Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:Thanks for these on-the-ground reports.

SME = small or medium-sized enterprise
CNY = Chinese New Year
Why don't Korea and Hong Kong just ban foreigners for a few months. They seem to be the problem.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

mooreupp wrote:Having this while world wide debt was already at record highs in almost every sense and shutting down the economy (more expenses, less revenue) might end up being what pushes us over the edge here.

This is one where two of my favorite commentaries are differing. Always like the reporting here and Karl Denningers The Market Ticker. He thinks the asymptomatic numbers here very high and this is being blown very much out of proportion (not that certain populations shouldnt be taking precautions though or the final few exponential growth spikes won't effect things).
Even the most measured suggestion that we might be overreacting even the teensiest bit and that the economy IS us, will get you canceled by friends and family toot suite.

We’ve got maybe a week to turn this ship back into something that resembles what we had before. Tops. We need to go back to work now or we are all fucked.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

One thing to consider – the prisons are releasing nonviolent prisoners early. Many of them are people who have drug habits or are in jail for burglary.
Many police come into close contact with the public while making arrests, so more of them will call in sick.
Shops are closed down and still full of whatever they sell, but no one is watching the store.
Guess what will occur to someone recently released?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
mooreupp wrote:Having this while world wide debt was already at record highs in almost every sense and shutting down the economy (more expenses, less revenue) might end up being what pushes us over the edge here.

This is one where two of my favorite commentaries are differing. Always like the reporting here and Karl Denningers The Market Ticker. He thinks the asymptomatic numbers here very high and this is being blown very much out of proportion (not that certain populations shouldnt be taking precautions though or the final few exponential growth spikes won't effect things).
Even the most measured suggestion that we might be overreacting even the teensiest bit and that the economy IS us, will get you canceled by friends and family toot suite.

We’ve got maybe a week to turn this ship back into something that resembles what we had before. Tops. We need to go back to work now or we are all fucked.
NYC is the center for covid19 in the US. I say: Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Lalalala »

Guest wrote: NYC is the center for covid19 in the US. I say: Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
No need to destroy all that property. Just seal off the bridges and wait until the screaming stops.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by guest »

I have relatives locked down in Manhattan right now. But they wished they were staying with me. My county in the Rocky Mountains has about 40 people average per square mile. I have plenty of ammo and guns to hunt, see wildlife daily and have 3 lakes stocked with fish. He has not even so much as a gun. The last place I’d want to be in on an island with 8 million people in 24 square miles. Funny thing is how many people I talk to that do no own a gun (wish they did now) and more alarming is the number that have never killed their own dinner be it animal or fish etc. If the shit hits the fan where we are competing for food resources in the wild my estimate is that 25% will die off right off the bat from being Metrosexuals, then another 25% will be shot for trying to go where they aren’t wanted.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Lalalala wrote:
Guest wrote: NYC is the center for covid19 in the US. I say: Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
No need to destroy all that property. Just seal off the bridges and wait until the screaming stops.
Maybe a neutron bomb -- kills all the people, leaves the buildings and equipment undamaged.

Guest 5

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest 5 »

While I think that we’ll be okay if we’re talking a shutdown of just a couple more weeks, I have to say that I hope President Trump *doesn’t* listen to the “experts” who are telling him a 3-4 month shutdown, because there’s no way society survives that in exchange for $1,000 or so a person.

I’m listening to those “experts” talk about coronavirus as if it lives in some kind of vacuum where no other concerns are relevant, and my immediate thought when I heard a multi-month timeline was “What are you, fucking nuts!?!” If people struggle for a month or so, that’s bad but it’s something that can be overcome relatively easily with some support like the stimulus bill. You cut them off from going to work or paying bills for three to four months, and they won’t have any jobs to go back to. You’ll see rioting and looting in the streets.

Because at that point you’re talking threats to Maslow’s most basic level in the hierarchy of needs, and people will absolutely turn on each other to save themselves when their basic ability to provide a living for themselves is threatened.

The immeasurable damage being done to the world economy is unconscionable, and will haunt us all far beyond the worst mortality numbers from the virus. Look at any recession; suicides alone skyrocket, homes will be lost, domestic violence will escalate, crime will increase, families will break up, etc. The handling of this by politicians is abysmal.

I’m guessing the total American deaths from the WuFlu will be 80,000, worst case.

I also guess that 6-7 years from now, when economists measure ‘excess deaths’ from the economic despair and the subsequent social unrest it will be north of 8,000,000.

Even cancer deaths will skyrocket: ... aths-atun/


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by guest »

Guest wrote:
Lalalala wrote:
Guest wrote: NYC is the center for covid19 in the US. I say: Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
No need to destroy all that property. Just seal off the bridges and wait until the screaming stops.
Maybe a neutron bomb -- kills all the people, leaves the buildings and equipment undamaged.
That's actually a good idea. It's amazing how hard times bring out such creativity. :lol:

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Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 29-Mar-2020 World View: Releasing prisoners
Guest wrote: > One thing to consider – the prisons are releasing nonviolent
> prisoners early. Many of them are people who have drug habits or
> are in jail for burglary. Many police come into close contact
> with the public while making arrests, so more of them will call in
> sick. Shops are closed down and still full of whatever they sell,
> but no one is watching the store. Guess what will occur to
> someone recently released?
You're right. As if there aren't enough problems, releasing prisoners
is extremely dangerous.

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