30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by Oakwood »

John wrote: And yet, right-wing violence is almost non-existent today, and shows no sign of growing. How is that possible?
It's not possible. Even if one ignores the SPLC statistics, there is plenty of other evidence supporting the recent rise of right-wing violence in the U.S. As for Europe, that's a different story, but as I think about it, Europe has a long history of left-wing violence and I'm not even sure there has been much of a rise in left-wing violence there (except maybe in Greece recently). First of all, some background about right-wing violence in the U.S.:
Right Wing Violence Is An American Tradition
by goinsouth
Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 04:37:25 AM PDT

Some liberals are shocked and upset at the increasingly ugly, even violent nature of the health care debate, but those who know American history are not surprised. What we are witnessing is the same tactic employed for decades by those in power in the United States. Whenever something or someone threatened the hegemony of capitalism, those with power and money have made a show of their pit bull: the Radical Right. Whether it's the Ku Klux Klan or the Silver Shirts or the Black Legion, right wing thugs have always been useful for beating, intimidating and killing workers who wanted to organize, minorities who wanted equal rights or those who resisted the capitalists' wars. And the American law enforcement and legal systems have been quite adept at looking the other way.

Let's take a little historical tour after the break to compare how American justice treats the Radical Right and the Radical Left. At the end of our journey, let's ask and answer a few questions as to why this disparity exists.

For more than a century, any idea, no matter how violent or rebellious, can be advocated and promoted in America as long as it's Right Wing. In fact, the Radical Right has been allowed, sometimes invited, to wage terrorism against citizens and even parts of the government while that same government expended considerable resources to harass, imprison and murder Leftists for doing nothing more than exercising Constitutional rights.

Let's take that tour through the history of the last 100 years and compare how American justice has treated the Right and Left wings.

The 1910s: The Klan and the Wobblies

America was anything but a united country as it entered the First World War. A growing Socialist and labor movement in the North coincided with growing restiveness among the South's African-American population as it struggled to survive under Jim Crow.

The response of the Democratic Wilson Administration was two-fold. First, the southern-born President saw fit to endorse tacitly a revival of the Radical Right Ku Klux Klan. After viewing D. W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation, a film glorifying the first Reconstruction period incarnation of the Klan, Wilson was reported to praise it:

It is like writing history with lightning, and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.

The Klan soon went to work, lynching black soldiers returning from the First World War, opposing unions and harassing Jews and Catholics.

In Ocoee, Florida, the Klan resorted to mass terrorist tacticsto destroy a prosperous, predominately black town whose informal leaders were registering voters. Over 250 Klansmen joined with the white citizens of Ocoee in a rampage through the black community, burning homes and churches and shooting anyone who tried to flee. An estimated 50 people were killed while another 450 fled for their lives into the night. The Klansmen remained "on guard" after the terror spree to prevent the black citizens from returning.

No one was even arrested for the crimes.

The Klan's presence at the 1924 Democratic Party Convention was so great that it was dubbed the "Klanbake Convention," and their attempt to nominate their candidate was averted only by compromise after 103 ballots.

The second part of the Wilson strategy was to destroy the Left, especially the IWW, often called the Wobblies. The IWW had been founded in 1905 by labor organizers who were frustrated with the moderate, trade union approach of the American Federation of Labor. Big Bill Haywood was one of the early spokesmen:

This is the Continental Congress of the working class. We are here to confederate the workers of this country into a working class movement that shall have for its purpose the emancipation of the working class from the slave bondage of capitalism.

The IWW differed from the AFL in several important ways. It organized all workers rather than just those in skilled trades. It forbid discrimination on the basis of race while the AFL looked the other way. It emphasized direct action like strikes rather than cooperation with established political organizations like the Democratic Party. Howard Zinn, a self-admitted Wobbly admirer, summarized them thus:

The IWW never had more than five to ten thousand enrolled members at any one time, people came and went, and perhaps a hundred thousand were members at one time or another. But their energy, their persistence,k their inspiration to others, their ability to mobilize thousands at one place, one time, made them an influence on the country far beyond their numbers.

How did government and other powerful elements respond to this organization that wanted to improve the lot of workers, a group that refused to discriminate on the basis of race at a time when the Klan was burning African-Americans alive in their homes? They did everything possible to suppress and destroy them.

The IWW went to Missoula, Montana to organize lumber and mining workers. The town passed a law to outlaw their speeches. The Wobblies spoke anyway and were jailed. Soon, other Wobblies began to arrive by boxcar. They too were arrested. More came until the jails were filled and the town was forced to repeal its ordinance.

Such victories were encouraging, but even more frequently, the IWW was met with government-delivered or government-sanctioned violence. Wobblies were jailed, beaten and lynched just for trying to organize workers, distribute literature and make speeches. They were not pacifists. They believed in fighting back when attacked, and the IWW was involved in several pitched gun battles with company thugs, lynch mobs or the militia that was invariably called out to suppress strikes.

Their persistence produced some major successes. In 1912, a wildcat strike of mill workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts drew the organizing support of the IWW. Once the strike began, the strikers had to provide food for the 50,000 people who were dependent on the 10,000 workers now out on strike. Money came from all over the country to support the strikers and their families. The governor called out 22 companies of militia and 2 troops of cavalry to suppress the strike, but the Wobblies didn't give up. Often they sang one of the IWW songs written by Wobbly Joe Hill. In the end, the mill owners gave in and gave the workers a negotiated contract. One provision insisted on by the workers was that the lowest paid receive the biggest raises.

Such a thing could not be allowed to continue. It was too dangerous to the capitalists who ran the country. Already, a socialist, Eugene Debs had gathered 900,000 votes in the 1912 election, more than a quarter of the number received by the incumbent Republican President. In 1914, the Colorado coal strike against the Rockefellers culminated in the Ludlow Massacre in which National Guardsmen opened up with machine guns on workers and their families who were camped in tents after having been evicted from their company-owned housing. The world was shocked.

Even America's entrance into the First World War did not bring an end to the IWW's efforts to organize workers. The IWW opposed the war and advised resistance to the draft that was necessary to sustain it. As the war ended and the soldiers returned home, labor tensions escalated. Seattle dock workers went on strike and soon 110 locals, AFL and IWW, joined them. This general strike involved 60,000 union workers and another 40,000 unorganized sympathizers.

The business and political leadership of Seattle was terrified. They looked across the ocean at the successful Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the unsuccessful Spartacist Revolution in Germany and feared that the same was happening on their turf. The mayor stated:

The so-called sympathetic Seattle strike was an attempted revolution. That there was no violence does not alter the fact... the intent, openly and covertly announced, was for the overthrow of the industrial system, here first, then everywhere.

The Red Scare was born. Joe Hill was framed for murder and executed. "Don't mourn. Organize," was his dying wish. In 1917, the Department of Justice had conducted raids on 48 IWW local offices. They arrested and prosecuted 165 IWW leaders for their antiwar activities. Big Bill Haywood was found guilty and jumped bail to flee to Russia.

In the fall of 1919, a young Department of Justice agent, J. Edgar Hoover, led the raids that would be called the Palmer Raids after Wilson's Attorney General. The DOJ claimed that they had gathered 60,000 names of dangerous radicals. Two hundred and fifty were put aboard a ship to Soviet Russia, including Emma Goldman. In January, 1920, another 3,000 were arrested merely for holding membership in the Communist or Communist Labor Parties.

Eleven months later, fifty black American citizens were massacred in Florida by an armed and organized Klan mob. Neither Hoover nor any other governmental officials were interested in investigating those crimes. It was a pattern that would repeat again and again.

The 1930s: The CIO and the Business Coup

America's leading capitalists were in a panic after Roosevelt's first 100 days. Accustomed to enjoying complete control over the government during the preceding 12 years of Republican rule, they found FDR's rhetoric and more importantly, action to constitute a threat to their dominance of American economic and political life. They looked abroad and saw ruling Fascists in Italy and Spain and a rising Nazi Party in Germany and thought their fortunes would fare better under a similar regime if it could be instituted in the United States.

These were men of action: Rene DuPont of the chemical fortune, the Heinz family, several wealthy men connected with J. P. Morgan includng Thomas Lamont, and Prescott Bush whose connections with the Nazis continued through 1942. Politicians were included as well as Wall Street interests. Among them were two previous Democratic Party candidates for President: John Davis and Al Smith.

Their plan was to overthrow the government of the United States.

Their plan depended upon three distinct elements:

1. The Public Face: The American Liberty League Funded by the DuPonts and U.S. Steel, General Motors, General Foods, Standard Oil, Birdseye, Colgate, Heinz Foods, Chase National Bank, and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the League was "the front for the whole thing" according to Gerald MacGuire, the New York City stockbroker who was one of the conspirators.

2. Fascist thugs like the Black Legion, the Silver Shirts, and of course, the Ku Klux Klan. The Black Legion was organized into arson squads, execution squads and anti-Communist squads. They wore a skull and crossbones on their uniforms to boast about the Communists they had murdered.

3. The Super Soldiers, an army of 500,000 veterans mobilized by the American Legion. The troops would gather in Washington, surround the White House and demand Roosevelt's resignation. If he said no, they would kill him.

