Generational Dynamics World View News

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Bob Butler
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No more complex...

Post by Bob Butler »

For the West, this is a war of containment. That was what NATO was built to do. NATO has learned again the ‘no boots on the ground’ lesson of every S&H crisis. After a big war, avoid war, but they are finding a way still to practice containment.

Russia? They still think war is cost effective, that in this era of nukes, proxy war, guerrilla war and sanctions, you can still gain power through violence. Maybe they will learn.

You can find more wrinkles if you really look for them, but at base it is no more complex than that.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Well if this is what Russian liberation looks like then no wonder the Ukrainians are prepared to fight unrelentingly against these barbaric hoards.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

Prodding for weak points and preparing for something. ... cture.html

'The Chinese hacking group, code-named “Volt Typhoon,” has operated since mid-2021, Microsoft said in an advisory. The organization is apparently working to disrupt “critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia,” Microsoft said, to stymie efforts during “future crises.”


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon May 22, 2023 9:26 pm
Dickie doo wrote:
Mon May 22, 2023 5:51 pm
Guest wrote:
Mon May 22, 2023 12:49 pm

Could you imagine the USA invading Mexico and throwing everything at it and still being bogged down in a war of attrition a few miles in 16 months later? No. You can't.

Russia's military looks pathetic to anyone with eyes to see.

But carry on believing your own lies if it makes you happy.
Yea I could believe it if say, China or Russia and a few other countries were supplying Mexico with unlimited arms, money, logistics, training, and special forces assistance, etc…
Not hard to believe at all….
You mean doing what the US is doing in Ukraine and in Russia now? LOL
Take a long hard look at the demographics of the Russian people. They are not going to rebuild. There are not enough breeding age females. They are deep into full on demographic death spiral. There are no longer enough breeding females left to restore the population. Not if they had eight children each, and they aren't even having one each. RUSSIA WILL NOT BE HERE IN THIRTY YEARS. Those are the cold hard numbers, and are the ultimate basis of this war. And just for the record: Ukraine's numbers are even worse.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

May 24, 2023 - Technology
Chinese hackers hit critical U.S. infrastructure, intelligence agencies warn
Rebecca Falconer ... re-us-guam

Air Defense: Ukraine Parries As Russia Seeks To Slow Counteroffensive With New Surge Of Attacks
May 25, 2023 15:15 GMT
By Aleksander Palikot ... 27847.html

25 May, 2023 15:54
HomeWorld News
Ukraine sent untrained conscripts into Donbass ‘meat grinder’ – WSJ ... ed-troops/

China, Russia to accelerate grain corridor project to reduce reliance on Western imports
May 25, 20231 ... ports.html

Russia moves ahead with deployment of tactical nukes in Belarus
By Guy Faulconbridge
May 26, 20232:26 AM EDTUpdated 2 days ago ... 023-05-25/

Chinese scientists war-game hypersonic strike on US carrier group in South China Sea
Stephen Chen in Beijing
Published: 4:00pm, 23 May, 2023 ... -china-sea

Dramatic video shows 'Ukrainian' marine drone dodging gunfire while homing in on Russian warship - before exploding in a massive fireball when it suffered direct hit in the Black Sea
PUBLISHED: 08:40 EDT, 24 May 2023 | UPDATED: 13:50 EDT, 24 May 2023 ... k-Sea.html

It's "Obvious" There Will Be "No Victory For The Poor Ukrainians": Viktor Orban
WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2023 - 05:42 AM ... ians-orban

Why Ukraine Must Lose to Save the World
Posted May 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong ... the-world/

Thanks to Sanctions, the US Is Losing Its Grip on the Middle East
05/20/2023Ryan McMaken ... iddle-east

UPDATED (Again) 9:58 AM EDT -- Russian Border Checkpoint Attacked by Tanks from Ukraine; Destroyed in Belgorod
22 MAY 2023 ... n-belgorod

US warns of ‘serious threat’ after Iran unveils new ballistic missile
25 May 2023, 11:24 pm ... c-missile/

China hits back after Microsoft says state-sponsored group hacked critical US infrastructure ... e9cb9dc287

China’s fishing fleet embroiled in rising tensions with US ... 0ca7f448d1
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Tom Mazanec wrote:
Sat May 27, 2023 6:33 pm
May 24, 2023 - Technology
Chinese hackers hit critical U.S. infrastructure, intelligence agencies warn
Rebecca Falconer ... re-us-guam

Air Defense: Ukraine Parries As Russia Seeks To Slow Counteroffensive With New Surge Of Attacks
May 25, 2023 15:15 GMT
By Aleksander Palikot ... 27847.html

25 May, 2023 15:54
HomeWorld News
Ukraine sent untrained conscripts into Donbass ‘meat grinder’ – WSJ ... ed-troops/

China, Russia to accelerate grain corridor project to reduce reliance on Western imports
May 25, 20231 ... ports.html

Russia moves ahead with deployment of tactical nukes in Belarus
By Guy Faulconbridge
May 26, 20232:26 AM EDTUpdated 2 days ago ... 023-05-25/

Chinese scientists war-game hypersonic strike on US carrier group in South China Sea
Stephen Chen in Beijing
Published: 4:00pm, 23 May, 2023 ... -china-sea

Dramatic video shows 'Ukrainian' marine drone dodging gunfire while homing in on Russian warship - before exploding in a massive fireball when it suffered direct hit in the Black Sea
PUBLISHED: 08:40 EDT, 24 May 2023 | UPDATED: 13:50 EDT, 24 May 2023 ... k-Sea.html

It's "Obvious" There Will Be "No Victory For The Poor Ukrainians": Viktor Orban
WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2023 - 05:42 AM ... ians-orban

