Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John, would you think it possible to have an arrangement where we unite to fight China, only to turn on each other afterward as a result of the devastation? Say, similar but not exact to China's last crisis war?
Best to clean house first in America and then BBQ the Beijing brothel keepers.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

From today's American Thinker:
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War ... l_war.html
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 06-Dec-2019 World View: Jonathan Turley on impeachment
David Horn wrote: > Turley's argument goes to criminal standards -- uniquely his
> interpretation, and decidedly different from his opinions when it
> was Clinton in the box*. His idea that the bribery statute, and
> the court cases around it, have a bearing on the impeachment
> clause in the Constitution is simply bizarre. The Constitution can
> oily be modified as it allows within the document -- the Congress
> deciding on the nature and extent of the inferior courts and the
> number on the SCOTUS being the prime examples. I see no similar
> language regarding impeachment. More to the point, the activity
> is not the same as a criminal trial, because it deals in the
> political sphere. Being POTUS, or any of the other
> impeachment-eligible government officials, is a privilege that can
> be removed. Note that no one goes to prison or forfeits any
> wealth, unless a follow-on criminal persecution and conviction is
> secured.

> I actually like Turley, though I rarely agree with his
> interpretations. In this case, he's being highly partisan, though
> the others were as well. I think it's good that the public got a
> quick tutoring on constitutional law, but I doubt it took with
> most of them.

> * During the Clinton impeachment proceedings, Turley argued that
> he had no right to limit access to an evidence of his guilt,
> and, among other things, his personal Secret Service detail
> should be forced to testify.
When he testified, Jonathan Turley went out of his way to make several
things clear: He was a liberal Democrat, he didn't like Trump, he
didn't vote for Trump, he voted for Hillary Clinton, and he voted for

So at that panel of so-called "scholars," it was four Never-Trumpers
against zero who were on Trump's side. This is the Democrat's idea of
"fair and balanced," as we see all the time if we watch cnn or msnbc.

However, Turley also said that he had opposed the Clinton impeachment,
because impeachment would be too divisive -- which he said is what

Turley said that Nixon and Clinton had been guilty of crimes, with
Clinton having clearly committed the crime of perjury, which is a
felony for which people go to jail for all the time.

Under Republican questioning, Turley said the same thing that I said,
that there was absolutely no evidence that Trump had done anything
wrong. He agreed that the so-called evidence against Trump was
hearsay and speculation, nad that there was no basis for an
impeachment -- or what he called a "shoddy impeachment" based on

He particularly singled out the Democrats' accusing Trump of abuse of
power for refusing to respond to Democrats' subpoenas and for going to
court to challenge them. Turley said that Trump had a perfect right
to go to court to challenge them. Nixon had been charged with abuse
of power after he'd gone to court to protect his tapes, but then
defied the court after he lost. That was the act that had resulted in
the abuse of power charge. But Trump had a perfect right to challenge
the subpoenas in court, and had not received any adverse ruling.
Under those cirumstances, there would indeed be an abuse of power --
but it would be the Democrats committing abuse of power.

So even though Turley is a left-wing liberal Democrat Never-Trumper,
he still ran rings around the Democrats.

The three other "scholars" looked like complete idiots. They went
into inane constitution arguments about what constitutes grounds for
impeachment. But under Republican questioning, they acknowledged the
same thing that I've been saying and that Turley said -- Trump has not
done anything wrong.

The worst and most disgusting of the so-called "scholars" was Stanford
law professor Pamela Karlan, who triumphantly attacked Trump via his
13-year-old son by saying, "The Constitution says there can be no
titles of nobility, so while the president can name his son Barron, he
can’t make him a baron."

This is the kind of hysterical, angry hormonal woman who is dictating
this impeachment -- all anger, all hysteria, no actual evidence. In
fact, the entire Democratic party is being run by hysterical, angry
hormonal women like Karlan, AOC, the Squad, and Hillary.

