Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Did the 21st Century's Franz Ferdinand Moment Happen Yesterday?

Yesterday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was killed when the helicopter he was traveling on fell out of the sky and crashed to the ground. So far, Iran has treated this as a tragic accident. However, conspiracy theories from the far left, the far right, and radical Islamists are circulating, claiming that the crash was in fact caused by intentional sabotage. But if so, by who? Several countries have been named as possible suspects, but the most frequently cited country is Israel.

Should Iran change its tune and start blaming Israel for Raisi's death, things would have the potential to get very ugly, very fast. Not only would this (almost certainly) lead to an all-out war between Iran and Israel, which in turn would escalate into a wider conflict which would likely light the entire Middle East on fire, but should Iranian become paranoid enough in making its accusations, it could lead to another, potentially even more dangerous conflict... in the Caucasus.

Now you must be asking an important question: "Why the Caucasus?" Well, at the time of his death Raisi was returning from a diplomatic trip to Azerbaijan. Earlier in the day he had met with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev, where they jointly inaugurated two hydroelectric dams on the Azeri side of the Iranian-Azeri border. No doubt there were Azeri troops in the immediate area where the helicopter was parked at some point during the visit; after all they (presumably) are tasked with protecting foreign leaders as they set foot on their country's soil.

Now you must be asking another important question: "What does that have to do with Israel?" Well, not only is Azerbaijan one of the few Muslim-majority countries to recognize Israel's right to exist, but it also has close diplomatic and military relations with Israel, as well as a historically unstable relationship with Iran. Put those together, and you really shouldn't find yourself surprised if Iran accuses Azerbaijan of being an accomplice to plot against Raisi's life. Should Iran go there, it would (almost certainly) lead to an all-out war between Iran and Azerbaijan.

In the event of an Iranian-Azeri war, there are two players who could potentially escalate it into a global conflict: Turkey and Armenia. First, let's talk about Turkey. Turkey is in a mutual defense pact with Azerbaijan, and should war break out it could easily invoke that treaty to enter the conflict on Azerbaijan's side. Turkey is also a member of NATO, and should the conflict escalate into a Turkish-Iranian war it could easily invoke that treaty to drag the United States, Canada, and most of Europe into it. Now, let's talk about Armenia. Armenia as we all (hopefully) know has had a historically hostile relationship with Azerbaijan due to their competing claims to Nagorno-Karabakh. Not even four years ago, they fought an all-out war over that territory, which ended in an Azeri victory. Conversely, Armenia has had historically warm diplomatic ties with Iran due to their mutual mistrust of Azerbaijan. In the event of an Iranian-Azeri war, Iran would (almost certainly) encourage Armenia to attack Azerbaijan as revenge for its loss of the previous war, knowing full well that it could spark a chain reaction which would result in Armenia also being at war with not just Turkey but the entirety of NATO.

Now here's where things get really ugly. Armenia is a member of the CSTO, which means it is in a mutual defense pact with Russia. Armenia's observance of the treaty is currently suspended due to a deterioration in Russo-Armenian relations related to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, however it is still technically a member. While Russia has historically elected to stay out of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, should NATO be dragged into the Iranian-Azeri war and then go to war with Armenia it would have a very strong incentive to honor the treaty despite Armenia's suspended participation. Because the alternative would be a NATO-dominated Caucasus, which Russia would consider a serious threat.

To summarize, the death of Iran's President Raisi has the potential to spark a major war, possibly even World War III. In the absolute worst case scenario, it could lead to a chain reaction reminiscent of what the world witnessed in the summer of 1914, with the end result being the very hypothetical war the world has feared the most since 1945: NATO vs. Russia.

When I say this, I am not being hyperbolic. Did the 21st Century's Franz Ferdinand Moment Happen Yesterday?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Answer: no.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

he internet is disappearing, study says
Almost 40% of webpages from 2013 no longer exist a decade on, research finds
I noticed this years ago myself. ... 48202.html

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

Guest wrote:
Tue May 21, 2024 7:41 am
Answer: no.
John has said many times that Iran is in an Awakening era and hasn't the bloodlust to go looking for a death match. Unlike the rest of the world. There probably won't be any definitive conclusion to this accident. We'll never really know what happened. Either it simmers down or something equally exciting replaces it in the public eye. Seems to be happening very frequently now. Always another thing to trigger the big war. The anticipation is palpable. Remember when WW3 was a term used by conspiracy theorists or futurists. Seems like a meme now. Maybe the weight of it carries it forward affecting the conditions that have brought it to this point. Can it help to lessen the damage or exacerbate it? Because the damage to everyone and their families will be terrible indeed.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Why China is winning the weapons race America is driving away its talent ... apons-war/
In 1949, Chinese-born scientist Qian Xuesen (1911-2009) drew a diagram on a blackboard at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) that would change the course of military history. It showed the path of a projectile rising elliptically up into the atmosphere before gliding down and cruising along the outline of the globe.