The conspirators needed a trusted, charismatic leader for their private army, and tried to recruit retired Marine General Smedley Butler. This was their mistake because Butler had no use for these capitalists. He led MacGuire and his backers on long enough to get the details of the plot, then blew the whistle on them.

The House Un-American Activities Committee convened hearings and heard Butler's testimony, most of it in private. They returned with a whitewashed report that focused on MacGuire but expunged all the information given them by Butler about the plutocratic backers. Butler expressed his disgust with the report, "They have slaughtered the little guys and let the higher-ups escape." The press quickly let the matter vanish from its pages, and some historians believe that Roosevelt allowed the conspirators off the hook in exchange for their toning down their attacks on the New Deal.

While the DuPonts and the Bushes spent the 1930s plotting coups, funding fascist murderers and importing Nazi spies, Walter Reuther was trying to organize workers to fight for fair wages and safe working conditions. He worked on Ford's assembly lines until he was laid off during the Great Depression. Looking for work, he went to Soviet Russia where he worked in a factory in Gorky. He returned in 1936 to become the president of auto workers' union local in Michigan. During an organizing campaign, Reuther and a fellow organizer stood on an overpass over which workers passed on their way to and from a Ford plant. Ford "security men" came up behind them and began to beat them:

Seven times they raised me off the concrete and slammed me down on it. They pinned my arms . . . and I was punched and kicked and dragged by my feet to the stairway, thrown down the first flight of steps, picked up, slammed down on the platform and kicked down the second flight. On the ground they beat and kicked me some more.

The Ford thugs beat Reuther, broke the back of fellow organizer Richard Merriwether, attacked female UAW members who were passing out leaflets and tried to destroy the cameras and photographic plates of Detroit News employees who were there to chronicle events.

Dearborn, Michigan police stood and watched as this all took place. Later, the National Labor Relations Board did reprimand Ford. No one was ever prosecuted.

A year later, company thugs attacked Reuther in his own home, leaving him hospitalized.

After being elected president of the UAW in 1947, Reuther survived an assassination attempt at his home that left him permanently crippled.

Reuther was a Socialist Party member, and he cooperated with Communist Party members during the struggles of the 1930s. His politics moderated after the outbreak of the war, and he eventually became a Democrat. In 1952, he was elected president of the umbrella Congress of Industrial Organizations and negotiated a merger between his more militant labor organization and the older, more moderate American Federation of Labor.

In the 60s, Reuther began to re-think his political moderation in light of the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War. He took the UAW out of the AFL-CIO in 1968 and publicly opposed the war in Vietnam. That same year, he and his brother, Victor, were almost killed in a private plane crash when the altimeter failed at landing. Eighteen months later, Reuther and his wife were killed in a crash of another private plane whose altimeter failed upon landing outside Detroit. Victor Reuther believes neither crash was accidental. The FBI refused to investigate.

The lesson is clear. Capitalists can get away with treason, but militant labor organizers rarely reach old age.

The 1960s: Breakfast Programs and Church Bombers

In 1963, the civil rights movement was gaining momentum Sentiment in much of the country was turning against Jim Crow segregation. The response of the Radical Right in the South was to do what it had always done: use terror.

On September 15, 1963, a Sunday morning, a bomb went off killing four little girls attending a bible class. No one was arrested. After a two-year "investigation," J. Edgar Hoover announced that there was no significant chance of prosecution. It was not until 1977, with Hoover gone and the country going through the post-Watergate period of "reconciliation," that anyone was arrested.

The event was hardly the exception. The Southern Poverty Law Center's Civil Rights Memorial remembers some of those who died in the fight for equality. Most of their murderers were never punished.

In response to white violence against blacks, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton founded the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California in 1966. Its founders espoused the goals of protecting the black community from police brutality and promoting socialist and Marxist economic policies. The seemingly immortal foe of the Left, J. Edgar Hoover, called the Black Panthers "the greatest threat to the internal security of the country," and he launched a total program of surveillance, infiltration and harassment designed to destroy them.

The Panthers released a Ten Point Program that included the following demands:




WE WANT DECENT HOUSING, FIT FOR THE SHELTER OF HUMAN BEINGS. We believe that if the landlords will not give decent housing to our Black and oppressed communities, then housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that the people in our communities, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for the people.

The Panthers' Leftist politics were bad enough, but they believed in exercising not only their First Amendment but their Second Amendment rights as well. Their practice of openly carrying firearms led the state of California to attempt to restrict gun rights.

In their neighborhoods, the Panthers opened free medical clinics and provided breakfast programs for children, sickle cell anemia testing, and drug rehabilitation.

The combination of strength and compassion was a potent one. The Panthers grew rapidly in northern cities.

In 1968, Huey Newton was arrested and jailed on a murder charge that would later be dismissed by an appeals court. Bobby Seale was arrested, tried and convicted as a member of the Chicago Eight arising out of the antiwar demonstrations at the Democratic Party Convention. In 1969, Fred Hampton was murdered by a Chicago police tactical unit as he lay in his bed at home.

In 1969, New Haven Panther members kidnapped and held captive Alex Rackley, a member they suspected of being an FBI informant. After being tortured, Rackley was taken to a isolated location and executed.

The police raided the New Haven office and arrested several members. Two of the men admitted taking part in the torture and murder, and one of them implicated Bobby Seale, who had been in New Haven to deliver a speech at Yale University.

The case came to trial in the spring of 1970 and received national attention. Speaking of the accusations against Seale, Yale Chaplain William Sloane Coffin said,

All of us conspired to bring on this tragedy by law enforcement agencies by their illegal acts against the Panthers, and the rest of us by our immoral silence in front of these acts.

Radicals like Jean Genet, Benjamin Spock, Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin arrived at the Yale campus to speak. Jury selection alone took four months. The city of New Haven was tense. Yale students were on strike. While the Panthers' torture and murder discredited them, the FBI's COINTELPRO was fully exposed, and its program of destroying Leftist movements by illegal means was hampered from that point on.

In the end, the jury hung 11 to 1 in favor of acquittal for Seale, and the prosecution did not attempt to re-try him.

The Power of the Left

Why has the American government repeatedly allowed Right Wing terrorism while, at the same time, it has waged open, unconstitutional war on Leftists?

The most obvious conclusion is that the government is invariably the servant of the same capitalist interests that fund and recruit Right Wing thugs.

The less apparent but more important answer is that powerful interests in America are united in their fear and loathing for Reds. Open racism is fine, even if expressed against the President of the United States. Fevered advocacy of violence is no problem, as long as the advocate is a Right Wing mouthpiece. Actually engaging in violent behavior, even large conspiracies like the Klan, is permissible as long as the victims are Leftists, women or minorities.

The capitalists who run this country know that their power hangs by a thread. They know that they cannot maintain their stranglehold without the acquiescence of the mass of people. Even armed forces and militias can rebel when the legitimacy of their orders is widely questioned. Even private armies can desert if the opposition appears too strong.

For 40 years, the Left has slept. Jailed and beaten, harassed and betrayed, we sank into silence and cynicism. Without an active Left, the capitalists were free to wage their wars, steal vast sums of money and impoverish an entire nation.

We have reached a critical point, the last push by the capitalists to crush the will of the American people once and for all with the goal of reducing the mass of workers to the abject poverty common in India or China. They expect some resistance. They fear a resurgent radical Left. They are showing us their pit bull, still leashed, but at the ready should we rise up.

We are hardly something to be feared. Disorganized, mostly unarmed and untrained, we are hardly a revolutionary vanguard. But it was never us that struck fear in the heart of the most powerful capitalists; it was our ideas. In the end, it will be our ideas that will win.

I'll close with the words of IWW member Jack White at his trial in 1912 for speaking publicly in violation of a local ordinance. Here's what White had to say about American justice:

I have seen you , Judge Sloane, and others of your kind send them to prison because they dared to infringe upon the sacred rights of property. Yo have become blind and deaf to the rights of man to pursue life and happiness, and you have crushed those rights so that the sacred right of property shall be preserved. Then you tell me to respect the law. I do not. I did violate the law, as I will violate every one of your laws and still come before you and say, "To hell with your courts."

And for the current state of affairs:
Maryland Professor: Can't Deny Right-Wing Violence for Last 50 Years
Opinion by Freedom States Alliance
(March 28, 2010) in Society / Guns

In Politico's "The Arena" on March 26th, the site asked: "Do Democrats have legitimate gripes about GOP rhetoric they claim is 'fanning the flames' of anger?"

Politico's question was unfortunately couched in a "how will this play politically" frame. Instead, the website should give much more weight to how such inflammatory rhetoric can lead to violence. What's troubling is the inability of most pundits to take seriously the violent statements from right-wing organizations, hate radio, and sadly, the leadership of the Republican Party in response to the health care reform bill.

These coded and direct threats are a direct assault on the very definition of the rule of law. The message being sent is that violence is the corrective action versus using a democratic and political process.

Luckily, thoughtful commentators such as Sherrilyn Ifill, a professor of law at the University of Maryland School of Law, and a civil rights lawyer, call it what it is:

Let’s dispense with the false Republican/Democrat symmetry that has become the only lens through which we view events in Washington.

There is no symmetry here.

