Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by jmparret »

Hi Chewy,
So you did not see the blank face bobbing up and down and hear the uh-uh. Many do not understand nor want to understand what is happening and why. If they decide to follow John that is great and you have someone to speak with on these events of the world.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by jmparret »


I have to mention the Go Fund Me page James Kardys set up for John. I just made a donation and I was the second after one week. Let us show John our support of his work and communication.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Chewy »

jm: I am an "elder" in my family's generational make-up and so I don't really get the head-shaking or doubt.

A while back, I actually explained to our different family generations that "I didn't just wake up one day hoping to be this family's doom-and-gloomer -- my cosmic purpose in this life is to keep you all safe, informed, and prepared."

So, not surprisingly, the only one who doubted what I was telling him was our family's Uber Liberal, who didn't want to hear that we weren't going to war...because he especially despises President Trump and wanted to be able to place more blame on Trump for all the world's ills.

btw I just donated to John too and also bought one of his books off Amazon. ;) Hope it helps!!

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

11-Jan-20 World View -- Taiwan's pro-independence party expected to win Saturday presidential elections

Hong Kong chaos boosts Tsai Ing-wen and DPP in Taiwan

** 11-Jan-20 World View -- Taiwan's pro-independence party expected to win Saturday presidential elections
** ... tm#e200111

Taiwan's pro-independence party expected to win Saturday presidential elections
Hong Kong chaos boosts Tsai Ing-wen and DPP in Taiwan

Generational Dynamics, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China,
Tsai Ing-wen, Democratic Progressive Party, DPP,
Chinese Communist Party, CCP, Anti-Secession Law


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

A few typos, John. But I can only assume these were do to a lack of sleep. Hong Kong was British until 1997, not 1977. Hong Kong's two systems, one country status ends in 2047, not 1947. Otherwise excellent analysis of the situation as usual. Thank you. I bought and like both of your GD books.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Jan-2020 World View: Corrections to Taiwan article
Guest wrote: > A few typos, John. But I can only assume these were do to a lack
> of sleep. Hong Kong was British until 1997, not 1977. Hong Kong's
> two systems, one country status ends in 2047, not 1947. Otherwise
> excellent analysis of the situation as usual. Thank you. I bought
> and like both of your GD books.
You're right about the lack of sleep. Thanks for the corrections.
Also, thanks for buying the books. I hope you enjoy them.
> Cantonese, is very different from Taiwanese
> (Fukienese, Southern Min). When I first studied Taiwanese for 1.5
> years in Taiwan in 1986, Taiwanese was the primary home language
> for about 70% of the people. Mandarin, while the national
> language or the ROC, was spoken natively in the home for only
> about 15% of the people, the Mainlanders. Another 7-8% was Hakka
> Chinese and the remaining 7-8% were from of the 6-7 indigenous
> tribes in the mountain regions. Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Hakka are
> all considered as ethnic Han Chinese.

> Cantonese, Taiwanese, and Mandarin, as well as four other
> "dialects" like the one of Shanghai, are completely different
> languages, all with similar grammars, all united by using the same
> Chinese character system. However, Ethnologue and most
> non-Chinese linguists (or those not pressured by China), will say
> those are all completely different languages. Ethnologue also
> stated, at least as of the last time I looked, that China has
> about 299 different languages.

> Cantonese and Taiwanese are about as mutually intelligible as
> English is to German. Mandarin may rank as French. Cultural
> background have tons of similarities, but the phonic systems,
> particularly the tonal and phonemic aspects, are 100% different. I
> gave up the study of Taiwanese for a number of reasons, then
> became fluent in Mandarin.
Warren Dew wrote: > This is not correct. Almost everyone in Taiwan speaks Mandarin,
> not Cantonese; the few that don't speak Mandarin speak Taiwanese,
> which is farther from either Mandarin or Cantonese than they are
> from each other. To the extent that they see each other as close,
> it's only because they are both small democratic Han entities that
> live in the shadow of Mainland China, and thus have some common
> interests.
I thank both readers for their comments, and for the wealth of
information provided. I've corrected the article online to be
more ambiguous.

I note that both of these comments agree that most Taiwanese do NOT
speak Cantonese, which I had assumed would follow from Taiwan's
heritage in people fleeing the communists through Hong Kong in 1949.

However, I also take note of the fact that these two comments appear
to disagree on whether the most commonly spoken language is Mandarin
or Taiwanese.

Here's a comment from a reader in Taiwan:
> FROM THE ARTICLE: "It is almost certain that the
> current president Tsai Ing-wen will be reelected. Tsai is leader
> of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)"

> I think this is an overstatement at best. Han Guo Yu has bigger
> turn outs at his ralley and way more energy in his base. It
> splits along age lines with young voters opting for Cai and older
> voters opting for Han. In Taiwan there are more old voters than
> young voters and historically the older voters voter turnout has
> been on the order of 80% and young voter turnout has been on the
> order of 60%.

> Consequently I think it is more likely than the media would have
> you believe that Han Gu Yu will win. The weather is good and the
> turnout is going to be huge. It will in any case be very close.
> We are having and election watching party tonight.
I would wonder whether younger voters would have a low turnout in
this election, in view of the effect of the massive pro-democracy
protests by young people in Hong Kong. I would assume that the
events in Hong Kong have energized the young people in Taiwan.

At any rate, events have caught up to the situation:
> "Taiwan election: Tsai Ing-wen wins second
> presidential term

> 11 January 2020

> Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen has secured a second term after
> sweeping to victory in an election dominated by the island's
> relationship with China.

> With almost all votes counted, Ms Tsai had just over 57% of the
> vote, well ahead of her rival Han Kuo-yu."
I hope you're enjoying your election watching party. The night
(there) is still young.