His vision was fated to become reality. More than 70 years later, in October 2021, Western media outlets reported that the Chinese military had conducted two top-secret tests on a new kind of hypersonic weapon. Its flight closely resembled Qian’s sketch: an object was fired into near-Earth orbit, which then descended further before releasing a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) travelling at more than five times the speed of sound.

China denies this event had anything to do with the military. But Western experts believe it was a successful test of a fractional orbital bombardment system (FOBS) weapon with an HGV element — in other words, a rapid and stealthy means of delivering nuclear or conventional ballistic payloads. Such a weapon could alter America’s nuclear “calculus”, creating the possibility of a nuclear attack hitting the US before it has time to react.

When the US tried to test a similar weapon in October 2021, it failed. And since then, at least one more successful Chinese test has taken place. The knowledge that the Chinese military is most probably ahead on hypersonic weapon delivery technology has ignited debate in Washington defence circles.

It didn’t have to be this way. Qian came to America as a “Boxer Scholar”, on a scholarship granted to Chinese students to make amends for America’s invasion and looting of China during the Boxer Rebellion. His career as a top defence scientist began in the service of the United States. He served as one of the leading aeronautics experts in the American military during the Second World War and went on to become a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a co-founder of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He was described by his friend and supervisor, the Hungarian-American aerospace engineer Theodore von Kármán, as an “undisputed genius”.

But in 1950, Qian’s adopted home turned against him. A paranoid fog settled over America and Mao Zedong’s Communists, once supported in their fight against the fascist Japanese invader, came to be seen as ideological enemies. In the summer of 1950, Qian was visited by the FBI. Despite the fact he was married to the daughter of a prominent Chinese Nationalist, he was accused of socialising with American Communists. His classified security clearance was revoked, which forbade him from working on some of his most ambitious projects.

Qian felt suffocated “under a cloud of suspicion”. He told his senior colleagues and the FBI that “the only gentlemanly thing left to do is to depart”. His friends in the military and at Caltech begged him to stay and fought to get his clearance reinstated. But after tentatively delaying his departure to China, he was arrested. His luggage was seized for containing boxes marked “secret”. Yet his allies continued to praise his talents and loyalty; J. Robert Oppenheimer even tried to tempt him to Princeton to work on computing alongside the celebrated “Man from the Future”, John von Neumann.

Later that year, the American immigration service announced its intention to deport Qian, though the plan was foiled by the State Department, which was wary of sending military experts to the Chinese Communists. In the end, Qian was condemned to a half-life in America: he and his wife lived under constant surveillance, and although he was able to continue working, his activities were strictly curtailed.

For a man of such talent, who had been devoted to America and felt torn about leaving, this intellectual ostracism proved unbearable. In 1955, Qian smuggled a note to the Chinese Communist Party, pleading for their help to get him out of America. Later that year, President Eisenhower authorised Qian’s release as part of a high-stakes prisoner swap with China in Geneva. In return, America brought home a dozen or so pilots captured during the Korean War. Zhou Enlai, a towering figure in 20th-century Chinese politics, remarked: “We had won back Qian Xuesen. That alone made the talks worthwhile.”

America would come to regret hounding him out. On his return in September 1955, Qian instantly became one of China’s most influential military scientists. Within a year he had helped to establish the National Defence Ministry’s 5th Institute, of which he served as founding director. As the Chinese government now puts it, this “marked the beginning of China’s aerospace industry and missile development”. The 5th Institute has since morphed into China Aerospace Science & Technology Corporation, the main contractor for China’s space programme.

When Qian set up the Institute, China barely had the technology to build a decent car, let alone satellites and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The supply chain for basic materials, including rubber, aluminium and stainless steel, was poorly developed, and the techniques for conjuring advanced parts from them were unknown.

One of the first things Qian did was join a delegation to the USSR to ask for military assistance. Joseph Stalin coughed up around 10,000 volumes of technical guidance, 100 advisors and a dozen or so missiles for the Chinese to copy. But the circumstances of China’s research programmes remained primitive. In the first few years of the Institute’s life, thousands of scientists worked for Qian using the most basic tools and under challenging conditions. Many toiled shirtless in a vast hangar with no windows or air conditioning, operating mechanical calculators by hand. According to Iris Chang, author of the exquisite 1995 account of Qian’s work, The Thread of the Silkworm, the first rocket tested by the 5th Institute was filled with fuel using a bike pump.