The rhetoric of Republican leaders – replete with hunting metaphors, cross-hair icons, and other veiled references to violence – whether perpetrated by Sarah Palin, Michael Steele or Republicans in Congress – cannot be compared with Democratic leadership, even during the dark days of George W. Bush, when there was a real assault on the Constitution in the name of national security (as the Supreme Court later confirmed in several cases).

Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan did not walk around at rallies brandishing rifles, nor did anti-war and anti-Bush activists carry signs that suggested that a gun could solve the problems that politics cannot.

Nor did they wear T-shirts quoting the language used as a call to action by Timothy McVeigh and other violent groups. I know of no instance in which members of Congress who supported the Patriot Act were spat upon by leftist visitors to the Capitol.

The history of right-wing violence in this country over the last 50 years cannot be denied.

Yes, there’s been some violence on the left. But most Americans had never heard of the Weather Underground until the Bill Ayers flap during Obama’s campaign. But we all know the names James Earl Ray, Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph. And we know many of the victims – from civil rights activists to doctors who provide abortions. There’s a reason for that -- and it’s not because of liberal media bias.

There has been a long and disturbing history of right-wing violence in this country.

Both Republicans and Democrats know this history. Republicans and Democrats should stand together and denounce any explicit or implicit calls to violence. That some Republican leaders are irresponsibly ignoring this reality, and through their rhetoric fanning the flames of outrage among their most zealous and potentially dangerous supporters, is beyond shocking.

And when we decide that this is simply another matter in which we seek to balance the scales between Republicans and Democrats, we ignore the growing threat to the stability of our country and the safety of our leaders. On this we should be united.
http://www.opposingviews.com/i/maryland ... t-50-years
Kicking off the Talking Points Memo by likening the recent spate of violence against Democrats to the left calling Bush a war criminal and a murderer, Ingraham quoted a "cable host" who said, about Dick Cheney's heart, "We ought to rip it out, kick it around, and stuff it back in him." Although Ingraham didn't mention him by name, the cable host in question is Ed Schultz, and what he actually said, in its entirety, was, "You’re damn right, Dick Cheney's heart's a political football . . . We ought to rip it out and kick it around and stuff it back in him." Using Cheney's heart as a football . . . not the nicest image, certainly. But I didn't hear Ingraham squawk when Fox News' own Liz Trotta joked about murdering then-candidate Obama.

Ingraham continued her tirade, ranting, "Given all the truly hateful rhetoric that has been spewed by the left and continues to be spewed by the left, forgive me if I'm unmoved by the Democrats' current pleas for their calls for civility . . . and their outrage over isolated incidents of vandalism." Well, I wouldn't necessarily call the incidents "isolated" -- unless you consider severed gas lines, bricks through windows, death threats, and threats to assassinate children of Democrats who voted for healthcare reform, as well as other assorted calls to violence, isolated. The response by rabid right-wingers to the passing of the healthcare reform bill was swift and aggressive, and there's no reason to believe -- with the tea party movement still in full swing around the country -- that it's going to get any better.

Paying lip service to the civilized notion that violence is "reprehensible," Ingraham claimed that the GOP leadership has condemned such violence, and went on to deride the Democrats for raising money off the "actions of a few nutbags." Woah, there, honey -- I think I need a little more info on this whole GOP condemning the violence thing. Last I heard, dozens of Republican congressmen, on the day of the healthcare reform vote, were out on the members-only House balcony whipping the tea party-goers into a frenzy. These supposed leaders held up anti-healthcare reform signs ("Kill the Bill") and displayed signs mocking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi -- even knowing that these same tea party members were attempting to intimidate Democrats voting for healthcare reform, as they formed rings around the Dems, forced to be escorted by police, screaming, "You communists! You socialists! You hate America!" (And let's not forget, House Minority Leader John Boehner had previously likened healthcare reform to Armageddon.)

It wasn't much different inside, with the House Republicans using terms designed to incite, such as "freedom dies," "government tyranny," and "fiscal Frankenstein."

Yeah, boy, GOP -- that's some condemnation, there. Sounds to me like the lunatics took over the asylum.

And following the healthcare reform vote, wasn't it Eric Cantor who concocted some cockamamie story about his office being the target of violence -- which we now know was fabricated -- in order to blame the Democrats for the violence? Despite his claim that such violence is unacceptable, Cantor nevertheless attacked Democrats for "fanning the flames" of violence and using the attacks for political fodder. It's a little hard to condemn the attackers and blame the victims, simultaneously. It's tantamount to a judge saying, "I'm not saying what the rapist did was right, but it was the victim's fault."

Ingraham must not have been Googling much lately, either, because she ignored polls which indicate public support for healthcare reform has increased since the bill was signed, and made the claim, "Most people don't like it, they don't want it, and they want it repealed." In fact, a recent USA Today/Gallup poll showed just the opposite -- since the signing of the healthcare reform bill, 48% approve and 40% disapprove. Just because something's on Ingraham's wish list doesn't make it true.
http://www.newshounds.us/2010/03/28/ing ... etoric.php
It is disingenuous for mainstream purveyors of incendiary far-right rhetoric to dismiss groups such as the Hutaree by saying that there are "crazies on both sides." This simply is not true.

There was a time when the far left was a spawning ground for political violence. The first big story I covered was the San Francisco trial of heiress Patricia Hearst, who had been kidnapped and eventually co-opted by the Symbionese Liberation Army -- a far-left group whose philosophy was as apocalyptic and incoherent as that of the Hutaree. There are aging radicals in Cuba today who got to Havana by hijacking airplanes in the 1970s. Left-wing radicals caused mayhem and took innocent lives.

But for the most part, far-left violence in this country has gone the way of the leisure suit and the AMC Gremlin. An anti-globalization movement, including a few window-smashing anarchists, was gaining traction at one point, but it quickly diminished after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. An environmental group and an animal-rights group have been linked with incidents of arson. Beyond those particulars, it is hard to identify any kind of leftist threat.

By contrast, there has been explosive growth among far-right, militia-type groups that identify themselves as white supremacists, "constitutionalists," tax protesters and religious soldiers determined to kill people to uphold "Christian" values. Most of the groups that posed a real danger, as the Hutaree allegedly did, have been infiltrated and dismantled by authorities before they could do any damage. But we should never forget that the worst act of domestic terrorism ever committed in this country was authored by a member of the government-hating right wing: Timothy McVeigh's bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

It is dishonest for right-wing commentators to insist on an equivalence that does not exist. The danger of political violence in this country comes overwhelmingly from one direction -- the right, not the left.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 01891.html
Right-wing Violence: Brought To You By The GOP »
Posted By ameliog 2 months, 1 week ago in Political Opinion

Rep. Michele Bachmann: "I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous….having a revolution every now and then is a good thing."

Rep. John Boehner: "Take [Democratic Congressman] Steve Driehaus, for example. He may be a dead man. He can't go home to the west side of Cincinnati."

Rep. Steve King: "Let's beat that other side to a pulp! Let's take them out. Let's chase them down."
http://www.propeller.com/story/2010/03/ ... y-the-gop/

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Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:01 am

Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by Oakwood »

Lies the right-wing media have told you (see link for original sources including video). The number, breadth, and audacity of these lies are remarkable. Any chance they might encourage an unstable mind towards violence? I sure don't remember this kind of talk when Bush was President. John, perhaps, you could refresh my memory. Now if the left is also becoming more violent now, I would imagine there would be some verbalizations that would go along with it. Can you find some of the murderous stuff the left is saying? I couldn't. I've highlighted some of the more outrageous statements as well as the ones that directly advocate violence:

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck Incites violence with blatant lies and fearmongering.

♦ Former Congressman Newt Gingrich says the "radical left is a secular, socialist machine" that will destroy America.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck: "Our government looks at the American people as the bad guy".

♦ Fox News pundit Kenneth Blackwell says "What we are witnessing right now" [in the Obama administration] is an anti-Christian programmatic pogrom" (a word which means an organized massacre, esp. of Jews").

♦ Right-wing leaders don't see anything wrong when nice white, anti-government lunatics try to kill people.

♦ Radicals on left and right coming to round up Beck, O'Reilly, Huffington, Olbermann and "shoot us in the streets", says Fox's Glenn Beck.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity promises his new book will "expose" Obama's "campaign" to "forfeit our national sovereignty".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh claims climate change is a "hoax" that is "about advancing socialism, Marxism".

♦ Is Obama taking America toward eugenics? "He'd claim no, but ... yes", says Fox's Glenn Beck.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity says conservatives are at "war for our national survival" against Obama administration.

♦ Fox's John Stossel appears in chains on TV to illustrate how "America may be on" the "road to serfdom".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck features guest who advises viewers to "take up arms".

♦ Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) says "We will lose our country" if we don't "take this country back from the leftists".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "There aren’t enough knives" for "dishonored" climate scientists to kill themselves.

♦ On 600+ radio stations, Rush Limbaugh says "People are going hungry and are out of work because of Obama's socialism".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims "the progressives" are "grabbing our children in many ways ... by the throat".

♦ Obama "wants to annihilate us!", says Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota).

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says progressivism is "the exact same kind of thinking that led to" Holocaust, eugenics.

♦ Fox News personalities have a long pattern of violent rhetoric.

♦ Former Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado) says we have "a committed socialist ideologue in the White House — Barack Hussein Obama".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck breaks down the president's un-American, African name.

