have cover. That state will be PA, soon, I believe.

At this point I hardly believe we have any sort of democracy, so I don't even think a "coup" perceived or otherwise, is a big deal.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:06 pm
Of course individuals don't always conform to what a baseline or average group member would be. You can be for philosophical approaches that inform your life (treat everyone as an individual - and I do) but still not hide your head in the sand about the reality that a) there are groups, b) we have a word for them which means they share characteristics among other things, and c) these characteristics inform even individuals. This is just plain reality and is obvious.
I agree, and what you say here does indeed apply to Jews. As in, they all share a common ethnicity and many (but not all) of them practice the same religion. Or, if you're talking solely about the religion, they all practice the same religion and many (but not all) of them share a common ethnicity.

But subversion? Really? You made it out as if they make it their mission in life to destroy everything they touch through various means, and that's one of the main reasons why certain countries are headed for state failure right now. Am I wrong on that part?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

John wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:56 am
China is really playing with fire here. It's almost as if it's trying to incite a jihadist attack on Australians, be it in Australia, Afghanistan, or anywhere else.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP » ... re/616993/
The Next Decade Could Be Even Worse
A historian believes he has discovered iron laws that predict the rise and fall of societies. He has bad news.
This guy seems to be copying you, John.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 01-Dec-2020 World View: Jihadism
John wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:56 am

DaKardii wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:47 pm
> China is really playing with fire here. It's almost as if it's
> trying to incite a jihadist attack on Australians, be it in
> Australia, Afghanistan, or anywhere else.
The idea that China may be trying to incite a terrorist attack on
Australians is an interesting angle, and certainly something that the
Chinese Communists would not hesitate to try. If they succeed, they
could say that jihadists are attacking Australia just as the Uighurs
are attacking China.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 01-Dec-2020 World View: Peter Turchin
JCP wrote:
Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:20 am
> ... re/616993/

> "The Next Decade Could Be Even Worse

> A historian believes he has discovered iron laws that predict the
> rise and fall of societies. He has bad news."

> This guy seems to be copying you, John.
Peter Turchin hates Generational Dynamics. If you suggest that he's
copying me, he might send someone out to cancel you.

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