“The first rocket tested by the 5th Institute was filled with fuel using a bike pump.”
In 1960, the Soviets withdrew their support. But under Qian’s leadership, China made extraordinary progress in developing its armoury. In 1966, China became the first country to test “a nuclear warhead mounted on a ballistic missile flying over populated areas”. It was incredibly risky, but it worked. An atomic bomb was delivered from Jiuquan in Gansu to its target in the Xinjiang desert atop a Dongfeng-2 missile developed by Qian’s 5th Institute.

As one protégé put it, Qian was always “10 years ahead of time”. But once America realised his value, it was too late. Within a year of the Dongfeng-2 missile test, two American authors published The China Cloud: America’s Tragic Blunder and China’s Rise to Nuclear Power, in which they blamed China’s advances on the hysteria of McCarthyism, arguing that “without the intentional aid of United States authorities, China’s nuclear weapons and the rockets to carry them would not have been built until the late Seventies”. They also suggested that, had Qian been treated well, he might have stayed and become a leading figure in the American space programme.

This lesson mustn’t be lost on today’s cold warriors. Qian’s story — that of a brilliant and loyal scientist hounded out of America — is not unique. For all the talk of “China stealing US tech”, there is increasingly a risk that brilliant Chinese American scientists will be driven into the CCP’s arms. With science and technology more important than ever in the contest between the great powers, the US risks repeating old mistakes.

Consider the China Initiative, launched by the Trump administration in November 2018. Its stated goal was to stop the Chinese from stealing American technology and intellectual property. But it was ill-defined from the start: referring to both Chinese hacking of leading companies and to the only tangentially related charge of “Chinese propaganda disseminated on our campuses”. When it was shut down in 2022, officials noted that it was nothing more than a “grouping” of cases “under the China Initiative rubric”. “[This] helped give rise to a harmful perception that the department applies a lower standard to investigate and prosecute criminal conduct related to that country or that we in some way view people with racial, ethnic or familial ties to China differently.”

This wasn’t aided by the fact that the Initiative appeared to lack a competent, sensitive and indeed honest approach. In one case, the FBI admitted to falsifying evidence. In another, the prosecutors admitted to misunderstanding the funding disclosure rules a Chinese-origin scientists was alleged to have broken, and dropped the case. Most of the cases involved scientists, including white Americans, failing to disclose links to China in applications for American funding.

The Initiative left a deep impression on Chinese talent in America, and helped create an atmosphere of hostility that would have been familiar to Qian. One study suggests that significant portions of Chinese-descent American scientists feel unwelcome, unsafe and fearful of conducting research or applying for grants. The American scientific community is not happy about this: articles in science magazines and a growing body of evidence point to the damage it has done to America’s ability to attract and retain precious Chinese scientific talent.

It’s not just Republicans scaring off scholars. The liberal establishment’s insistence on affirmative action for black and Hispanic students has long resulted in discrimination against Asian Americans, who tend to outperform other ethnic groups academically. At Harvard, an internal study estimated that if admissions were based on academic performance alone, the proportion of Asian Americans would double to 43%. It’s a similar story at other Ivy League universities. Some Chinese scientists considering raising a family in America look upon this discrimination and despair.

“There is much at stake in the battle for great minds.”

Is it any surprise then that America is losing Chinese talent? Now, more than ever, brilliant young Chinese scientists who have studied in the US seem to end up going back home. According to one report on Tsinghua University, by many accounts China’s finest, the number of graduates going to the US to continue their studies has plummeted — while the numbers going to Singapore and the UK have risen and remained stable respectively. One study focusing on leading researchers in the field of artificial intelligence concludes that America still receives a net benefit from the Chinese brain drain — but much less so than a few years ago.

Meanwhile, China has gone to great lengths to grow its pool of top scientists. A focus on investment into education, on sponsoring study abroad, on promoting Chinese traditions that encourage intensive schooling, and on providing grants, materiel, sponsorship and prestige to mature scientists via the “Thousand Talents” programme and others like it have paid off. According to one report, analysing the top 10% most highly cited research publications from the past five years in 44 key technology areas, China’s institutions and their scientists are leading the world in 37 of 44 key technology areas such as batteries, synthetic biology, 6G, quantum sensing, and drone swarms. By 2050, according to one estimate, the highly-able STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) workforce in China could be 10 times larger than in the US and comparable with or larger than the rest of the world combined.