Why Ukraine Must Lose to Save the World
Posted May 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong ... the-world/

Thanks to Sanctions, the US Is Losing Its Grip on the Middle East
05/20/2023Ryan McMaken ... iddle-east

UPDATED (Again) 9:58 AM EDT -- Russian Border Checkpoint Attacked by Tanks from Ukraine; Destroyed in Belgorod
22 MAY 2023 ... n-belgorod

US warns of ‘serious threat’ after Iran unveils new ballistic missile
25 May 2023, 11:24 pm ... c-missile/

China hits back after Microsoft says state-sponsored group hacked critical US infrastructure ... e9cb9dc287

China’s fishing fleet embroiled in rising tensions with US ... 0ca7f448d1
Russia Today (RT), convicted fraudster Martin Armstrong, Zero Hedge. What a load of anti-Western BS.

Posts: 352
Joined: Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:06 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

Excerpts from "The Economist"
It's easy to imagine us ending up like this. In fact, it's happening already.
I recently read that 11 states require mandatory DEI hours for legal continuing education, with Rhode Island poised to make 12. Medicine soon to follow.
"Dear Leader!"

China | Knives out

Communist Party members must study Xi Jinping’s thinking

The education campaign will not be fun for bureaucrats

Since Xi Jinping took over as China’s leader more than a decade ago, he has kept officials on their toes. Every couple of years, on average, he has subjected them and the rest of the Communist Party’s 97m members to “education” campaigns to ensure they grasp the party line (slackers beware). A new one has begun to unfold. For weeks, if not months, it will command the attention of the bureaucracy and the armed forces, as well as many businesspeople, academics and others. The theme, this time, is overtly personal. It is about keeping in step with Mr Xi himself.

But the scope of this latest campaign is anything but routine. The previous five ones launched by Mr Xi usually emphasised specific aspects of party members’ behaviour, such as their obligation to attend to the needs of the “masses”, study the party constitution, resist corruption and remember the “original aspiration” of communists. This campaign is branded Xi: it is officially described as “study and implementation of Xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era”. That means party members must master the broad sweep of Mr Xi’s thinking on everything from maintaining discipline in the party, to the environment and national security. The new era is party-speak for the age that dawned with Mr Xi’s accession as party leader in 2012.

State media trace the history of Mr Xi’s education campaigns back to Mao Zedong’s “rectification movement” of the 1940s during the party’s days as a guerrilla force. They do not mention that thousands of people were killed in purges that ensued from Mao’s attempts to reform party members’ thinking. Today’s campaigns are far more restrained, but officials still use blood-curdling language to describe the psychological impact they are intended to have. Officials are urged to “turn blades upon themselves” and “scrape the bone to heal poison”. They are required to engage in “criticism and self-criticism sessions” that make their “faces turn red and sweat”.
l deviation to disloyalty.

Few details of how the campaign will be implemented—including a target date for completing it—have been revealed. Party committees across the country have been meeting to discuss related directives, but these remain classified. Past such campaigns, however, suggest it will involve a combination of study meetings, field trips and a tool of mind control that Mao would have relished: a web portal-cum-smartphone app that tests users’ knowledge of prescribed materials. It is called Xuexi Qiangguo, which means both “Study the Strong Country” and “Study Xi to Make the Country Strong”.

Launched in 2019, the app has become the bane of many party members’ lives. By noting users’ scores and daily usage habits it allows the party’s ideological workers quickly to identify those whose minds are not on the task. Boredom with education campaigns is a common problem. A survey in 2019 (published last year) showed that nearly 60% of people at a vocational training college who had taken part in one of Mr Xi’s education campaigns felt the theories they were required to study bore no obvious connection to real life, according to Li Fang, an academic in Guangzhou. Much of the teaching material was simply copied from documents supplied by higher-ups.

No faking it

As part of their education, officials will have to think more creatively. They have been told to organise research into “complicated and difficult” problems affecting the new era, such as food security or public health. They must interview people about such matters at society’s grassroots, and suggest good remedies. “No going through the motions”, they have been warned.

Perhaps distressingly for party members struggling with the Study-Xi app, he showed an early fondness for using digital tools to improve bureaucratic behaviour. While working in Zhejiang province in the 2010s he opened a social-media account that he used in part to castigate wrongdoing by officials. “Openness is a good thing”, said one of his most-noticed tweets. He even lamented China’s blocking of Facebook. Today, however, few see him as anything but Mr Xi’s faithful servant. The only hope that some might possibly cling to is that he may, one day, trim the ponderous 16-character title of Mr Xi’s philosophy to just “Xi Jinping Thought”. It would save lots of time at meetings. ■7

This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline "Cramming Xi Jinping Thought"

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Tom Mazanec
Posts: 4186
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Russian Ambassador to UK: ‘We Haven’t Yet Started to Act Seriously’ in Ukraine
4 hours ago ... flagration
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Tom Mazanec wrote:
Sun May 28, 2023 12:10 pm
Russian Ambassador to UK: ‘We Haven’t Yet Started to Act Seriously’ in Ukraine
4 hours ago ... flagration
Sputnik is Russian agit prop.

Posts: 902
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:55 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

Guest wrote:
Sun May 28, 2023 1:25 pm
Tom Mazanec wrote:
Sun May 28, 2023 12:10 pm
Russian Ambassador to UK: ‘We Haven’t Yet Started to Act Seriously’ in Ukraine
4 hours ago ... flagration
Sputnik is Russian agit prop.
Guest is correct.
Tom, please be clear that you're propagating communist propaganda.
We're at the stage where many are confused.
We have the greatest country in the world.
Give some respect. How long can we last?
Work not for the dark.

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