♦ Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) suggests that critics of health care reform will be put on a "list" and denied treatment.

♦ Syndicated columnist Ben Shapiro is "not suggesting Obama is a Nazi," but he "embodies all the personal characteristics of a fascist leader".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck thinks President Obama is going to rule just like Hugo Chavez.

♦ Fox's Bill O'Reilly suggests that the CIA should kidnap Pelosi and Reid and waterboard Pelosi.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says Obama can be considered a socialist, because Marxism and progressivism are "the same thing".

♦ There are many "Jew-haters" "in the Obama administration or in his circle of friends", says Rush Limbaugh.

♦ Fox's Charles Payne says Obama "betrayed America" by giving TARP money to automakers.

♦ Rush Limbaugh says Obama "ran for this office ... to destroy the capitalist system of this country ... and he is succeeding".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck: "The republic and the progressive movement cannot coexist" and "are diametrically opposed to each other".

♦ Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) says the House of Representatives "is overrun by many domestic enemies of the Constitution, and the Senate's full of a bunch of them also".

♦ #1 radio host Rush Limbaugh claims "leftists" want "every CEO in jail and every soldier in jail".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck suggests Obama is "a radical revolutionary" who is trying "to intentionally collapse the financial system".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says the progressive movement has "set its sights on the destruction of the Constitution".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck warns that progressive "vampires" have a "taste of blood" and are "gonna start getting more and more violent".

♦ Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) says the Democrats' rather puny health care reform is "the largest takeover of liberty and freedom this country has ever seen".

♦ Radio talker Jim Quinn says if health care reform passes, "you are going to see insurrection," "an uprising" and "it's going to be a bloodbath".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh predicts Obama will say "capitalism hasn't worked" to force people to "accept a transformation" toward socialism, fascism".

♦ Senator Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) says he's "never seen a piece of legislation that will take more of our freedom" than the Senate's health care reform bill.

♦ Radio talker Jim Quinn says again that he thinks Obama is a Muslim.

♦ Right-wing leader Andrew Napolitano, sitting in for Glenn Beck, says "If the feds had not stripped us of our natural rights to keep ourselves safe by keeping and bearing arms, 9/11 would never have happened!"

♦ Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) says Every promise Obama has kept endangers our lives.

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh says "We are at war with our own president, we are at war with our own government".

♦ Fox's Monica Crowley suggests Obama wants Americans to be killed.

♦ Fox's Dick Morris says "If we don't take our country back in 2010, it's not going to be there for us to take back."

♦ Radio mouth Neal Boortz says health care reform will kill more people than a terrorist attack."

♦ Right-wing star Erick Erickson describes Democratic Senators as "health care suicide bombers"".

♦ Fox's Dick Morris claims that Americans are "correctly worried" that health care reform will "lead to government-imposed euthanasia".

♦ Rocker Ted Nugent says Obama should be imprisoned because he's a communist.

♦ Radio talker Jim Quinn says "Your republic died in November of 2008".

♦ Congress Tom Price (R-Georgia) says Obama and Atty Gen Eric Holder have “a disdain for our form of government”.

♦ Limbaugh still lying that "there are death panels back in this bill" which "cannot be repealed".

♦ Nation-wide radio talk star Neal Boortz says "the damage Obama and the Dems are doing will surpass this tragic event" — meaning 9/11/2001.

♦ Rush Limbaugh says founding fathers "rose up against a tyranny that is nothing compared to" health bill, and adds that liberalism is "un-American".

♦ Glenn Beck's sub says health care reform will "weed out the undesirables," make us "all become slaves", and calls Democrats the "party of eugenics".

♦ Actor Chuck Norris says that if Mary had Obamacare, she might have aborted the baby Jesus.

♦ Santa Barbara daily paper calls for bounty on Obama's head.

♦ Republican Party's website columnist says health care reform is like Hitler's Enabling Act.

♦ Lew Rockwell's website warns of coming US civil war.

♦ Guest-host for Glenn Beck says Senate health care bill requirement will lead to "death squads".

♦ Congressman Rob Wittman (R-Virginia) says "Good point" as constituent says Americans will soon "have no recourse but to take things into their own hands".

♦ Obama death threats are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors at right-wing website.

♦ Rush Limbaugh says liberals are using health care reform to "eliminate" the elderly.

♦ Washington Times runs full-page birther ad with chimp imagery.

♦ Limbaugh characterizes Obama as thinking that "people that want to kill us" "have a point".

♦ Family Research Council claims Obama has a ‘plan’ to ‘impose homosexuality’.

♦ Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) tells seniors: ‘You’re going to die soon’ if the health care reform passes.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity lies that an un-named Obama official supports forced sterilizations.

♦ Leading right-wing blog compares health care reform to Pearl Harbor.

♦ Rush Limbaugh "jokes" that military should take President Obama into custody.

♦ Gun rights group claims Obama administration will issue ‘no guns’ decree.

♦ Pastor Wiley Drake says Christians should stop praying for President Obama's death until he's convicted of treason.

♦ Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs says "one could argue reasonably" that the Obama administration is "socialist".

♦ Missouri Republicans call for violent revolution.

♦ Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) says Obama's decision will help al Qaeda recruit terrorists and kill Americans.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "If we don’t stop this insanity now, they will fundamentally transform America. It must end".

♦ Four ways Republicans say Obama will kill you now.

♦ Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) says Democrats are "allowing terrorism back in New York".

♦ Fox's Bill O'Reilly warns that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) will be "will be bobbing up and down in the Boston Harbor" after taxpayers revolt.

♦ Christian conservatives love t-shirt that encourages Obama's assassination.

♦ On TV, actor Chuck Norris speaks at length about strangling Democrats.

♦ Nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin says Obama "has aggressively undertaken to destroy this society like no president in my lifetime".

♦ Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) calls Obama’s advisors the “gangster government”.

♦ Governor Rick Perry (R-Texas) claims that Obama is "interested in punishing Texas" and "Hellbent" on socialism.

♦ TV star Chuck Norris claims that Obama is planning a "one world order", and health-care bill means feds will invade homes.

♦ Colorado state legislator compares President Obama to the 9/11 terrorists.

♦ Nationally-syndicated radio host G. Gordon Liddy says he's "convinced" that Obama is a Muslim.

♦ Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) claims that health care reform is a bigger threat than "any terrorist right now in any country".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that the White House and progressives are "taking you to a place to be slaughtered".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that man who killed 12 soldiers is "just like Obama".

♦ World Net Daily claims that the mass-murderer advised Obama's transition team.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that "anti-free market, Marxist, Maoist radicals" are "looking to overthrow the system".

♦ Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) claims that health care reform will "destroy America as we know it today".

♦ Big-time right-wing pundit Erick Erickson says "to tell Nancy Pelosi and the Congress to send Obama to a death panel".

♦ Glenn Beck's substitute host claims that "enslavement" and it'll lead to euthanasia for overweight people.

♦ Radio star Michael Savage claims that the Democratic Party has been hijacked by "Leninists and Marxists"; "as though Al Qaeda took over the Democrat Party".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says that "The threat that people in this country who want to be free face is now within our own borders".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says liberals are indoctrinating our children with inhuman values that are OK with letting grandma die at the hands of death panels, or something.

♦ CNN's Lou Dobbs is still highlighting absurd North American Union conspiracy theory.

♦ Christian leader Pat Robertson claims that "the noose has tightened around the necks of Christians".

♦ Right-wing hero James Manning says If we let Obama live, America dies".

♦ Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) claims that health care reform “may cost you your life”.

♦ Prominent Republican Alan Keyes says the Obama administration is preparing to stage terror attacks, declare martial law and cancel the 2012 elections.

♦ Former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Florida) says that Obama is trying to "attack capitalism".

♦ Fox News asks in a poll, "Do you think the Taliban wants victory more than Obama?".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama is "destroying" the "private sector" and "it may be on purpose".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck calls Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the Anti-Christ.

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh asks Obama "What do you not like about this country that makes you want to inflict this kind of damage on it?"

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that the Democratic Party "is for the most part Marxist," while Republicans are "Marxist-lite".

♦ Dobbs says Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) is "extraordinarily dangerous".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that "The republic is under siege", and the White House is "full of revolutionaries".

♦ Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-Minnesota) says that This is our liberty and tyranny moment".

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh calls President Obama a "little boy".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck compares the President to Al Capone.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh tells a reporter "why don’t you just go kill yourself and help the planet by dying?".

♦ Congressman Gregg Harper (R-Mississippi) jokes about shooting "tree-hugging Democrats".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says that freedoms of speech and press, right to work, profit, make medical choices, assemble have been "lost rapidly".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says it "seems perfectly within the realm of reality" that the H1N1 vaccine was "developed to kill people".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck suggests again that there's a "possibility" of "martial law".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that Democrats plan to "kill you".

♦ Televangelist Pat Robertson claims that health reform is "dangerous" and President Obama has " a socialist bent".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh says "Texas is ready to recede -- secede from the nation because of Obama".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says he's going to "take the administration down".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that "every gun the government has is aimed at us".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck compares Fox News to Jews during the Holocaust, and warns that Obama may become a “brutal dictactor”.

♦ Nationally-syndicated radio host Mark Levin says senior citizens “will be expended".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that Obama officials "love" Mao, Castro, Che, Chavez, and says "The enemy is not only in the gates, they're inside the house".

