Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

"You'll have to take more word for it. "
Our distinguished "guest", please tell your story and how you know all of this important information first hand. Or register. Please don't ask us to believe you otherwise.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

I was gonna post this reply to a now-deleted comment posted by this "guest." I'll post it anyway, because I believe that it's important that he/she reads it.
Some families (or groups who perceive themselves as families) believe they are obligated to stick with each other to the end. And don't act like this is a unique phenomenon among Jews, because it's not. It exists in many other ethno-religious groups, especially if they are minorities in their own country. And there's nothing inherently wrong with embracing your heritage and showing compassion for people who share it with you.

But the human race must recognize that one must learn to ignore heritage when it comes to right and wrong, for there is a common moral code that applies to all people that must be followed. And unfortunately, because we are a fallen race, we are all in danger of succumbing to tribalistic tendencies, which is quite sinful to say the least.

Jesus warned us in Matthew 12:25-37 and in Matthew 26:52-54 to not respond to sin with sin. Satan cannot cast out Satan. And thus, tribalism cannot be the answer to tribalism. Also, Paul told us in Galatians 3:28 that Gentile or Jew, slave or free, man or woman, we are all one in Christ. Ignore that wisdom at your peril.

Meanwhile, I voted third party because I've encountered enough hypocrisy from supporters of both major parties (which I call the Uniparty) to understand that those parties are together a major force of evil that must be done away with if our country is to survive. You think Trump was "the one?" He didn't have a chance. He lost it when he ate the forbidden fruit by joining the Uniparty.

That being said, I did not decide to just sit on the sidelines. I voted for a side. A side that stands for good, unlike the Uniparty. If that side loses, then I have, as Machiavelli said, won a grateful ally whose people will never forget my sacrifice for them. It is a cause I am willing to back to the end.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

Democrats have openly said they're going to rig things to make sure they have a permanent majority. Pack the supreme court with their cronies, abolish the electoral college, carve out states that will reliably vote Democrat. As for the election fraud claims, I'm not absolutely convinced, but at this point, it wouldn't surprise me much. With how Silicon Valley has to power to silence anyone who doesn't agree with them, it may not even be necessary.

Twenty years ago, there was a growing belief that changing demographics would allow Democrats a permanent majority. In 2016, I read numerous conservative articles worrying about this very thing. Trump's victory proved them wrong and he managed to increase the number of minorities voting for him in 2020, despite everyone denouncing him as a racist.

One-party rule will only end badly. I live in California and once you get away from the coastal areas, it's pretty poor.

Distinguished Guest

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Distinguished Guest »

FullMoon wrote:
Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:51 pm
"You'll have to take more word for it. "
Our distinguished "guest", please tell your story and how you know all of this important information first hand. Or register. Please don't ask us to believe you otherwise.
I have been talking about my story on and off on this site for several years. I was in Chechnya. Search the thread. You will find me. I really don't care if the likes of you believe me or not. Where I am from, a man is taking at his word. Where you are from, there are either no men, or no honesty, or perhaps neither.

America, the West, is in the sorry condition it is in because of people like you, not people like me. It is terrible. America used to represent freedom and capitialism. Now it is corrupt (but still, at theis moment, not nearly as bad as most countries) and freedom of speech and the press has practically disappeared. Honest men are doubted and liars and thieves celebrated and admired.

When America dies, the world will die. There will be no beacon of freedom left.

And all you can do is sneer. That's your choice. By all means, join in the virtue signalling. it is easier than combat.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Distinguished Guest wrote:
Sun Nov 29, 2020 9:07 pm
I have been talking about my story on and off on this site for several years. I was in Chechnya. Search the thread. You will find me. I really don't care if the likes of you believe me or not. Where I am from, a man is taking at his word. Where you are from, there are either no men, or no honesty, or perhaps neither.

America, the West, is in the sorry condition it is in because of people like you, not people like me. It is terrible. America used to represent freedom and capitialism. Now it is corrupt (but still, at theis moment, not nearly as bad as most countries) and freedom of speech and the press has practically disappeared. Honest men are doubted and liars and thieves celebrated and admired.

When America dies, the world will die. There will be no beacon of freedom left.

And all you can do is sneer. That's your choice. By all means, join in the virtue signalling. it is easier than combat.
I'm guessing you're the same "guest" who wrote this back in August:
Guest wrote:
Sat Aug 29, 2020 3:13 am
No one starved to death when I was fighting in Chechnya against the invading Russian army. People got really thin during the siege of Grozny, but no one starved to death. Outside of violent deaths, the number one, two, and three killer was waterborne illness/ infection. It almost killed me. Some form of infection will kill you quickly. When the electricity goes out and the pumps will go dead. Most will die of infection before they starve to death.

P.S. I have gone as long as nine days without any food at all. I don't understand the prepper talk about after missing a few meals people become cannibals. I missed dozens. I never became a cannibal or even stole food. Chechen men waited to eat until every woman and child had eaten first. Chechens are different from the pathological deviants which populate western ghettos.
If my guess is correct, then are you Chechen? If not, why did you fight alongside them against Russia?

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

How close the world came to nuclear war in 1983: ... red-wwiii/
Russia/USSR had its Crisis War in the World War One/Russian Revolution according to John. In 1983 it was approaching the Fourth Turning it had with Gorbachev/Yeltsin. It could have attacked America?
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I guess the only good news of a Biden Administration is that he won't lift a finger to help Taiwan. The bad news is he'll give China what few secrets we have left.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

All they are waiting for is when Biden gets sworn in.

On the beach

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by On the beach »

Guest wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:28 am
All they are waiting for is when Biden gets sworn in.
The CCP’s economy is about to collapse. About 50% of Guangdong’s manufacturing enterprises are closing down. The Hong Kong economy is also on the verge of collapse. Recently, the number of bad loans has increased, and deposits and foreign exchange transaction have reached historical lows.

Hence the focus on a "Patriotic" war to invade Taiwan.

The Chinese don't have a D-Day 1944 invasion fleet or 100% air supremacy. The US would ensure they never get 100% air superiority so their naval vessels would simply be targets.

Also, firing missiles from China at Taiwanese targets works both ways.

Even the old B52's have 2 rotary launchers each containing 10 extremely long range missiles.

Thinking EMP?

Works both ways. China's a bigger target.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

FullMoon wrote:
Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:51 pm
"You'll have to take more word for it. "
Our distinguished "guest", please tell your story and how you know all of this important information first hand. Or register. Please don't ask us to believe you otherwise.
I believe him, so don't include me in your "us". Discrediting someone based on their ability to prove certain claims is exactly how left-wingers argue in forums by engaging in a credentialing pissing contest. It's also how they try to uncover identities for doxxing purposes.

I know people who've been through the Bosnian War and this is how they speak, think, and relate their experiences. Even if "Guest" is not authentic, his advice was 100% accurate, so he's been there or has a deep understanding of situations where society has completely broken down.

Eastern Europeans (Slavs) don't have time to engage in theoretical discussions and rhetorical mind games. They get to the heart and truth of the matter especially when it's life or death.

"Guest" is right that most Westerners are going to soil themselves and crumble up into a little ball when we try to create Communist American Utopia 2.0.

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