Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 18-Feb-2020 World View: Playing
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > Another option is to quit playing. If the "work" is done, what's
> the sense in keepin' on workin', eh?
O' course, I personally, am highly averse to irrevocable choices,.. but that's just my chronic fear of commitment.

Other than marriage, ONE of these days I'll actually commit to REALLY stickin' with something! Maybe... :)

Aloha buckeroo..!! Meaning: Love to ya' Bucky! ..and not "So long!"

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Oo,.. oo, oo, oo,.. I gotz a money maker for El JohnO..!! Listen up, El JohnO...!!

An "experienced" Computer Scientist/Engineer, whom we shall call JaX (yes, Capital X), in the mode of a cross between Sean Connery in Indiana Jones and Jason Statham playing Jason Bourne (which I don't believe he did, but we'll ignore that for now), who...

..discovers, by way of an amazing "generational" theory, the curious link between Chinese IT hardware backdoors, the secret bio-weapons labs (plural) in Wuhan, and a shadowy character named "Wing Chun", or "Wang Chung", who may or may not be the same person, and how that link...

..will, if not "subverted" by our hero JaX, bring on WWIII after a world wide pandemic and financial meltdown.

JaX uses his mighty IT skills and titanium-alloy-sheathed fists and vertebrae (don't ask), along with his heavy Greco-Scottish martial art secret techniques and accent, to infiltrate one of the three powerful underground Uighur Secret Societies below the streets of Wuhan (yes, literally "underground") to find the wiley WC and his "secret thingy" with which to limit the pandemic and put off the World War (and financial collapse) until at least Episode II comes out, entitled "JaX Back!"


Just as Generational Dynamics states, the inevitable MUST happen!

There WILL be WWIII,.. but not until Episode XIV,.. when JaX and CadréVII will rededicate themselves to the downfall of The Honey Badger.

...whatcha think!? :)

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 18-Feb-2020 World View: JaX the Ripper
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > O' course, I personally, am highly averse to irrevocable
> choices,.. but that's just my chronic fear of commitment.

> Other than marriage, ONE of these days I'll actually commit to
> REALLY stickin' with something! Maybe... :)

> Aloha buckeroo..!! Meaning: Love to ya' Bucky! ..and not "So
> long!"
Thanks for the wishes. You know, I'm not exactly taking all this with
equanimity, when I think of what I'm going to have to do. Some days
I'm so overwhelmed with sadness that I can barely see straight. Other
days I'm much more stoic and resigned to the situation. On those
days, I'm reminded of Hannah Arendt's description of society in 1949,
after two world wars and fearing another one, with Russia: "This
moment of anticipation is like the calm that settles after all hopes
have died."
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > Oo,.. oo, oo, oo,.. I gotz a money maker for El JohnO..!! Listen
> up, El JohnO...!!

> An "experienced" Computer Scientist/Engineer, whom we shall call
> JaX (yes, Capital X), in the mode of a cross between Sean Connery
> in Indiana Jones and Jason Statham playing Jason Bourne (which I
> don't believe he did, but we'll ignore that for now), who...

> ..discovers, by way of an amazing "generational" theory, the
> curious link between Chinese IT hardware backdoors, the secret
> bio-weapons labs (plural) in Wuhan, and a shadowy character named
> "Wing Chun", or "Wang Chung", who may or may not be the same
> person, and how that link...

> ..will, if not "subverted" by our hero JaX, bring on WWIII after a
> world wide pandemic and financial meltdown.
Nobody would be willing to pay a penny for that plot. Well, maybe it
would sell if there were plenty of semi-nude dancing girls.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

How Xi's bungling has devastated China's military capabilities

Read more: ... z6ELUAHkF0
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 18-Feb-2020 World View: JaX the Ripper
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > O' course, I personally, am highly averse to irrevocable
> choices,.. but that's just my chronic fear of commitment.

> Other than marriage, ONE of these days I'll actually commit to
> REALLY stickin' with something! Maybe... :)

> Aloha buckeroo..!! Meaning: Love to ya' Bucky! ..and not "So
> long!"
Thanks for the wishes. You know, I'm not exactly taking all this with
equanimity, when I think of what I'm going to have to do. Some days
I'm so overwhelmed with sadness that I can barely see straight. Other
days I'm much more stoic and resigned to the situation. On those
days, I'm reminded of Hannah Arendt's description of society in 1949,
after two world wars and fearing another one, with Russia: "This
moment of anticipation is like the calm that settles after all hopes
have died."
I have gone to bed without knowing where my family would sleep the next night. There were times previous when we weren't sure we'd have any income in but a few months.

I have gone for days repeating the "Sé do bheaha, a Mhuire" in gaeilge actively in my mind continuously, day and night, as the only way to somewhat calm my mind from worry.

I'm extremely prone to overwhelm. I internally elaborate worst case scenarios until that is all I can think of. I "give up" entirely too easily. I dangle participles.

