Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

If people are evil, violent, sick, or all of the above, the bish calls them


That's all you need to know. We have a specimen here, a classic example of someone truly deluded in nearly all ways of thought. The one good thing about it? You can ask direct questions to such a person and see what the response will be, so that you can be aware of that sickness among similar people in the population at large. It's funny when the only thing good about something is a having an awareness of its sickness. Yikes.

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Bob Butler
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Hatree and oppression of the different.

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:11 pm
If people are evil, violent, sick, or all of the above, the bish calls them


That's all you need to know. We have a specimen here, a classic example of someone truly deluded in nearly all ways of thought. The one good thing about it? You can ask direct questions to such a person and see what the response will be, so that you can be aware of that sickness among similar people in the population at large. It's funny when the only thing good about something is a having an awareness of its sickness. Yikes.
To be clear, one of the central tenants of Generational Dynamics is the very real instinct to hate, oppress, and kill those who are different. When you see people oppressing minorities like the blacks, latinos and LBGQ people, you could very easily treat it as prejudiced peopled exercising that element of Generational Dynamics. Yes, people will try to justify their prejudices by calling people evil, violent and sick. Who is being sick?

As I have often said, it is good to be aware of the instinct to hate and oppress the different. In that I agree with John and Generational Dynamics. Still, one should be careful not to encourage or exercise that instinct in one's own culture. You get things like the Rodney King riots, the death of George Floyd, spree killings in the gathering places or minorities, and people driving through crowds.

You have a choice between encouraging loving one's neighbor or hating him. I would choose the former.


African migration into Europe

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:02 pm
Migrants from Libya and other Afican
countries are flooding into Lampadusa,
which is an Italian island in the middle
of the Mediterranean sea. Lampadusa is
being overwhelmed, so Italian
authorities have begun moving hundreds
into the Italian mainland.

There's also a flood of migrants
crossing from Europe continent into
Britain. Several people in this forum
have written about this.

These migrant flows are similar to the
caravans of migrants from Central
America and elsewhere in the world
crossing America's southern border.
I'm an ex-Rhodesian and the deterioration of the continent since the end of colonialism was entirely predictable and was in fact predicted accurately by people like me. Of course, our opinions were ignored by people who thought they knew better - people with no experience of living in Africa, people with unrealistic expectations, people with no understanding of the nature of Africa.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

What will happen if India is proven to be behind the assassination of Sikh activists abroad?

DT Subscriber

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DT Subscriber »

Stonehenge was built by black Britons, children’s history book claims
Readers of the newly-released book are told that monument was built while Britain was ‘a black country’
The illustrated book by Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, entitled Brilliant Black British History, says that ‘every single British person comes from a migrant’

Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed.

The illustrated book entitled Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, says “every single British person comes from a migrant” but “the very first Britons were black”.

Readers of the newly-released book are told that Stonehenge was built while Britain was “a black country”.

The book, published by Bloomsbury and promoted by Arts Council-funded literacy charity The Book Trust, states that “Britain was a black country for more than 7,000 years before white people came, and during that time the most famous British monument was built, Stonehenge.”

The introduction says that “Britain has been a mostly white country for a lot less time than it has been a mostly black country”.

Atinuke’s book, for readers aged seven-plus, takes the reader through a chronological overview of black people’s presence in Britain, saying that Cheddar Man, the oldest human remains found in Britain, had skin “as dark as dark can be”.

‘A hodgepodge of people’
The claims made in the book have caused concern among some historians that children could be brought up reading “misinformation”.

The leaders of 2018 research into Cheddar Man’s DNA said it was impossible to know with certainty how this early inhabitant looked, and other researchers noted problems with attempting to predict skin tone from the genetic model used.

Recent genetic analysis has shown that the inhabitants of Britain in the period when Stonehenge was completed, around 2,500 BC, were pale-skinned early farmers whose ancestors had spread from Anatolia.

On a page featuring an image of a black Roman legionary fighting a white Celt, Atinuke’s book says Rome “turned back to Europe and pushed north” to conquer Britain after first being unable to take the African kingdom of Nubia.

The book states that the Roman historian Tacitus reported that the Silures people in Wales were “dark-skinned and curly-haired”. In Tacitus’ full account, he theorised that they may have been from Spain.