♦ NRA phone survey asks "Should third-world dictators and Hillary Clinton dictate our gun policy?.

♦ US Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) is a "domestic enemy of the Constitution".

♦ Radio superstar Rush Limbaugh says that President Obama is "trashing," "destroying," "emasculating," America.

♦ Fox News anchor claims that "You can't say the Pledge Of Allegiance in school anymore".

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh says that Obama has put "child abusers" and "perverts" in power.

♦ Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention says health care reform "is precisely what the Nazis did".

♦ Prominent Republican strategist Floyd Brown demanding impeachment of "totalitarian" Obama for "Fascism, Socialism, Obamaism".

♦ Republian Congressional candidate Robert Lowry shooting at a target image of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

♦ Michael Steele, head of the Republican Party, says that “Democrats and their international leftist allies want America made subservient to the agenda of global redistribution and control, and truly patriotic Americans like you and our Republican Party are the only thing standing in their way".

♦ Radio superstar Rush Limbaugh again compares Obama health care plan to Nazi policies.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says that there's "a lot of truth" in the suggestion that we don't have a "pro-American president".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says "Obamacare" will "smother the individual," "aimed at robbing you of your humanity," and "all of us will be slaves".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says the Second Amendment is "under attack" by the Supreme Court.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says Obama is "out to destroy the whole concept of the West, Western civilization".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck complains about "these elites" ... taking us down the road of a progressive utopia, that only ends in death camps".

♦ CNN's Lou Dobbs doubles down on gun paranoia by claims Obama has appointed a 'gun czar'.

♦ A fundraising letter from the Republican Party compares President Obama to Stalin and Kim Jong Il.

♦ Congressman Trent Franks (R-Arizona) says President Obama is an "enemy of humanity".

♦ Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) claims that health care reform endangers US troops in Afghanistan.

♦ Newsmax says that a military coup "to resolve the 'Obama problem' " is not "unrealistic".

♦ Fox's Andrew Napolitano pushes "secession" from Obama "regime".

♦ Nationally syndicated radio host Jim Quinn tells US troops to "run for your life, get out," because Obama "is gonna get you killed".

♦ Movie and TV star Chuck Norris urging Americans to "fly some revolutionary flag in lieu of your 50-star flag"

♦ Dick Morris of Fox News says "we may not have a county by 2010", thanks to Obama.

♦ America's most listened-to pundit, Rush Limbaugh, claims that Obama's policies are fascism, socialism, liberal, progressive, "whatever you want to call them".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "the country may not survive Barack Obama".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh says that Obama is "surrendering" the U.S. to "the global powers".

♦ Fox News's Mike Ozanian says that Obama "believes in socialism".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama is "gonna show the rest of the world how to rip us and how to tear us apart".

♦ Nationally syndicated radio talker Tammy Bruce says Obama has “some malevolence towards this country which is unabated”.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says that "in Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering".

♦ Radio host Michael Savage says that hijacker Mohamed Atta speaks for the Obama administration.

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh taking race-baiting to puzzling extremes.

♦ Radio host Jim Quinn again calls for "riots in the streets" if health care reform passes.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh describes President Obama as "some socialist radical".

♦ Rush Limbaugh (by far America's most listened to radio voice) claims that Obama thinks the concept "of individual rights" is just "a racist invention of white slaveholders".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh claims that "community service is one of the baby steps toward fascism," and Obama "does not like this country as constituted".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims Obama is using 9/11 "to advance his own political leftist radical agenda".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh compares Obama to Castro, and repeats the "death panel" lie.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims Obama is "in the process of destroying your country".

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh claims health care reform "will cause more people to die".

♦ Right-wing radio host Jim Quinn asks listeners to "riot in the streets" if health care reform passes.

♦ All across the right-wing — not the right-wing nuttisphere but the right-wing's professional pundits — they're saying that President Obama's speech to schoolchildren is "the same sort of propaganda used by the Obama Hitler Youth, "Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and Freddy Krueger", "anti-American", "fascist", "Dear Leader-ish".

♦ Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) claims that President Obama is trying to make himself a dictator.

♦ Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) claims that "President Obama is obsessed with turning terrorists loose in America".

♦ Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) agrees at a town hall that President Obama thinks senior citizens are "expendable".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that Obama is a Marxist who is overseeing a "coup" in America.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that Democrats have "boot heels on the necks of the poor black and Hispanic children" and "want old people to die sooner".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says that his 9/12 rally "may be the only thing that stands between freedom and slavery".

♦ Thomas Sowell on Rush Limbaugh's show says that under health reform "a lot of old people are gonna be sacrificed".

♦ Rush Limbaugh's guest host Walter E. Williams calls for secession.

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage says "Hitler had the Hitler Youth, and Obama would like to have the Obama Youth".

♦ Nationally syndicated radio host Jim Quinn says "tyranny is in your future ... This is literally a Marxist takeover of the United States".

♦ Quinn claims progressives are "determined to murder freedom".

♦ WorldNetDaily says that President Obama is just like O.J. Simpson.

♦ Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-Minnesota) says that health care reform could "destroy this country forever”.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "There is a coup going on ... through the guise of [last year's] election".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says (again) that AmeriCorps is (literally) President Obama's "secret army".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "free speech is under attack", and Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama brings "totalitarianism".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh says that President Obama is establishing fascism.

♦ Fox News reports that Obama's health-care reforms are "sentencing our families to death".

♦ World Net Daily's Hal Lindsey implies that Obama is the Anti-Christ.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that Obama's proposals amount to "what Hitler did with the SS" and "what Saddam Hussein" did.

♦ A Republican Party mailer suggests that a public option health plan could be used to deny medical treatment to Republicans.

♦ Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) tells a town hall meeting that "We're almost reaching a revolution in this country".

♦ Fox's Michael Scheuer complains that Obama is "giing aid and comfort to the enemy".

♦ Congressman Wally Herger (R-California) reiterates that a stranger who described himself as "a right-wing terrorist" must be "a great American".

♦ An apparently serious Republican candidate for Governor of Idaho 'jokes ' about assassinating the President.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says that we need to save our penises from President Obama.

♦ Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele claims that the Veterans Administration is encourages vets to commit suicide.

♦ Fox News claims Obama is using a “death book” to encourage veterans to “pull the plug” and die.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "You are about to lose your freedom of speech".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama administration "will wage war against American citizens".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh accuses Obama of "fascism".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that the Obama administration is "doing the bidding of terrorists".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims that the ACLU "will kill us all if they're not stopped".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity says "National socialism is very much what we see today in this administration".

♦ Congressman Peter King (R-New York) questions the patriotism of Attorney General Eric Holder..

♦ Congressman Wally Herger (R-California) describes health care reform as a threat to democracy.

♦ Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) claims that health care reform means America is "headed" to becoming like Iran.

♦ Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Georgia) encourages people to bring guns to town hall meetings.

♦ Last year's Presidential candidate and Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), endorsing the reprehensible "death panel" lie.

♦ Movie star Jon Voight says President Obama is orchestrating "a slow, steady takeover of our true freedoms" as America is "becoming a socialist nation".

♦ Former Congressman Rick Santorum claims that President Obama is un-American.

♦ The Washington Times defends "fact-based" editorials compares Obama to Nazis.

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims again that Obama is planning martial law.

♦ Fox News still spreading the ridiculous but deplorable lie that Obama wants to kill seniors.

♦ Republican star "Joe the Plumber" (who’s not a plumber) says he'd like to "beat the livin' tar" out of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California).

♦ Former Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) reiterates her lie that President Obama is planning "death panels" to judge whether old folks and handicapped kids can live.

♦ Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), Fox's Glenn Beck, former Congressman Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Congresswoman Judy Biggert (R-Illinois), and former New York Mayor and Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani all echo that same lie in unison.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck jokes about "military tribunals for all those currently serving in Washington".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh accuses Obama of "Mussolini-type stuff".

♦ Radio star Michael Savage and World Net Daily says that President Obama is planning American internment camps.

♦ Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) tells a town hall that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are plotting the declaration of martial law.

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage says the "Democrat Rat" — presumably the President — is "going to do an Oklahoma City".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says he wants to poison Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California)

♦ Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) jokes about Democrats getting lynched.

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh going on at length, two days in a row, about "the similarities between the Democrat Party of today and the Nazi Party in Germany".

♦ Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin worrying that "Obama's 'death panel'" will decide whether "my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome" ... "are worthy of health care".

♦ How effective has the enormous and unprecedented Fox News and Limbaugh-orchestrated onslaught of smears against all things Obama, that he's leaving America undefended, that he's driving America to Marxism, and of course their endless claims that he isn't even an American? "Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service. (Not a lie)

♦ Congressperson Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) warns that health care reform will lead to senior citizens being "put to death by their government".

♦ Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) says birthers "have a point".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck caps off a week of race-baiting by calls Obama a "racist".

♦ CNN's Lou Dobbs chastises the "pitiful" press corps for framing the birther question "as though this is some sort of egregiously bizarre and totally unfounded inquiry".

♦ Fox & Friends advances false rumors about the Obama administration's secret plan to deny health treatment to elderly.

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh says Obama's health care plan is "the end of the United States as we know it".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh suggests that Obama and the Chinese are "brothers" in communism.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh responds to Obama's health care proposals with falsehoods about euthanasia.

