Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

The deep state is going to die eventually and the earth doesn't care. It is about to die soon as it is on the edge to oblivion and the CoVIR will finish this off this year along with your Chinese buds. I love China which ended in 1949 - the state there now is more evil than our deep state x 100. Don't you see that ?

Having lived in both Africa and Asia (I was 13 when I went to live in China the first time, I can certainly say that 99% of outsiders are clueless about both.) China only works by slave labor which you don't even see and Africa is a true basket case where the very low IQ population has not a single clean government. Go to Africa and eventually you will get your balls cut off and they will steal everything you have. That's Africa

I worked in EE for 30 years and never met a Chinese engineer worth a damn. Name a single thing they invented in this century? All the IC's in Chinese goods were designed in the US , only the UK, Dutch and Israelis are competitive in my field. The Chinese send their best here to be educated why ? They are good at ripping off the Americans and Germans with BS. Did you watch the China hustle ?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

My (new) Hilarious Apocalypse scenario:
  • Imagine that the Democratic Party’s ticket in an upcoming election were to win a plurality of the popular vote and a plurality of the electors—but then imagine that, because of a third-party candidate or an Electoral College tie between two candidates, the Democratic ticket fell short of 270 electoral votes. Imagine that the Republican ticket came in second both in the popular vote and within the Electoral College. Suddenly, the outcome of the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives.

    Assume now that House members each supported their party’s candidate and that the distribution of House seats broadly reflected the current reality. Because so many small states are reliably Republican, those states would almost surely support the Republican candidate. In other words, despite losing both the popular and electoral contests, in a “contingent election” where Wyoming’s vote holds as much weight as New York’s, the GOP nominee would likely win with 29 votes to the Democratic ticket’s 22.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by utahbob »

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 14-Feb-2020 World View: HHS Secretary gives harsh criticism of China over coronavirus transparency

On Friday morning, Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar was
interviewed on CNBC, where he harshly criticized China for its
lack of transparency with regard to the coronavirus emergency.

Here are the major points:
  • An American CDC team has been made available to them for 39
    days, but the Chinese have blocked them.
  • A World Health Organization (WHO) team has theoretically received
    approval, but are still being blocked.
  • The WHO and CDC need access to the original genetic sequencing and
    raw data, not "sterilized information," to run studies to get answers
    to key questions: how severe is this, how does it transmit, is there
    asymptomatic transmission, what's the incubation period.
  • Significantly, Azar did not answer, and left hanging, the question
    of whether the virus occurred naturally or was a bioweapon. He made
    it clear that this question will only be resolved when the CDC and NIH
    personnel are able to evaluate the raw data.
Here are some excerpts (my transcription):
> "The problem is with China is that you don't know what
> you don't know. So we're getting a lot of information, but I
> really think that the World Health Organization must insist that
> China be fully transparent and be transparent and fully
> cooperative, as they would insist on the United States or any
> other country.

> We need to get this team that I have offered now for 39 days of
> CDC experts - we gotta get them into China, and they've gotta be
> given access to data -- genetic sequences -- and run the studies
> to get answers to key questions -- how severe is this, how does it
> transmit, is there asymptomatic transmission, what's the
> incubation period. We need these answers, China needs these
> answers.

> [Question: Do you know for a fact that this virus occurred
> naturally, and not in some kind of P4 bioweapons lab?]

> We need to be very careful not to engage in speculation here,
> until we have data and evidence. We need transparent access to
> all first generation genetic sequencing. And we gotta get on the
> ground and do what we always do -- work shoulder to shoulder with
> the Chinese scientific experts. To just look at raw data, and
> solve these questions. ...

> They [China] keep saying, and the World Health Organization keeps
> saying, that there's an agreement to send a World Health
> Organization team with CDC and NIH officials as part of that, but
> until the visas are in the passports I can't take that to the
> bank. It's gotta happen, but then just getting there isn't good
> enough. They can't be put in a conference room, and given
> sterilized information or data. They've gotta be able to work
> shoulder to shoulder with the Chinese experts, for China's own
> benefit, to get the answers to these key questions."
In response to a question about Singapore, where human to human
transmission is occurring:
> "We're assessing the data, hour by hour, to determine
> the epidemiology to assess whether further travel restrictions are
> warranted. With Singapore, one of the questions is whether we're
> seeing true multi-generational community spreading, in other
> words, a spread to a spread to a spread, or whether we'e seeing a
> first generation cluster. We've gotta get to the bottom of
> that."
He also offered the following advice to everyone: Wash your hands,
cough into your sleeve, and don't touch your face. ... virus.html

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Why do "they" try to make Laws 'o Nature™ illegal?

"Good Stuff" is ALWAYS distributed unevenly, according to Price's Law...

"The Weird Thing About Price's Law"

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

16-Feb-20 World View -- US and Taliban to sign laughable 'reduction in violence' agreement in Afghanistan

The year of laughable peace agreements

** 16-Feb-20 World View -- US and Taliban to sign laughable 'reduction in violence' agreement in Afghanistan
** ... tm#e200216

US and Taliban to sign laughable 'reduction in violence' agreement in Afghanistan
The year of laughable peace agreements
Why the Afghan peace agreement must fail

Generational Dynamics, Afghanistan, Taliban,
Mark Esper, Israel, Palestinians, Syria, Idlib,
Pashtuns, Northern Alliance,
Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks, Ambrose Bierce


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

If China collapses then retail america collapses. Truck drivers, freight trains, container ships and all the people that work retail will be out of a job. It will make the Great Depression look like picnic. The domino effect will be devastating to our way of life similar to a meteor strike. You better pray that China does not fall.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 16-Feb-2020 World View: If China collapses ...
Guest wrote: > If China collapses then retail america collapses. Truck drivers,
> freight trains, container ships and all the people that work
> retail will be out of a job. It will make the Great Depression
> look like picnic. The domino effect will be devastating to our
> way of life similar to a meteor strike. You better pray that
> China does not fall.
It's much worse than that. If China collapses, then that will
start World War III.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

When the party says all is well, its your first alarm bell; When the party says it's nothing major, you know you're in great danger; When the party says shit's about to hit the fan, you'd better have a funeral plan


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Xi had early knowledge of coronavirus severity, speech shows
As new cases drop for third day, speech shows leadership knew virus's potential severity weeks before telling public. ... 20415.html

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