It adds that, by the Middle Ages, Britain was “a hodgepodge of people: original British migrants, Celts, Romans, Britons, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Africans and Normans”, adding: “They spoke a hodgepodge language too – English”.

In the period of the Tudors and Stewarts, an incoming black Muslim population brought “new knowledge about textiles, medicine, maths and navigation”.

Windrush generation
The book says that following the Second World War, “Britain needed help” and so the “government asked people from the colonies to come”. These included the Windrush generation, and others from counties that had been “left poor after slavery and colonisation”.

It also includes a page on Black Lives Matter, which states that although “race does not scientifically exist”, black people suffer “institutional racism”.

Atinuke’s book has caused concern among historians, with Dr Zareer Masani saying “seems typical of the kind of wokedom that’s been colonising our schools and universities”.

He claimed it was “evidence of brainwashing children with outright lies, confusion and misinformation”.

David Abulafia, a historian and Cambridge emeritus professor, said: “The Nazis claimed that the cultural achievements of the north were the work of blond, fair-skinned folk.

“Making skin colour a criterion for judging great achievements like Stonehenge is therefore not a new idea. It is also rubbish. It only gets interesting if their skins were blue or green.”

Representatives of Atinuke have been approached for comment. ... gniter-rhr

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Inappropriate material has been removed by the Moderator.
It would be more appropriate in your own thread.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 20-Sep-2023 World View: Massive flood of illegal migrants

Tens of thousands of illegal migrants
have poured across the southern border
in the last three days, with tens of
thousands more on the way. The border
is completely open.

As I watch this live, mostly on Fox
News, it saddens me enormously to see
that the Democrats are succeeding in
doing everything possible to destroy
America, in revenge for losing the civil
war and for the Republicans freeing the
black slaves.

The Democrats are doing everything
possible to destroy American cities like
New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los
Angeles, by allowing unchecked crime,
and by promoting the slaughter of
thousands of blacks on the streets of
these cities.

The Democrats are also purposely
promoting the illegal importation and
distribution of tons of fentanyl, which
is specifically targeted to kill as many
ghetto blacks as possible.

The Democrats are also purposely
destroying the country's energy
industry, with the objective of allowing
the Chinese military to win the next
war, and form an alliance with the

The question is asked: Why would the
Democrats want the destruction of their
own country?

It's not surprising when you realize
that the Democrats tried to destroy
America with the Civil War, and have
been seeking revenge ever since then, by
creation of the Ku Klux Klan and the Jim
Crow laws, by the Tulsa Massacre of
1921, and by the promise that "The South
Shall Rise Again" to destroy America,
successfully this time. Joe Biden
himself was a member of the Ku Klux
Klan, with Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd as
his idol and mentor.

The Democrats are very pleased at the
destruction going on now, and they're
moving as quickly as possible before the
elections. An ironic exception is Mayor
Adams, who is turning against Biden, but
only because the destruction of America
has been brought to his doorstep.

It's also extremely ironic to watch the
vitriolic hatred that Democrats have for
the acronym MAGA, which stands for Make
America Great Again. The Democrats want
to destroy America, not make America
great. The Democrats want to leave
America available for conquest by the
Chinese, and for alliance with the
Democrats in a new dictatorship in

As a 79 year old Boomer, I just hope
that I'll die before all this happens.

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Bob Butler
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Liar John

Post by Bob Butler »

Yet again, the Democrats were the Conservative Party in Lincoln’s time, advocating slavery, trying to freeze expansion west, and keeping political power with the big landowners rather than the robber barons. It wasn’t until MLK, the Civil Rights Movement and Republican Southern strategy that the reversal was complete, that the mostly progressive Democrats took the last step. You really ought to familiarize yourself with history rather than repeating your traditional lies.

Never heard of the Chinese wanting to invade America. They have a brown water navy focused on Formosa. They need middle eastern oil and can’t protect it through the Indian Ocean. Another lie.

MAGA? Make Attorneys Get Attorneys? May not be the original meeting, but less obsolete?

Don’t worry about that last. Your hope seems certain.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

I didn't lie, and I never lie.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:36 am
Inappropriate material has been removed by the Moderator.
It would be more appropriate in your own thread.
Bish calls John a liar but I have more posts censored.

I thought there was free speech and exchange in America. But Bish is afforded free speech, of all people? Amazing.

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