♦ Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee attends a birther conference.

♦ The founder of Operation Rescue warns of "violent convulsions" if health bill doesn't ban abortions.

♦ The founder of Free Republic calls for the overthrow of US government.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that a "modern day slave state" is being constructed out of ACORN, SEIU, student loans, census and service initiatives.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that health care reform is "the beginning of reparations".

♦ CNN's Lou Dobbs gives birther lunacy a national platform.

♦ Dobbs wonders whether President Obama is undocumented.

♦ Fox News asks if Obama's health plan puts us "one step closer to the United Socialist States of America".

♦ Fox News promotes a birther lawsuit while ignoring red flags indicating it's a hoax.

♦ Fox Nation again posts a birther story with a picture of Obama in Somali clothes.

♦ G. Gordon Liddy on his national radio show helps smear merchant Jerome Corsi promote his Obama birth certificate conspiracy theories.

♦ Liddy falsely claims there is a "sworn statement from the stepgrandmother" says Obama was born in Kenya.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh portrays Obama as "a black president trying to destroy a white policeman".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh claims that "Obama's entire economic program is reparations".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that "Barack Obama has yet to have to prove he's a citizen. All he'd have to do is show a birth certificate".

♦ NewsMax reports that Obama wants to kill old white people.

♦ WorldNetDaily claims Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

♦ Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) says that US government is fascist.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "The president is a Marxist" who is "setting up a class system".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck warns that "The ACORNS of the world" are not "about voter registration," but "riots, planned riots".

♦ MSNBC's Pat Buchanan explains that white men are really getting a raw deal.

♦ Buchanan ranting about Sonia Sotomayor's purported "lifelong resolve to discriminate against white males".

♦ Radio host Bill Cunningham advocates "beating the hell outta" homeless people with "a big old cane, Singapore-style".

♦ CNN's Lou Dobbs on his radio show says Obama needs to "produce a birth certificate".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims that Obama's "Soviet-style" health care will "destroy capitalism".

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh repeats the claim that Obama was "raised by communists," and Democrats are "out to destroy the private sector".

♦ Fox's Bill O'Reilly claims that others in media are using Goebbels tactics to push "propaganda," and the left is trying to "knock out Judeo-Christian traditions".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage declares that Obama, Pelosi, Axelrod, Emanuel, Waxman and "others" want "absolute power over your life".

♦ Fox's Stuart Varney claims that Obama and Congress are "essentially socialists".

♦ Former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Florida) says "I don't know" if Obama is a socialist.

♦ Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) says America is "where Germany was before World War II".

♦ Radio mouth Laura Ingraham, subbing for Fox's Bill O'Reilly, running a graphic with crosshairs over Planned Parenthood's logo.

♦ Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele says Democrats can now "basically hijack elections at their whim".

♦ Ex-CIA spy Michael Scheuer tells Fox's Beck that America's only hope is for Osama bin Laden to "deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States".

♦ Scheuer claims that Obama doesn't care "about protecting this country".

♦ Arch-rightwing big-wig Howard Kaloogian claims that Obama is worse than Adolf Hitler and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

♦ Radio star Neil Boortz claims that "global warming scam" is "an effort by the left to destroy capitalist economies".

♦ Ann Counter 'jokes ' about murdering abortion doctors.

♦ Fox Nation claims that Obama's census plans will castrate Caucasians.

♦ Fox Nation claims that climate change legislation is "treason".

♦ The Hill advances the claim that Obama is "siding" with Chavez and Cuba.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that hate crimes legislation means everybody but "blacks and homosexuals" "can get to the back of the bus".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims Obama led Democrats "into doing everything he could to ensure the defeat of the US military".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh equates civil rights with rape.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama sought the defeat of US troops in Iraq.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says "I don't know" where Obama was born, "supposedly Hawaii".

♦ National Review's Thomas Sowell warns of nuclear attack, America under Sharia law.

♦ Fox's Dick Morris claims that the "Declaration of Independence has been repealed".

♦ Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) says "I don't know" if Obama is a citizen.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck slices watermelon, over an explanation that cap-and-trade bill "green on the outside, and inside it's deep, communist red".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity and Dick Morris describes the President as a terrorist soulmate.

♦ Joe the Plumber (who’s not a plumber) wonders why Senator Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) hasn't been lynched.

♦ National Review claims "in principle Obama is fine with dictatorship".

♦ Radio star Neil Boortz claims that "Obama's health care plan is going to end up killing people".

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh claims that with digitized health records, "man-child" Obama will be able to "blackmail you" and "deny you treatment".

♦ WorldNetDaily's Janet Porter says Obama's "dictatorship" must be stopped or "we'll all lose our lives".

♦ WND's Joseph Farah says Obama is calls for genocide against Israel.

♦ Singer-celebrity Pat Boone writes that "the end of our religious freedom in America could be at hand".

♦ Alaska Governor Sarah Palin claims that Obama is leading the US to socialism.

♦ Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) says he "really enjoyed" actor Jon Voight's speech claims Obama might allow "a new Holocaust".

♦ Congressman Chris Smith (R-New Jersey) says the Obama administration is all about killing unborn children and wounding their mothers".

♦ Media mogul Rupert Murdoch says Obama's policies are "dangerous".

♦ Former Congressman Newt Gingrich claims that Obama is anti-Christian.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck compares car dealership closures to Nazis, and warns , "Gang, at some point, they're going to come for you".

♦ Fox Radio interviews a Christian preacher who's praying for Obama's death.

♦ Sinclair Broadcasting's Mark Hyman pushes Obama birth certificate conspiracy theories.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh pushes birther theories on the same day a birther-believer opens fire at Holocaust Museum.

♦ NewsMax links Obama to Holocaust Museum shooting.

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage says Obama is "attacking Israel, attacking Jews and breeding a climate of hate against Jews".

♦ The Washington Times's Gaffney claims "There is mounting evidence" that Obama is Muslim.

♦ Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) implies that Obama is on the terrorists' side, and the President's speech was "un-American".

♦ Ex-Vice Presidential daughter Liz Cheney claims that Obama wants to hold hands with terrorists.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims that Obama gave the "go-ahead" for Iran nukes.

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama is doing a better job than Al Qaeda of destroying America.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama is calls for "socialism," "fascism".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama is "a miniature dictator in waiting".

♦ Former Congressman Tom Tancredo says "I don't know" if the Obama administration "hates white people".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says that Obama's "friends and his nominees and everything, they're all Marxist".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that ACORN's founders were inspired by "strategy" to "transform" US "into a socialist-Marxist state".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that Sonia Sotomayor's appointment is more evidence of a Marxist "hostile takeover" of the U.S.A..

♦ Fox's Ralph Peters suggests that all Guantanamo prisoners should be killed.

♦ Fox Nation claims that Sotomayor "wants to ban guns".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that President Obama hates white people.

♦ Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele claims Obama plans to ban guns and free speech.

♦ A new Republican scare ad revives LBJ's "Daisy" theme of nuclear annihilation.

♦ Perpetual Republican candidate Alan Keyes denounces Obama as "the focal point of evil".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims that states are in danger of "losing their sovereignty" because the federal government will "nationalize" them.

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama "made the case for killing babies born alive and giving legal protection to the doctors that did it".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh says "Were I a terrorist, I would have been prompted to give Obama's speech a standing ovation today".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage predicts a future where "Your guns are seized, your free speech is gone, your children are in the hands of the perverts".

♦ Former Congressman Newt Gingrich accuses the Obama administration of coddling terrorists.

♦ Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) claims that Obama intends to let "hard-core terrorists" run "loose in the United States", and the President has "completely devastated" the US military, because Obama "just doesn't believe that we need a military".

♦ Senator Pete Sessions (R-Alabama) claims that Obama's plan is to "diminish employment and diminish stock prices", "intended to inflict damage and hardship on the free enterprise system, if not to kill it".

♦ Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele claims that Democrats want to take away our guns, and move terrorists into our communities.

♦ Former Vice Presidential daughter Liz Cheney says that Obama sides "with the terrorists".

♦ Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) says he won't rule out secession.

♦ Radio mouth Neil Boortz claims that Katrina refugees are "parasites".

♦ Fox Nation asks "Is Obama shredding the constitution?".

♦ Fox News pushes horror stories of Obama setting Guantanamo terrorists loose in the US.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama's base "has anti-American opinion," and "doesn't like this country".

♦ Operation Rescue's Randall Terry compares Obama to Nazi leaders.

♦ Republicans hype a "Keep Terrorists Out of America Act", as if Guantanamo prisoners are going to be released in your town.

♦ Former Congressman Newt Gingrich claims that Obama wants to "get up in the morning and punish Americans".

♦ CBS golf analyst David Feherty claims "any US soldier" would assassinate Pelosi and Reid if given the chance.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says the US government "is the devil".

♦ MSNBC's Pat Buchanan claims that "What is happening now to white men right now is exactly what was done to black folks for years".

♦ Buchanan says "What [Obama has] done here is clearly disrespect the Christian community deliberately".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims that "our liberties [are] once again threatened" by the Obama administration, and unveiling his own "Tree of Liberty".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity echoes a sensationalized Republican video about Guantanamo Bay Prison.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity says "the chances... are zero" that "radical activist" Obama will select a justice who will "follow the rule of law and the Constitution".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims Democrats protect pedophiles but not veterans.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says people are "more afraid of their government than they have ever been".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says liberals "have contempt for average people".