And just so I won't be called a sexist, Adam Schiff is also an angry,
hysterical hormonal man. The Democratic party is gender-neutral on
hormonal, angry, hysterical leaders, but is not worth anything more.

Ironically, I would not include Nancy Pelosi in the category. I even
think it's possible that she's telling the truth when she says that
she's praying for Trump. Unlike the angry, hysterical, hormonal
people that she's taking orders from, she's old enough to know that
the party is headed for an electoral disaster in November.

Returning now to Jonathan Turley, he says:
"My call for greater civility and dialogue may have
been the least successful argument I made to the committee. Before
I finished my testimony, my home and office were inundated with
threatening messages and demands that I be fired from George
Washington University for arguing that, while a case for
impeachment can be made, it has not been made on this
That's the way the Democrats are these days -- all hormones, all
anger, all rage, no evidence, and no substance of any kind except
lies, fabricated charges, criminal activities, abuse of power, and, of
course, threats and violence.

---- Sources:

-- Turley: Democrats offering passion over proof in Trump impeachment ... mpeachment
(TheHill, 6-Dec-2019)


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

The Democratic party is gender-neutral on hormonal, angry, hysterical leaders, but is not worth anything more.
The Democratic party is non-binary on hormonal, angry, hysterical leaders, but is not worth anything more.
There. I fixed it for you.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 07-Dec-2019 World View: Hong Kong election results
Warren Dew wrote: > There are political problems no doubt. However, it is also the
> case that "a substantial part of the public do not support the
> demonstrators". In the recent elections, pro-Beijing parties won
> 42% of the popular vote. That's not a majority, but it is
> absolutely "a substantial part of the public".

> Indeed, the fact that there are substantial numbers on both sides
> of this question is part of why Hong Kong's problems are
> severe.
The pro-democracy victory was certainly not unanimous, but everything
I've read describes it as stunning. Here's a concise summary:

  • Hong Kong election results

Hong Kong Election Results

Over the weekend, Hong Kong held local elections which saw a landslide
victory for pro-democracy candidates. More than half of the 452 local
district council seats were flipped from pro-Beijing to pro-democracy
candidates, giving pro-democratic forces control of 17 out of 18
district councils. The election also saw record high voter turnout
with 4.1 million registered voters, a 71% increase since the last
election cycle in 2015. These council members are eligible to be
elected to six seats in Hong Kong’s legislature and will control 117
of 1,200 seats in the panel that selects the city’s leader. Current
Chief Executive Carrie Lam, whose administration has been the target
of ongoing pro-democracy protests, has promised to respect the results
of the election. ... on-results


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

If NK launches a ICBM at the end of the year, what do you think Trump will do?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 07-Dec-2019 World View: North Korea ICBM test
Guest wrote: > If NK launches a ICBM at the end of the year, what do you think
> Trump will do?
Assuming that the North Korean ICBM launch is a test that lands in the
sea and not on some city, then Trump would do as he's always done --
try to find a way using diplomacy to stop North Korea from making
further tests. This might a combination of sanctions and meetings,
working with the South Koreans. Keep in mind that China will not be
happy with Kim for doing that, so Kim will be feeling pressure from
both ends.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:** 07-Dec-2019 World View: North Korea ICBM test
Guest wrote: > If NK launches a ICBM at the end of the year, what do you think
> Trump will do?
Assuming that the North Korean ICBM launch is a test that lands in the
sea and not on some city, then Trump would do as he's always done --
try to find a way using diplomacy to stop North Korea from making
further tests. This might a combination of sanctions and meetings,
working with the South Koreans. Keep in mind that China will not be
happy with Kim for doing that, so Kim will be feeling pressure from
both ends.
Shouldn't it be easy for China to control NK? They feed it. Couldn't NK just be there puppet?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 07-Dec-2019 World View: China - North Korea vassal relationship
Guest wrote: > Shouldn't it be easy for China to control NK? They feed
> it. Couldn't NK just be their puppet?
"Puppet" really isn't the right word. Neither is "ally." For
centuries, Korea has had a vassal or tributary relationship with
China. This means that Korea paid China a great deal of money,
usually gold and slaves, in return for guarantees of defense from
outsiders (i.e., Japan). Although China does not directly govern the
vassal, China expects the vassal to do as it's told, and will not
hesitate to punish a vassal that disobeys.

