Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
Jack Edwards
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Jack Edwards »

guest said:
Wait until they try o draft white males. The young men who have been deprived of educational and career opportunities are now supposed to kill and die fke it? Not likely.
Right now, with the circumstances we're in, conscription is a non-starter for anybody.

But, imagine a world...
-The Chinese and or Islamists have launched some sort of infrastructure attack. And continue to do so.
-Most imports are cut off
-Power, water, sewage are only marginably available
-The economy is in tatters
-The populace is pissed off, hungry and scared, and deep in our DNA identity we know that it's the young males that have the job of defending.

When that happens, it will be - line up and fight, or starve/be destitute. The national mood will change entirely. Youth that don't do their duty will be treated like pariahs, or most likely conscripted into some kind of other labor. There won't be much choice. People that don't play along will find themselves on the short end of the ration stick.

The whole racial identity thing which is mostly a construct of politicians to create voting factions will be less of a thing - it will be about doing your part to survive, not the color of your skin.

It's hard to imagine, and I hope it never happens, but.. that's not an unlikely scenario.


Guest Samsung phone

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest Samsung phone »

Not even WW1 could unite the Ottoman Empire. And America has become an another Ottoman Empire. You overestimate the POCs grasp of logic. Also, the vast illegal population in America won't be patriotic. They will use the chaos to rape and loot.

Yeah, yeah, I know, Im just racist. Look at the cities now and tell me I am wrong.

I'm not optimistic. Nope.

Glad I don't have kids.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

This is a great video of a portion of an interview with Sarah Paine, a professor at the Naval War College.

She makes many of the same points John has made, and explains how we can tell if the CCP is going for Taiwan or not. Worth the 4 minutes to view.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Navigator wrote:
Thu May 16, 2024 11:16 pm
Guest Samsung phone wrote:
Wed May 15, 2024 7:50 am

The Russians have broken through Ukrainian lines in several areas. Europe dithered and now they will have to fight the Russians in the streets of their own countries.

Question: what are the tens of millions of military age illegal migrants going to be doing while all of this is going on?

Yeah, you got it...
There are serious problems for the Ukrainians, but no real deep breakthroughs.

HOWEVER - Russia has reconstituted its Army and has seriously ramped up its military production. Russian troops are now "battle-hardened" and the pictures/ videos I have seen lately no longer show people with outdated equipment and ragged uniforms. Putin has moved someone into the defense ministry he considers his "Albert Speer" to continue to ramp up production.

Russia in 1939/40 looked like a bad joke. By 1942/3 it was a different story. We have just about given them the same amount of time. China, meanwhile, is giving them the financial means to not only survive, but to dramatically increase armament factory staffing and production.

Warfare today is a mixture of 1917 and modern drones. It does not look like anyone can make major breakthroughs, but Ukraine is being ground down. They are running short of ammunition, especially the artillery ammunition I have expounded upon in the past. They are also running short of manpower, and it seems that their 20 year olds are about as committed to national defense survival as those in the rest of Europe.
Norway Closes Borders To Russia Fearing Acts Of Sabotage.



Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Happy Memorial Day!

Friendly reminder from a veteran to not enlist for a regime that hates you, shredded the Constitution, tortures political prisoners, and condones Israeli war crimes.

This is NOT what our ancestors fought for.

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Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:55 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

Guest wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 11:15 pm
Happy Memorial Day!

Friendly reminder from a veteran to not enlist for a regime that hates you, shredded the Constitution, tortures political prisoners, and condones Israeli war crimes.

This is NOT what our ancestors fought for.
The advice of Navigator in his book about how to survive the looming war as a military aged person is prescient and worthy of deep consideration. Joining now would require this knowledge to get into a position that wouldn't be cannon fodder.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Those who rule The West have decided to replace their own populations with an alien people. They purport to do it in order to prop up a bankrupt pension system. They expand their debt to pay the replacement population to invade. They tell the invaders that the indigenous population and their countries are evil and terrible.

They have turned on their own people in a way that is unprecedented. They have committed suicide. Westernkind faces a war on their own soil for control of their soil. They face this war isolated and betrayed by the people who rule them. Is there a precedent for this?

European civilization faces its greatest trial.

Posts: 832
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:55 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

Navigator wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 12:47 am
This is a great video of a portion of an interview with Sarah Paine, a professor at the Naval War College.

She makes many of the same points John has made, and explains how we can tell if the CCP is going for Taiwan or not. Worth the 4 minutes to view.
That's a good clip and I'm listening to the whole interview.
They're going for it in Taiwan eventually for sure. It's been clearly stated and promised by top leadership. Their own credibility relies on it. And they know what will happen when that time comes. So they're working at mitigating or eliminating obstacles and reducing their own risk. I've been following this as closely as possible from many sources and it appears that they are just about ready. As crazy as it seems we shouldn't underestimate them. Looking at what's happening in Taiwan currently is prewar phase. Apparently they hope to win without needing to fight militarily. But rather use military intimidation to influence conditions. They've been laying the ground work for a long time. And the confluence of myriad factors is coming to it's natural conclusion based upon time considerations. Focusing only on military is our weakness that they've successfully exploited. Turning our hubris against us. But they've probably underestimated our deep well of strength. Will it be enough considering how much of a hole we've dug for ourselves? We're about to find out. If we live. Thanks for sticking with us Navigator. Best to you John.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

FullMoon wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 11:57 am
Navigator wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 12:47 am
This is a great video of a portion of an interview with Sarah Paine, a professor at the Naval War College.

She makes many of the same points John has made, and explains how we can tell if the CCP is going for Taiwan or not. Worth the 4 minutes to view.
That's a good clip and I'm listening to the whole interview.
They're going for it in Taiwan eventually for sure. It's been clearly stated and promised by top leadership. Their own credibility relies on it. And they know what will happen when that time comes. So they're working at mitigating or eliminating obstacles and reducing their own risk. I've been following this as closely as possible from many sources and it appears that they are just about ready. As crazy as it seems we shouldn't underestimate them. Looking at what's happening in Taiwan currently is prewar phase. Apparently they hope to win without needing to fight militarily. But rather use military intimidation to influence conditions. They've been laying the ground work for a long time. And the confluence of myriad factors is coming to it's natural conclusion based upon time considerations. Focusing only on military is our weakness that they've successfully exploited. Turning our hubris against us. But they've probably underestimated our deep well of strength. Will it be enough considering how much of a hole we've dug for ourselves? We're about to find out. If we live. Thanks for sticking with us Navigator. Best to you John.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

I am not a prophet, but can only guess by probabilities.

The political discord in both Taiwan and US make it increasingly likely. Any significant economic event could tip the scales. But we are getting closer and closer. October and April seem to be the best months for weather concerns.

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