Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by richard5za »

Higg, I read with great interest your recent posts. My observation is that the bulls and the bears of Wall Street have become paranoid about inflation and what that means the FEd will do with interest rates. At the last two CPI announcements I made very good money watching which way the market was going after the announcement and within one minute of the announcement trading in that direction. Very short term of course

Both in October and November I made my monthly target with that event alone, so I have had two excellent months thanks to Wall Street paranoia

My view is that the market will chop around until December 13 when the next CPI announcement happens. It remains to be seen how profitable it might be

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

This is an exceptional article on CCP Leader Xi's thinking.

It points to totalitarian control of the population and the spread of Marxism by violent means. ... -%20112017

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Navigator wrote:
Sat Dec 03, 2022 3:53 pm
This is an exceptional article on CCP Leader Xi's thinking.

It points to totalitarian control of the population and the spread of Marxism by violent means. ... -%20112017
That didn't really say much. What was your thought? It also misrepresents, and I'm not sure if it was purposeful, was the "tragedy of the soviet union collapsing" stated by Mr. Putin in a speech, which had nothing to do with soviet communism, but rather russian peoples in the soviet (newly free) states. That's classic evidence of bias and the lies of the west.

Have you seen Mike Green's analysis? He's been calling for collapse of China for a decade at least, and he recently called it a penal colony, with requirements now to keep up the slave labor to continue exports and world manipulation (dollar flows), or else. He has absolutely no doubt that they will collapse soon, as their credit is drying up and their demography is awful.

I'm never sold on demography, as there are always changes that the demography people don't or can't consider, since they are so limited in their analysis and religious in their devotion to the line "demography is destiny." There are far too many variables for that to actually be true. We've seen it many times in the last 100 years. It matters, but there are always pressure valves and other countries that make it a far more complex situation than any demographic (are you listening Peter Zeihan?) hack considers.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

richard5za wrote:
Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:52 am
Higg, I read with great interest your recent posts. My observation is that the bulls and the bears of Wall Street have become paranoid about inflation and what that means the FEd will do with interest rates. At the last two CPI announcements I made very good money watching which way the market was going after the announcement and within one minute of the announcement trading in that direction. Very short term of course

Both in October and November I made my monthly target with that event alone, so I have had two excellent months thanks to Wall Street paranoia

My view is that the market will chop around until December 13 when the next CPI announcement happens. It remains to be seen how profitable it might be
What terrifies me is the violent reaction of the ethnic minorities (or POCs) when economy crashes and welfare benefits no longer cover their rent and expenses. Western cities in North America and Europe are already no go zones, soon they will be dead zones. The sounds of shattering money bubbles will soon fill the air, along with the screams of the dying.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:52 am
Guest wrote:
Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:26 pm
I don't know if it is actually in the Bible, but a lot of religious Christians say that the End Times will involve the truth being accepted as lies and vice-versa.

One thing is certain. Millions and millions of people are under some kind of spell. It is quite disturbing. Whether you want to call it mass formation psychosis or under the spell of evil doesn't really matter. It is real.
Yes, it's in Isaiah most prominently. Interestingly a book that the rabbinic judeans/talmudic inheritors shun (for obvious prophetic reasons about who the suffering servant is). It's all of the above, spiritual disease for the human has impact on the material world and vice versa.
Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!


Re: Fundamental Struggle

Post by Guest »

Navigator wrote:
Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:27 am
The world appears to be in a struggle between the Right and the Left. I believe a fundamental struggle is going on, but it is not necessarily between these two sides of ideology.

As I have written elsewhere (see my site at, I believe that originally Right and Left came from viewing government from two different ideals. The Right views the government as necessary for Justice while the Left sees the government as necessary for Mercy. Both are actually concepts of Good. We should require justice for all, yet we should be merciful and giving to others.

The problem today is that the while the Left sprang from this idea of “Mercy” to the poor and otherwise afflicted, it has been subverted.
The real struggle is between Good and Evil. At its core, Evil is about Force. Forcing people to do things or to give up things against their will.