I did give up. I (we) simply lived minute to minute and day to day for quite some time. Luckily, I also have a weird tendency to "fall up". Cascades of ludicrously "good luck" occurred, and things got better and our "quite minimalist" lifestyle is stable and even "fun".

I don't pretend that there are any guarantees. But, I've learned that joyous ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ is a better operational philosophy than living as a slave to worry.

"Hope dying" is the "early stage" perception of eliminating unnecessary contingency for happiness. The relief felt by (old) hopes dying is the understanding that "anxiety just ain't worth it!", which is the definition of (new) real hope.

It's the difference between hope and want.
Nobody would be willing to pay a penny for that plot. Well, maybe it
would sell if there were plenty of semi-nude dancing girls.
Well, how can you have subterranean Uighurs and NOT have scads of semi-nude dancing girls...!! Come ON..!!!

..gets HOT in them there tunnels.

I'll get a bullet-point draft outline to y'all to critique pretty quick,.. OK,.. have your people talk to my people,.. etcetera etcetera etcetera.... smootches....!

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

..Got a new wrinkle (idea-ette thingie) for the story!

Part of the backstory of JaX is that he's CONSTANTLY semi-obsessing about the fact that he REALLY isn't sure if he should keep working to hold off WWIII.

..more shortly.. gotta eat food...
..OK, I'm back..

There's this nagging "WHY the fnerk am I doing this for these goofballs without eyeballs who can't see the ditch they're walking right into!?" question, that he just seems incapable of answering for himself due to some sort of huge blindspot in either his psyche or reasoning ability.

..I think it has something to do with his childhood relationship with his Great-Uncle Xerxes (known as XaX, for obvious reasons), but I haven't researched this well enough to make any definitive call on that conjecture.

..more to come...

EDIT: "Xerxes"...!!!? REALLY..!!!?
WHY would a Greek guy (admittedly, mysteriously possessing a Greco-Scottish accent) have a Great-Uncle with a Persian name?

..then again,.. that does ramp up the "oddness" (mystery/suspense) of our hero. Hmmm,.. maybe it's worth keeping... hmmmm..
Last edited by FishbellykanakaDude on Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 18-Feb-2020 World View: Turkey faces imminent crisis in Idlib, Syria

The Syrian regime, backed by Russian warplanes, is moving rapidly
through Idlib province. Syrian and Russian airplanes are particularly
targeting hospitals and markets, and also women and children huddled
together in camps.

This is leading to the usual cries of "This is not acceptable!" from
the usual United Nations officials.

Hundreds of thousands of additional Syrians, mostly women and children,
have been forced to leave their homes, and now there are over
900,000 of these Arab Sunnis packed along the border with Turkey.
The weather is bitterly cold, and many of them are forced to sleep
outdoors with little or no protection.

Syria's sociopathic war criminal president Bashar al-Assad gave a
televised speech on Monday reaffirming his intention to take control
of Idlib as quickly as possible. With Turkey's border closed to
Syria, this puts the lives 900,000+ Sunni Arabs at imminent risk.

I've written many times in the last year or two that there is a
massive disaster unfolding in Idlib. Bashar al-Assad will threaten
the massive slaughter of a million innocent men, women and children,
current huddled along Turkey's border. If Turkey opens its border,
then they'll flood into Turkey as refugees, and from there into

Turkey's other option is to send its army to fight al-Assad's Syrian
Arab army. That army has become so weak that Turkey would have no
problm defeating it, but then Turkey would be at war with Iran and

According to one analyst I heard, Russia has been preparing for this
day since 2015. After Turkey shot down a Russian plane in 2015,
Russia imposed sanctions on Turkey that eventually forced Turkey to
back down. Russia has also provided Turkey with a nuclear power plant
and a pipeline, and an S-400 anti-aircraft missile system.

According to the analyst, Russia has been preparing to use these
developments as leverage, to leave Turkey with no choice but to do as
Russia says. Under these circumstances, Turkey may be forced to open
its border, and allow the refugees to flow into Turkey and Europe.

Things are moving quickly now, and these choices may have to be made
within the next week or two.

---- Sources:

-- Analysis Turkey and Russia Clash Over Syria, and Idlib's Residents
Are Paying the Price ... -1.8552759
(Haaretz, 18-Feb-2020)

-- As Assad advances in Idlib – Turkey finds itself in a tough spot
between Trump and Putin ... 42616.html
(Independent, London, 18-Feb-2020)

---- Related articles:

** 16-Feb-20 World View -- US and Taliban to sign laughable 'reduction in violence' agreement in Afghanistan
** ... tm#e200216

** 11-Feb-20 World View -- Syria war escalates into new phase with military clashes between al-Assad and Turkey
** ... tm#e200211

** 9-Feb-20 World View -- Turkey sends tanks across border into Syria to confront al-Assad regime in Idlib
** ... tm#e200209

** 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria
** ... tm#e181201

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

..right, two more "strains" for the story:

1) Just before the "virus" outbreak, WC communicates to JaX, via one of his many semi-nude dancing girl minions (she may be Uyghur, she may be a Southie expat, but her name is Patigül, aka Patsy), that he REALLY REALLY needs to flip a heavily protected small red blinking switch within Building-13d of the Institute of Virology,.. with no further information.