Related Article:

** 11-Jan-20 World View -- Taiwan's pro-independence party expected to win Saturday presidential elections
** ... tm#e200111

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Jan-2020 World View: Anti-regime protests grow as Iran admits shooting down passenger plane


  • This image from Wednesday shows the crash site with a
    bulldozer burying the evidence so that Iran can deny
    culpability. (AP)

Iran is looking more and more like America during the height of the
antiwar protests during the late 1960s.

Today's admission by the Iranian regime is the equivalent of any of
the major admissions made by presidents Johnson and Nixon, triggering
new rounds of anti-American protests.

Protesters are furious not only that the plane was shot down, but also
that every agency in Iran's government lied about it for many days.
They're chanting "death to the liars" and they're calling for the
resignations of supreme leader Khamenei and president Rouhani.

President Nixon was, of course, forced to resign, but that was after
years of hearings and pressure that were necessary because the
US constitution is full of checks and balances.

In my book on Iran, I did a detailed analysis of Iran's constitution.
The remarkable thing about it is that it contains no checks and
balances whatsoever. Khomeini set it up that way so that he could
become a dictator with no checks and balances. That's why Iran
is a kleptocracy today, with no way for the government to do any
business at all except through bribery and extortion.

So now there's an ironic twist. The checks and balances that protected
Nixon for long time do not exist for Khamenei, and so if the protests
become too large and there's a loss of confidence in Khamenei, that's
all it would take for the "velvet coup" or "bloodless coup" or
"regime change" that I've been talking about. The result
could be a return of the Shah.

By the way, Russians shot down Malaysian Airlines MH17 passenger plane
in July 2014 and despite massive investigations providing in
controvertible proof of Russia's culpability, they still make
ridiculous statement blaming others. Iran's admission will put
pressure on Russia to make a similar admission.

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: Iran's Struggle for Supremacy
-- Tehran's Obsession to Redraw the Map of the Middle East"
(Generational Theory Book Series, Book 1) Paperback: 153 pages, over
100 source references, $7.00 ... 732738610/

---- Sources:

-- Iran says it shot down Ukrainian plane in 'disastrous mistake' ... SKCN1ZA04Y
(Reuters, 11-Jan-2020)

-- Iran plane crash: Ukrainian jet was 'unintentionally' shot down
(BBC, 11-Jan-2020)

-- Hundreds protest against regime in Tehran after Iran admits it shot
down plane ... own-plane/
(Times Of Israel, 11-Jan-2020)

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:
> Cantonese, is very different from Taiwanese
> (Fukienese, Southern Min). When I first studied Taiwanese for 1.5
> years in Taiwan in 1986, Taiwanese was the primary home language
> for about 70% of the people. Mandarin, while the national
> language or the ROC, was spoken natively in the home for only
> about 15% of the people, the Mainlanders. Another 7-8% was Hakka
> Chinese and the remaining 7-8% were from of the 6-7 indigenous
> tribes in the mountain regions. Taiwanese, Mandarin, and Hakka are
> all considered as ethnic Han Chinese.

> Cantonese, Taiwanese, and Mandarin, as well as four other
> "dialects" like the one of Shanghai, are completely different
> languages, all with similar grammars, all united by using the same
> Chinese character system. However, Ethnologue and most
> non-Chinese linguists (or those not pressured by China), will say
> those are all completely different languages. Ethnologue also
> stated, at least as of the last time I looked, that China has
> about 299 different languages.

> Cantonese and Taiwanese are about as mutually intelligible as
> English is to German. Mandarin may rank as French. Cultural
> background have tons of similarities, but the phonic systems,
> particularly the tonal and phonemic aspects, are 100% different. I
> gave up the study of Taiwanese for a number of reasons, then
> became fluent in Mandarin.
I'm pushing for an Austronesian-Speaker's revolt and takeover of Taiwan, and eventually all of "coastal" China, with Taiwan as the new "homeland", and having the VSO sub-languages be the TRUE "national languages" of the territory,.. namely: the Amis, Atayal, Bunun, and Paiwan "languages/dialects".

A "synthetic" creole composed of the "popular" parts of each of the aforementioned "languages" should be created to be used as a lingua franca.

..I'm also a big supporter of the "Popular Front for the Restoration of Celtic Europe" (catchphrase: "Germans go [the f__k] HOME...!!").


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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Jan-2020 World View: Chinese Creole
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > I'm pushing for an Austronesian-Speaker's revolt and takeover of
> Taiwan, and eventually all of "coastal" China, with Taiwan as the
> new "homeland", and having the VSO sub-languages be the TRUE
> "national languages" of the territory,.. namely: the Amis, Atayal,
> Bunun, and Paiwan "languages/dialects".

> A "synthetic" creole composed of the "popular" parts of each of
> the aforementioned "languages" should be created to be used as a
> lingua franca.

> ..I'm also a big supporter of the "Popular Front for the
> Restoration of Celtic Europe" (catchphrase: "Germans go [the f__k]
> HOME...!!"). :)
When you take on this project, maybe you can use Esperanto as a model.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 10-Jan-2020 World View: The power of love
John J. Xenakis wrote:
Marypoza wrote: > -- you were listing examples of how the Government comprised our
> national security. I believe Rags was responding to that

> :heart: Bernie/Tulsi 2020 :heart:
It's worth noting that Tulsi Gabbard is the hottest candidate
currently running for president.


I forgot about Marianne Williamson. She was hottest candidate running
for president, and the way she looks and the mystical way she talks
definitely remind me of a couple of sensational girls that I dated
years ago. But she dropped out today, so Tulsi Gabbard is now the
hottest again.

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