♦ Christian leader Pat Robertson suggests that the "ultimate conclusion" of legal same-sex marriage is legal polygamy, bestiality, child molestation, pedophilia.

♦ WorldNetDaily claims that the hate crimes bill "would provide special protections for pedophiles".

♦ WorldNetDaily puts Obama in a brownshirt, waving a Nazi flag.

♦ Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele accuses Democrats of pushing "socialism".

♦ The Republican Party posts a video showing an actor as Obama criticizing troops, thanking Ayers.

♦ Screeds from radio hosts Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, and Michael Savage fuel gun-enthusiasts' anger.

♦ Fox's Beck claims that the Homeland Security Department's report classifies "a teabag person" as "kind of a threat possibly to the United States".

♦ Fox News hallucinates about a socialist/fascist menace.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity predicts that Obama will nominate somebody extremely radical" for Supreme Court, since Obama's policies have been "radically left" and "socialist".

♦ Fox's Molly Henneberg repeats a right-wing myth that hate crimes bill could gag ministers.

♦ The Washington Post's Charles Krauthammer says Obama is pushing a "radical domestic agenda" to "establish a more social democratic America".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh casts Obama as "attack number two ... follow-up to 9/11".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh claims Obama will release Guantanamo prisoners "in Montana or wherever else".

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh claims Obama "is weakening this nation's ability to defend itself".

♦ Fox's Dennis Miller suggests that Obama wants to waterboard tea-baggers.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck compares Al Gore's global warming "lies" to "Goebbels or Hitler".

♦ Fox Nation claims Obama "pals around with Chavez".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims "Anti-Americanism is now policy" at the White House.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh repeats the long-debunked lie that Obama "supports infanticide".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that the left wants "mass euthanasia".

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh says that Obama "has just as much disregard for the men and women of the United States military as every other liberal".

♦ Rush Limbaugh's guest host says the White House is "socialist-leaning," "Marxist-resembling".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims that "Obama hates" and "is raping America".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims that "gang bump" between Obama and Chavez a "signal" America is heading towards dictatorship.

♦ Fox's Joe Scarborough claims that "history will show" that Obama has "made us less safe as a country, especially people who live in Manhattan and Washington, DC".

♦ Governor Rick Perry (R-Texas) threatening to secede his state from The Union.

♦ Former Congressman Tom DeLay defends Perry's talk of Texas sovereignty and secession.

♦ Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) defends Texas secession as "very much an American principle".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says of Perry's call for secession "His words ring true".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity supports Perry's threat of secession.

♦ Congressman Robert Latta (R-Ohio) claims Obama "has declared war on Ohio and Indiana".

♦ Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) claims that Attorney General Eric Holder "doesn't believe in 2nd Amendment".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity says he has "one serious question": "Is this now a battle between capitalism and socialism?".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity attacks President Obama's patriotism, suggests he should be investigated by DHS.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity asks of Obama "Is there anything that he likes about this country?".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh claims that DHS report called "every mainstream conservative a right-wing extremist".

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh claims that Obama and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano "are extreme partisan radicals and they're ready to go to war with a domestic enemy -- conservatives -- that they consider to be a greater threat than Iran, than China, than North Korea".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage says that "rogue homosexual elements within Homeland Security are engaging in extra-constitutional activity".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims that government is out "to take your" freedom and guns and predicts "a Reichstag fire in this country within one year".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage still claims Obama is a "Muslim" who "went to a Madrasa".

♦ Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-Alabama) claims there are 17 socialists in Congress.

♦ Congressman Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) claims that Obama defense budget increase is a "cut" that will endanger the country.

♦ Former Congressman Newt Gingrich claims that the Obama administration is "anti-religious".

♦ Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) claims that Obama's increased defense budget "disarms America" and "cuts funding for our troops in the field".

♦ Former Congressman Rick Santorum claims Obama has "deep-seated antipathy toward American values".

♦ The "National Organization for Marriage" launching a multi-million dollar ad campaign using actors to push lies claims that marriage equality threatens personal freedoms.

♦ "Morality in Media" claims a connection between same-sex marriage and mass murder.

♦ Conservative media suggests that Obama supports one-world government.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck declares "I'm President Obama", then dousing actor with gas-can contents, holding up lit match.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says gay marriage is "actually about going into churches, and going in and attacking churches.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says the only way to stop "bloodsuckers" like Obama is to "drive a stake through the heart".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck puts Obama in a Nazi uniform.

♦ Fox News signs on to 'Tea Party' agenda, aggressively promotes anti-Obama protests.

♦ Fox & Friends describes Obama as "anti-Catholic, anti-Christian", "pro-abortion".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says "The Mullahs and Putin and Medvedev and Hu Jintao in China celebrated the day Obama got elected" because they know liberals believe old Soviet propaganda.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says Obama is Neville Chamberlain.

♦ Radio star Rush Limbaugh says "Democrat [sic] Party way is to destroy the US culture".

♦ Fox's Dick Morris says "Those crazies in Montana who say, 'We're going to kill ATF agents because the UN's going to take over' -- well, they're beginning to have a case".

♦ NewsMax says Obama's White House Easter egg hunt is "a pagan ceremony".

♦ The Moonie-owned Washington Times' editor says Obama "threw Christianity under the bus".

♦ The Washington Times claims House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) will "try to confiscate" guns.

♦ WorldNetDaily claims that Obama's dystopian, socialist, tyrannical agenda has only just begun.

♦ WorldNetDaily still pushes lies about Obama's birth certificate.

♦ Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-Minnesota) claims the Obama administration will create "re-education camps for young people".

♦ CNBC's Jim Cramer describes Democrats as "Bolsheviks" and says "the House ... might as well be Nancy Pelosi's own Politburo".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "I am not says that Obama is a fascist," before compares auto bailout to "the early days of Adolf Hitler".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says "We're not marching to socialism, we're marching toward fascism".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck airs photos of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, and asks, "Is this where we're headed?".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims "we've been on this road" to "fascism" "since Teddy Roosevelt".

♦ Fox Nation asks "Is Obama targeting Catholics?".

♦ Fox News claims Obama White House is trying to impose Sharia Law in US.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims Obama "harbors deep resentment" of America, just like Dixie Chicks.

♦ Fox's Bill O'Reilly claims Obama is selling us out to "one world government".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims "We have a naked Marxist for president".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage hopes that the "Obamas don't take down the pictures of Lincoln and such and replace them with, you know, Malcolm X".

♦ WorldNetDaily reports that Democrats are godless Nazis.

♦ Congressperson Michelle Bachmann (R-Minnesota) calls for "an orderly revolution".

♦ Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) complains that Obama is turning America into France.

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh calls Obama "an extremist tyrannical president".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh again repeats the falsehood that Obama "voted for infanticide".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck portrays Obama and Democrats as vampires "going after the blood of our businesses," and suggests "driving a stake through the heart of the bloodsuckers".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims that the Obama administration "is on a mission to hijack capitalism in favor of collectivism... The Bolsheviks have already arrived".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims that Nat'l Intelligence Director plans to "release ... enemy combatants on American soil".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity asks if Obama budget is "a way for the government to completely control our lives".

♦ Former Congressman Newt Gingrich claims that Obama's financial regulation plan will create a "dictatorship".

♦ Fox & Friends hosts former mobster to compare Democrats to crime family.

♦ Fox's Gretchen Carlson asks, "Are we headed toward socialism?".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity says the Obama administration is pushing "the single biggest power grab and move towards socialism in the history of the country".

♦ CNN's Lou Dobbs describes Obama as a socialist.

♦ Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh claims that the Obama administration is "focused on the destruction of the private sector. This is an all-out assault on capitalism".

♦ Laura Ingraham guest host Tammy Bruce calls Michelle Obama "trash in the White House".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims "Obama has a plan to force children into a paramilitary domestic army".

♦ Radio host Rush Limbaugh says "We now have mob rule the way it started in Nazi Germany".

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims that terrorists may be your "new neighbors".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims "We are a country that is headed towards socialism, totalitarianism, beyond your wildest dreams".

♦ The Washington Times' Frank Gaffney writes that Obama "will be embracing the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood".

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims stem cell research will spawn a search for a "master race".

♦ Ann Coulter says
New York Times editors should have been "executed for treason" for revealing Bush-Cheney's illegal spying on Americans.

♦ Guest host sitting in for Michael Savage claims Obama kept his Blackberry to communicate with "domestic terrorist" Bill Ayers.

♦ TV tough guy Chuck Norris says thousands of right wing cell groups exist and will rebel against US government.

♦ A conservative audience roaring with applause when right-wing activist Cliff Kincaid suggests Obama wasn't born in US.

♦ Fox's Sean Hannity claims Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) wants American troops to die.

♦ NBC's Ann Coulter says George Soros was "a Nazi collaborator, literally".

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez are terrorists.

♦ Syndicated radio host Michael Savage claims "Obama is a dictator".

♦ Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee compares Obama administration to the USSR.

♦ MSNBC's Joe Scarborough claims Obama is moving the US "closer toward European-style socialism".