North Korea today pays tribute to China not in the form of gold and
slaves, but in the form of massive amounts of coal and "workers," both
of which are also used to provide financial aid to North Korea.

Relations between China and North Korea took a hostile turn in October
2006, when North Korea began testing nuclear weapons. North Korea did
not do as it was told, and China punished North Korea by agreeing to
United Nations sanctions targeting North Korea.

However, China cannot punish North Korea too severely. If, as you
suggest, China tries to starve North Korea, the result could be a
massive refugee flow from North Korea, across the Yalu River, into
northeast China, which would be an economic disaster for China.

The reason that China does not want North Korea testing nuclear
weapons is simply because such tests provide the US with an excuse to
increase its military presence in the area.

The Chinese were particularly infuriated in 2016 when North Korean
tests provoked South Korea to reverse a previous policy and agree to
deploy the Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD), supplied by the
United States military, to protect itself from North Korean missile
attacks. The THAAD does not do a very good job at protecting South
Korea from North Korean short-range missiles. But what the THAAD
system does, through its sophisticated long-range "over the horizon"
radar capabilities, is provide early warning to the American military
of a missile attack from China.

What China would like is for America to reduce its military presence
in the region, which a North Korean missile test would certainly
make less likely.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 07-Dec-2019 World View: North Korea missile test

Within the past couple of hours, North Korea has announced
a "very important test" at its long-range missile site: ... tant-test/

North Korea says it carried out ‘very important test’

North Korea threatening US with ‘Christmas gift’

December 7, 2019 at 8:11 PM CST - Updated December 7 at 8:50 PM

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea said Sunday it carried out a
“very important test” at its long-range rocket launch site that will
have a key effect on the country’s strategic position.

The Korean Central News Agency said the test was conducted at the
Sohae Satellite Launching Ground on Saturday afternoon. It said that
the result of the test was reported to the Central Committee of the
ruling Workers’ Party.

The test results will have “an important effect on changing the
strategic position of (North Korea) once again in the near future,”
the agency reported.

The report didn’t say what the test was about. But media reports say a
new satellite image indicated North Korea may be preparing to resume
testing engines used to power satellite launchers at the site.

The reported test came as North Korea is stepping up pressure on the
U.S. to make concessions in stalled nuclear talks.

The U.N. bans North Korea from launching satellites because it is
considered a test of long-range missile technology.

After repeated failures, North Korea successfully put a satellite into
orbit for the first time in 2012 in a launch from the same site. North
Korea had another successful satellite launch in 2016.

At the United Nations, a statement released by North Korea’s
U.N. ambassador, Kim Song, said that denuclearization had “already
gone out of the negotiation table.” It said North Korea does not need
to have lengthy talks with the United States as the end-of-year
deadline set by its leader Kim Jong Un for substantial
U.S. concessions in nuclear diplomacy looms.

The statement accused the Trump administration of persistently
pursuing a “hostile policy” toward the country “in its attempt to
stifle it.” The ambassador also said Washington’s claims it is engaged
in a “sustained and substantial dialogue” with Pyongyang solely for
“its domestic political agenda.”

“We do not need to have lengthy talks with the U.S. now and the
denuclearization is already gone out of the negotiation table,” he

Song’s statement was a response to Wednesday’s condemnation by six
European countries of North Korea’s 13 ballistic missile launches
since May. He accused the Europeans — France, Germany, Britain,
Belgium, Poland and Estonia — of playing “the role of pet dog of the
United States in recent months.” He called their statement “yet
another serious provocation” against North Korea’s “righteous measures
of strengthening national defense capabilities.”

“We regard their behavior as nothing more than a despicable act of
intentionally flattering the United States,” Song said.

Copyright 2019 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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