In this context, America’s efforts to limit Chinese companies’ access to high-tech chips have proved futile. Last October, the launch of a new Huawei phone shocked Washington because it contained a chip of a quality that US sanctions were supposed to have rendered unattainable. Starved of American chips, Huawei has had to innovate or perish. It has innovated.

What Washington failed to realise is that Chinese technology theft is no longer the only problem. IP heists have been crucial to China’s rise. But now, the greatest “threat” comes not from copycats but innovators. Washington, however, continues to respond in a way that might have been effective 20 years ago — but may have undesired consequences today. The paradigm of “China stealing our technology” is not a full reflection of the reality; Chinese scientists, working in China and elsewhere, are already among the world’s finest.

All is not lost. Plenty of Chinese scientists still wish to escape Xi Jinping’s oppressive regime and its spiralling nationalism. As the tale of Qian Xuesen shows, there is much at stake in the battle for great minds. For one thing, we should all fear the prospect of great technological might in the hands of a tyrant. Even Nikita Khrushchev wrote of his horror at Chairman Mao making light of nuclear holocaust at a 1957 meeting of Communist leaders in Moscow: “We may lose more than 300 million people. So what? War is war. The years will pass, and we’ll get to work producing more babies than ever before.”

The madness of Mao touched Qian’s life too. These were the days of China’s blossoming missile programme, but also of an evangelical Communist-religious fervour and the Great Leap Forward. By some accounts, Qian took part in Mao’s campaign against flies, rats, sparrows and mosquitos, and was spotted kneeling in an alley near the Institute of Mechanics in Beijing, smashing fly larvae with a spade or screaming and waving a bamboo cane around in order to scare away sparrows. In 1958, he published a series of sermon-like articles in the People’s Daily extolling Maoist themes: “For our scientists — the leaders of the scientific ranks — their responsibility is great. They must be able to mobilise the masses and rely on the masses. But if they are to be able to do this, they must not only resolve to be red, they have to really be red, red all the way through.”

Qian’s writings would become even more disturbing: one article claimed that since the only hard limit on the agricultural productivity of a field is the availability of energy via sunlight, China could boost its food production twentyfold at least. In the eyes of some of his peers, this served as inspiration and justification for Mao’s plan to merge peasant collectives into huge bureaucratic farming units. This programme — combined with an insane initiative to force everyone, Qian and his colleagues included, into operating steel furnaces — led to a famine that killed tens of millions of people.

For a brilliant man to engage in such nonsense is baffling. For a man leading a WMD programme to engage in such nonsense is terrifying. As Qian’s would-be colleague John von Neumann put it: “The combination of physics and politics could render the surface of the earth uninhabitable.” In the era of Chairman Xi, Donald Trump and Taiwan, these are words worth remembering.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

FullMoon wrote:
Tue May 21, 2024 1:35 pm
Guest wrote:
Tue May 21, 2024 7:41 am
Answer: no.
John has said many times that Iran is in an Awakening era and hasn't the bloodlust to go looking for a death match. Unlike the rest of the world. There probably won't be any definitive conclusion to this accident. We'll never really know what happened. Either it simmers down or something equally exciting replaces it in the public eye. Seems to be happening very frequently now. Always another thing to trigger the big war. The anticipation is palpable. Remember when WW3 was a term used by conspiracy theorists or futurists. Seems like a meme now. Maybe the weight of it carries it forward affecting the conditions that have brought it to this point. Can it help to lessen the damage or exacerbate it? Because the damage to everyone and their families will be terrible indeed.
There was evidently a power struggle between Raisi (killed in the crash) and the current Ayatolla's son, Mojtaba Khamenei. Raisi's death makes a clear path to allow Mojtaba to take over "politically" while his dad, the Ayatolla, runs the "theocracy" side.

Things will get worse for Iranians before they get better.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

There was some chatter here that I saw that has probably been moved to Bob's page.

One of Bob's main points was that if you are against Open Borders, or immigration in general, then you are a racist.

This is a commonplace liberal theme nowadays. It is meant to prevent people from saying that the current situation (we currently have a basically Open Border) is horrible, by labeling them racists if they say so.

First off, what is wanted is a SECURE border. Not a closed border.

Immigration has always been part of the foundation of the USA, and it should continue to be so. You should be able to come here, so long as you want to come here and work to provide a better situation for yourself and your family, and you are law-abiding and healthy.