..of course, JaX doesn't manage to do that, but the strange events that lead him to, instead, flip the easily accessible small blue blinking switch in that public restroom in Obama City (小浜市), Fukui Prefecture, Japan, creates the whirlwind of chaos in Building-13d back at the Institute that allows JaX and Patsy to move the damn plot along...

And yes,.. THAT "public restroom"..!

2) Cassandra,.. name or code-word?

..more to come...

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

20-Feb-20 World View -- Iranian nationals in Qoms die of coronavirus

Syria war in Idlib close to explosion

** 20-Feb-20 World View -- Iranian nationals in Qoms die of coronavirus
** ... tm#e200220

Iranian nationals in Qoms die of coronavirus
Syria war in Idlib close to explosion

Generational Dynamics, Iran, Qoms, coronavirus,
China, Africa, Syria, Idlib, Turkey, Russia

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 20-Feb-2020 World View: Trevor the optimist
Trevor wrote: > Wow, John. You make me look like an optimist in comparison.

> My own thoughts on at least the United States, Europe, and the
> United Nations: Yes, it's terrible. Yes, we all know none of this
> agreements are worth the paper or data they're printed on. On the
> other hand, what can we really do about it? Terrible things happen
> all the time, whether on a family level, or an international
> level.

> When it comes to the massacre in Syria, for instance, what can we
> realistically do at this point? Assad's not going to stop
> butchering his own people, Putin's not going to stop supporting
> him, and if we did decide to remove him from power, there's no
> guarantee things would turn out any better. Now Turkey's involved
> in the war, and I'd expect at least some rebels would take
> pleasure in giving the Alwaite minority the same treatment. Life
> rarely gives us neat, tidy solutions, however much we wish
> otherwise.

> It reminds me a little bit of what politicians have to say after
> local disasters and there's really no way to win. If you say:
> "Everything's under control, there's nothing to worry about,"
> you're accused of covering things up. If you sound the alarm and
> demand imminent action, you're accused of inciting
> panic. Regardless of what approach you take, someone's going to
> get outraged.

> No need to apologize for ranting about how you feel about what's
> going on in the world.
You've raised two major issues here: 1 - Are things different
today than they were in the past, and 2 - what can anyone do about
the situation except just "observe" and, if desired, whine and
rant as I am doing.

The answer to the first question is that things ae very different
today, and very diffeent since the rise of Generation-X and

There are lots of examples. In the 1950s, when everyone was still
traumatized from the Great Depression and the war, an idiot like AOC
would never be taken seriously. In fact, she would never be taken
seriously for decades.

In the 1980s, Congress accomplished a lot, because people from the GI
Generation and the Silent Generation (people born during the Great
Depression and WW II) were in charge.

In the 1980s, the Republicans and the Democrats cooperated with each
other to change the Social Security system to make it a sounder
system. After that, they cooperated again to specify new rules to
control the budget deficit. Compromise was still possible in 1996,
when Democratic President Bill Clinton, saying that "the era of big
government is over," cooperated with the Republican congress to
eliminate the welfare entitlement.

Nothing like that is even remotely possible today, as anyone
can see with AOC running the Democratic party.

With regard to foreign policy, let's look at the destruction of the
United Nations.

I started writing about this in 2011 when Russia adopted a policy of
using the UN Security Council to cripple Nato and American foreign
policy. Since America plays by the rules, major American foreign
policy decisions go through the UNSC, when possible. That means that
Russia can control US foreign policy simply by using its veto in the

But Russia would not be under any similar disadvantage. Russia would
do what it wants -- invade Ukraine, invade Crimea, annex Crimea,
etc. -- without getting permission from the UNSC or anyone else.

None of this stuff would have been tolerated in the decades following
the end of WW II, when the UNSC had a benevolent international purpose.
But Russia has turned the benevolent purpose into a malevolent
one, by using the UNSC to control American and Nato policy.

The result, not surprisingly, is that the UNSC has become
useless. It's just a place where nonsense is debated. Russia
has succeeded in destroying the United Nations, which the US
set up after WW II to guarantee that there wouldn't be another
world war. That's how the generational cycle works.

So what anyone do except just observe when someone starts a war?
Nothing, because Russia, Iran and China have succeeded in destroying
the United Nations, and because the taste for unilateral action
has all but disappeared has all but disappeared.

This will change overnight when a "regeneracy event" occurs, such as a
major attack on America, or a major military loss overseas.

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