♦ Frequent Republican candidate Alan Keyes calls for the US military to disobey President Obama's orders.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck claims America is on the road to civil war led by American "Bubba" militias.

♦ CNBC's Rick Santelli distorts the White House Press Secretary's words to claim that the Obama administration is threatening his life.

♦ Fox's Carl Cameron repeats the lie that stimulus bill includes funds will go to ACORN.

♦ Radio host Bill Cunningham and "Swift Boater" Jerome Corsi claim again that Obama isn't really an American.

♦ Fox's Glenn Beck says Obama is "addicting this country to heroin -- the heroin that is government slavery".

♦ Ann Coulter's new book defends white supremacists.

♦ Right-wing mega-site WorldNetDaily claims Obama is a communist spy or something.

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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by OLD1953 »

Well, yes, but even taking that at face value its inciting to riot at most, not actual violence.

You seem to have a bit of semantic confusion going on.

There was a big surge in far right (sigh) violence in the South after WWI, a surge in leftist violence during and after Vietnam, then a reactionary surge from the right in the mid 70's (overturning busses in Pittsburgh, etc) then again from the left in a smaller way, then from the right again with abortion clinics targeted, culminating with the Ok city bombing, then the riots targeting the G8 conferences (though many were imported from outside) from the left - and the right IN THE US may be ramping up again, hard to say before it happens, but it would fit the trend. Violence does tend to increase in unravelling eras, so it's not exactly a surprise.

As for violence in other countries, the right had a major day not long ago with the Dutch beating the hell out of anyone who looked Muslim, the rise of the skinheads, etc. The extremist Muslim groups are certainly violent across the Mideast - and they share characteristics of both left and right. However, in northern Europe, it woudl be expected that left wing violence would occur as a reaction to the skinhead and anti Muslim violence. And the struggle in Iran is certainly between a younger group further to the left than the older group.

Tom Acre
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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by Tom Acre »

OLD1953 wrote:...even taking that at face value...
That would be a huge mistake.
OLD1953 wrote: ...a bit of semantic confusion going on.
If by "semantic confusion" you mean pure gibberish, you're correct.
OLD1953 wrote:There was a big surge in far right ..., a surge in leftist violence ...
The Left/Right meme is a false dichotomy. They are both totalitarian and have nothing to do with the relevant political struggle in America to preserve Our Constitutional Republic.

The Right/Left meme is just a diversion, a smoke screen, a non sequitur, a red herring. Its like arguing over Stalin versus Hitler?

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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by Oakwood »

OLD1953 wrote: Well, yes, but even taking that at face value its inciting to riot at most, not actual violence.
Well, John didn't seem to like the examples I presented of murder. Let me just remind that verbal threats frequently precede physical violence. In fact, the law does consider many forms of verbal violence to be acts of violence. In more civilized countries it's often a crime to tell unsubstantiated "facts" through the media, let alone advocating the assassination of the President. (But I suppose it's just desserts for the liberals who called Bush a war criminal). Picture this: You have an entire TV channel devoted to Obama-hate as well as the most popular radio talk shows. The economy is going down the tubes, people are losing their jobs and their homes, and the news media on these shows are blaming Obama and claiming he's a Muslim, a secret member of Al Qaeda, not legally President (because he wasn't born in the U.S.), and is planning to euthanize the elderly and the handicapped through death panels. If you were someone with nothing to lose and felt desperate one day (say you were just diagnosed with cancer but still don't have health care), you might just feel inspired by the words of Glenn Beck to grab your gun and act boldly...

In case you missed one of the blurbs from my last post:
♦ How effective has the enormous and unprecedented Fox News and Limbaugh-orchestrated onslaught of smears against all things Obama, that he's leaving America undefended, that he's driving America to Marxism, and of course their endless claims that he isn't even an American? "Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service.

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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by Oakwood »

Tom Acre wrote: The Left/Right meme is a false dichotomy. They are both totalitarian and have nothing to do with the relevant political struggle in America to preserve Our Constitutional Republic.
At some level everything is a false dichotomy. Take race. Caucasian vs. Negro, white vs. black--is that real? The majority of anthropologists believe the concept of race is no longer useful. The genes which cause the phenotypic (i.e. apparent) differences between whites and blacks are relatively few in number.
In the United States both scholars and the general public have been conditioned to viewing human races as natural and separate divisions within the human species based on visible physical differences. With the vast expansion of scientific knowledge in this century, however, it has become clear that human populations are not unambiguous, clearly demarcated, biologically distinct groups. Evidence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups. Conventional geographic "racial" groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes. This means that there is greater variation within "racial" groups than between them. In neighboring populations there is much overlapping of genes and their phenotypic (physical) expressions. Throughout history whenever different groups have come into contact, they have interbred. The continued sharing of genetic materials has maintained all of humankind as a single species.

# ^ a b "American Anthropological Assoc ... racepp.htm
Dr. Craig Venter...upon examining the data from the genome mapping...realized...the types of variations don't warrant calling each other different races..."Race is a social concept. It's not a scientific one. There are no bright lines (that would stand out), if we could compare all the sequenced genomes of everyone on the planet." "When we try to apply science to try to sort out these social differences, it all falls apart."
^ "New Ideas, New Fuels: Craig Venter ... hapter_17

But people still find it "useful" to use racial terms in everyday language. "The man who shot me was black." "UCLA is full of beautiful Asian women." "I was worried because a bunch of Mideastern guys got on the plane." "He said he was born in Chicago, but he looked like he came straight from New Delhi." (And there'd be a lot of white supremacists out of work without the concept of race.)

Most of the time people can agree on racial terminology, although that's getting harder as we see more "mixing" of the races. What race is Tiger Woods, Vin Diesel, etc. ? And even though the scientists tell me it's no longer useful to classify people according to race, I still see myself as white. Similarly, though the right-left dichotomy may not be an exact science, I think people in general know what they mean when they use the terms. The mainstream right is positively associated with corporate hegemony, the military, gun rights, the Patriot Act, the drug war, anti-immigration, anti-abortion, limiting gay rights. The mainstream left is associated with pro-union, pro-choice, women's rights, gay rights, separation of church and state, minimization of corporate power, financial regulation, health care reform, gun control, civil liberties. I'm sure I've missed a few issues. It seems to me these issues make for pretty clear distinctions. Now, as you say, at the extreme ends, it may be difficult to tell the difference between the right-wing and left-wing--they are both totalitarian. But that's not where we are living. And the original basis of this discussion was whether there has been an upsurge of right or left-wing violence. My claim is that you can tell the source of the ideology of the violence. If somebody was going to assassinate Obama for "political" reasons it would likely be because they feared he was going to lead this country toward socialism or institute death camps (i.e., a right winger). A left-winger prone to violence might assassinate a corporate CEO or Glenn Beck or Michelle Bachmann. Bottom line: right and left are useful distinctions.

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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by John »

Just a request to everyone:

When discussing hypothetical violence (as opposed to quoting news
stories), please stay away from mentioning specific names. Just keep
it as general and non-specific as possible. I don't want anyone on
the left OR the right getting any wrong ideas.


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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by thomasglee »

This thread has deteriorated into nothing but an attempt to bash anything not left-wing. Oakwood has his head so far left he either thinks that left-wing violence is ok or he purposely ignores the many stories out there about it so he can "win" his arguments.

If this right-wing nut wasn't so busy actually contributing to the economy of this country, I would spend an hour countering his crap but I know that doing so will just egg him on. I'm removing this thread from my watch list. It's become boring.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by Oakwood »

thomasglee wrote: Oakwood has his head so far left he either thinks that left-wing violence is ok or he purposely ignores the many stories out there about it so he can "win" his arguments.

Well thomas won't see this, and maybe nobody else is interested either, but what the hell. All I'm trying to do is counter John's completely unsupported claim that there's been a near absence of right-wing violence lately! Since I oppose all political violence we're left with thomas' belief that I ignore left-wing violence in order to win my arguments. In a polemical discussion, it's not my job to make arguments for the other side. However, I do believe it's important to make honest arguments and it's not that I have "ignored" left-wing violence, it's just not germane to the question of whether there's been rising right-wing violence.

Has there been an uptick in verbal and physical right-wing violence in the last two years? Yes, I think I've proven that pretty well. Is it likely to get worse? Based on trends in the past? Yes. Is left wing violence increasing in the U.S. recently? Well, I Googled "left-wing violence" and found a few incidents, mostly at the Republican convention and the G20 summit. In my opinion, serious episodes of left-wing violence have not increased in the U.S. during the last few years. Now, maybe somebody else has the time to prove me wrong.

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Re: 30-May-10 The rise of left-wing violence around the world

Post by OLD1953 »

As I was trying to say, it swings in cycles. Europe is seeing an uptick in violence from the left now, ours will come along later, seems as if the trends in the US almost always lag Europe by a few years.

Semantic confusion means an incorrect identification of an abstraction or mislabeling of same, or categorization of an abstraction incorrectly. In this instance I meant that Oakwood is placing verbal "violence" in the same category as physical violence.

If you want to learn about semantics (which is an underlying science regarding knowledge and how we know what we know) you should read the seminal work in the field, "Science and Sanity" by Alfred Korzybski. College libraries will have a copy.

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