It used to be that people were screened for criminality and for infectious diseases before they could enter the United States. This is what Ellis Island was for. People had various community/ethnic support groups that could help them, but in the end, it was up to them to make it here. Many couldn't, and so they went back to their places of origin. (Little known fact is that in the later 1800s, roughly a quarter of immigrants that came to the US later went back home).

The vast majority of us (and that includes ethnic minorities) want the Border to be SECURE. That means that people are screened. Screened for criminality, screened for links to terrorism, and even screened for highly dangerous diseases. Right now we are doing none of this.

People should be allowed to come to the USA, but if they cannot make it on their own, say after 6 months, then they need to go back to where they came from. Just like what happened in the past. We CANNOT afford to pay $60K per year per person for non-productive lay-abouts from foreign countries. That is what these people cost.

Liberals evidently have no concern about money, we can just create more of it they think. This is why we have a $35 Trillion national debt. They don't think this is a disaster because nothing super bad has happened yet (it actually has, this is the root cause of our current sputtering economy, inflation, and the inability of the youth to be on track to attain their parent's lifestyle). BTW, it will cause truly bad things to happen.

Additionally, corporate America has been allowed to use illegal immigrants as slave-wage laborers for too long. So there is blame there too.

It won't be long before we have to deal with the security repercussions of the open borders. Terrorists and CCP agents and agitators are flocking in, blending in with those that come here in hope of a better life, and those who come thinking current Americans should just hand it to them without any effort made on their part. The truly bad guys are just waiting for the signal from their overlords.

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Bob Butler
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Post by Bob Butler »

Navigator wrote:
Thu May 23, 2024 9:32 pm
There was some chatter here that I saw that has probably been moved to Bob's page.
Navigator wrote:
Thu May 23, 2024 9:32 pm
One of Bob's main points was that if you are against Open Borders, or immigration in general, then you are a racist.
There was a recent Biden supported bipartisan bill that proposed increasing border agents and immigration judges. Basically, there are too many immigrants seeking asylum. The waiting list for asylum approval is absurdly long due to not enough judges, with not enough border agents to provide decent supervision. This was an attempt to resolve that, which I applaud. It was suppressed by Trump. He would rather have an issue to use against Biden than try to solve the problem.

In addition, some Democrats would help those immigrants who need it, but the Republicans would rather hold down the budget than help people.

Some immigrants are fleeing the drug lords after supporting US attempts to fight drugs. Such people are perhaps worthy of asylum. People who want to move because there is more economic opportunity here are less worthy. Whether they are worthy or not, some people oppose immigration out of racism while some elites wish to encourage immigration to get cheaper labor than white long term citizens are willing to provide.

Immigration is a messy problem which I am not particularly good at. I would point out that the Generational Dynamics instinct to hate, oppress and kill the different gets called into play. Still, I would support Biden's bipartisan bill to put enough people on the border to address the issue. I would support helping those who need it (within reason). I don't believe building a wall would make that much difference. There is just too much border.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

There's been this idea for the past twenty years that changing demographics would give Democrats a permanent majority. Only... that's not what's happening. I live in a conservative area and even some Hispanics plan to vote for Trump. No matter how much they say: "The economy's doing great, and you're too stupid to know how good you have it", most people aren't buying. I've seen how prices have skyrocketed in the past four years, and rule of politics: if you're in office, you're responsible.

It's amazing that even people in Chicago, New York City, and others are unhappy about the torrent of migrants. Democrats are likely to be in for a nasty shock. The accusations of racism mean little at this point, given the definition's become: "you disagree with me/are a conservative/voted for Trump"

As for overseas events, the Russians haven't improved much in terms of their combat performance. They're losing around 100 tanks a month and that's just what can be independently verified. However, given Russia is now on a wartime footing, they might win through sheer weight alone. Ukraine's done amazingly well, given the limitations they've been forced under. The fighting in Kharkiv is only a "breakthrough" by the standards of this war: around 200 square kilometers.

Problem is, Europe's inability to stand on their own two feet hasn't changed. In fact, they're more dependent on us than ever. The aid bill provides several months of breathing room to get their house in order, but many are treating it as "America's got it handled; we don't need to rebuild our militaries." There are exceptions, like Poland, the UK, and Finland, but too many struggle to do what's necessary. Even without the U.S., NATO is far stronger than Russia. What's lacking is political will.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Wait until they try o draft white males. The young men who have been deprived of educational and career opportunities are now supposed to kill and die fke it? Not likely.

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