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Re: 29-May-12 World View -- World outrage focuses on Syria

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:35 pm
Well, about "Waterloo" don't forget John chose for us the best Eurovision Song ever.

It's interesting to see how tastes changed in the 60 last years from old-fashioned crooners to last years musical defeats (and how few winners are remembered : I suppose the average Frenchman (woman?) just remember "Poupée de cire, poupée de son" by France Gall, "Waterloo", the odd 2006 winner).
Here two videos : ... LQR5Jh70rw ... ure=relmfu
I presume John would be able to do one of his clever generational analysis.

Re: 29-May-12 World View -- World outrage focuses on Syria

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:28 pm
by gerald

Your comments are greatly appreciated, Thank you.

I would like to think that I am not trying brow beat one into believing in what I believe ( we each choose to believe what we wish,) but for some reason I feel compelled to express ideas that may be a little different, and at the same time I do not want to be offensive.

You have to under stand, that I may view things in a strange light. But I have no choice. I have this scale of "reality", of one to a hundred. One = total unmitigated BS, - to- One hundred = total truth, 2+2=4. Ideas or concepts fit between thees extremes. As information is gathered - from what ever source- ( hopefully having some validity) an idea can increase or decrease in validity on this scale, and nothing is held sacred ( that is sometimes difficult to deal with, but I must).
I have personally experienced things or known of things that are way off the deep end. Including what appear to be twists in time, I can't deny them, I cant explain them, and I can't convince others that this could be true ( unless they have experienced the same ), -- what do I do? deny it?, I have to muddle through. --- One could say that the perception of life is like that a goldfish in an aquarium trying to understand the back side of the moon.
Very difficult.

Re: 29-May-12 World View -- World outrage focuses on Syria

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:30 pm
by John
A third of Earthlings believe in UFOs, would befriend aliens

The results are in: Seventeen percent of Americans don't believe UFOs
exist, 36% think they do, and 48% aren't sure.

About 79% of those surveyed think the government has kept information
about UFOs a secret from the public, and 55% believe there are
real-life Men in Black-style agents who threaten people who spot UFOs.

•Nearly 65% think Barack Obama would be better suited than Mitt Romney
to handle an alien invasion. ... 55843742/1

Re: 29-May-12 World View -- World outrage focuses on Syria

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:56 am
by gerald
John - Additional thoughts

I have learned that sometimes solutions or insights to things require one to entertain "odd" ideas which may go against conventional wisdom. Once you get a taste of this, you seek more, and are surprised where it leads. --- This is how I found your site.

For your amusement --

The Rime of the Ancient Water Bridge

Confounded the theories, confounded the texts,
Professors were in dismay;
We did speak of phenomena
Anomalous and fey:

All in two electrified cups
With voltage high between,
Floating right across the gap
A water bridge was seen.

Day after day, day after day,
For a hundred years and more,
Respected theorists denied the sight:
‘Twas heresy, they swore.

Water, water, floating there,
What mystery doth it veil?
Water, water, floating there,
And all the theories fail.

Our settled knowledge overthrown!
That ever should this be!
Unorthodox the thoughts that rose,
From peer review set free.

About, about; in reel and rout
Did speculations dance;
And voices shrill argue still
The bridge’s significance/

And some in dreams assuréd were
To utter oaths uncouth:
Nine fathoms deep in certitude
Of orthodoxy’s truth!

But every observation that
Was spurned with scorn and mock
Revealed accepted theory
To be a bloody crock!

Ah! well-a-day! The thing to watch
Is the phenomenon:
The water goes its merry way;
Our thoughts must follow on.

Mel Acheson ... er-bridge/

Re: 29-May-12 World View -- World outrage focuses on Syria

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:50 am
by Laustim
This shows that the insatiable music in the recent lackluster end of the third pan / As at the beginning of the fourth was not just an American phenomenon by any means, despite the nasty corporate control of American music and radio industry in the last decade. Yes, for anyone who has followed even slightly the Eurovision Song Contest in recent decades, remember that the world produces melodic Eurovision success as Abba "Waterloo" and Mocedades "Eres Tu"? Today, music has become all to have the best picture, being the best fashion hipster is the best, be the best rude, etc, etc

Re: 29-May-12 World View -- World outrage focuses on Syria

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:24 am
by Laustim
The real secret of the fact that the land of Damascus to do in order to cause a catastrophe gone from being a city? The only way I can see, the people of Syria consists of two main enemies: the United States and Israel. After the eviction of citizens from their homes in the Gaza Strip last month, it is doubtful that Israel runs the risk of global outrage would face if it attacked Syria. All the experts and intelligence gathering agreed that the United States is due for another attack. When this happens, I am ready to believe that all keys can lead to the road to Damascus.