The “Mercy” of the Left is now actually based on Force. Government handout programs are based on high taxation, that is, using the power of the government to force you to give up funds/property, so that they can give them to others. Or “forcing” you to accept national debt (which you as a citizen are liable for) to fund these programs. This is not much different from the force of excessive taxation. {This is not to say that Mercy is invalid. Quite to contrary. People are supposed to help each other. The should donate what they can and provide selfless service to help those in need. In fact, the Christian ethic should be to "love one another" and to "help one another"}

The Far Left has gone further. In fact, they have adopted positions in conflict with just about every single one of the 10 commandments, the code that is the basis for law and morality.

I have already addressed theft. They now also condone murder, in this case it being the “unborn” as we saw in previous discussions. They condone lying, which is what their censorship and subversion of the truth is about.

They certainly condone all of the sexual deviance going on now, as per the adoption of the LBGQT agenda and the efforts to destroy marriage and the nuclear family. This is probably the most insidious, as sexuality outside of marriage is based on lust, not love, and the destruction of the family leads to a cataclysmic collapse of basic values.

They are not just “pro-mercy” at this point. They are actually “anti-justice”. This is now seen with the failure to enforce basic laws against theft and physical assault.

In fact, in their minds, there basically is No Evil. There are just people who cannot control themselves due to no fault of their own. They were “born that way” or they “had a bad childhood” or they “have some kind of addiction” or some other condition which gives them the right to do whatever they want.

The far left is out to destroy whatever is left of Good. They call Good evil and Evil good.
Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

The ONS have just released their migration figures for the year ending June 2022. They are worse than I imagined and the ONS are describing the figures as “record levels”.

In conclusion:
- 1.1 million people came to the UK
- Net migration sits at 504,000
- Met migration of non-EU nationals is 509,000 compared with negative 51,000 and 45,000 for EU and British nationals respectively.

This is the deliberate demographic replacement.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

sunday, December 4th, 2022

China expert Gordon chang, interviewed by Mark Levin on Fox news, says that China is building a number of huge isolation centers, ostensibly for isolating covid patients. however, a typical center holds 250,000 people, which is much larger than would be needed for covid. Chang says that China is locking up political opposition and civilians.

China's last generational crisis War was the Communist revolution Civil War that climaxed in 1949, 73 years ago, and so China is ripe for a new massive Civil War crisis war.

the Chinese communist government is, of course, aware of the danger of a massive Civil War. the growing protests across China are organic, and are a major threat to the Chinese communist regime. that explains why the Chinese communist s are building huge isolation centers.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:52 pm
sunday, December 4th, 2022

China expert Gordon chang, interviewed by Mark Levin on Fox news, says that China is building a number of huge isolation centers, ostensibly for isolating covid patients. however, a typical center holds 250,000 people, which is much larger than would be needed for covid. Chang says that China is locking up political opposition and civilians.

China's last generational crisis War was the Communist revolution Civil War that climaxed in 1949, 73 years ago, and so China is ripe for a new massive Civil War crisis war.

the Chinese communist government is, of course, aware of the danger of a massive Civil War. the growing protests across China are organic, and are a major threat to the Chinese communist regime. that explains why the Chinese communist s are building huge isolation centers.
Yes, it seems so. Do you suppose that the population can overcome the surveillance state that they have built, at this point?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:23 am
John wrote:
Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:52 pm
sunday, December 4th, 2022

China expert Gordon chang, interviewed by Mark Levin on Fox news, says that China is building a number of huge isolation centers, ostensibly for isolating covid patients. however, a typical center holds 250,000 people, which is much larger than would be needed for covid. Chang says that China is locking up political opposition and civilians.

China's last generational crisis War was the Communist revolution Civil War that climaxed in 1949, 73 years ago, and so China is ripe for a new massive Civil War crisis war.

the Chinese communist government is, of course, aware of the danger of a massive Civil War. the growing protests across China are organic, and are a major threat to the Chinese communist regime. that explains why the Chinese communist s are building huge isolation centers.
Yes, it seems so. Do you suppose that the population can overcome the surveillance state that they have built, at this point?
Can Americans overcome theirs?

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