12-Mar-10 News-Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

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12-Mar-10 News-Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

Post by John »

12-Mar-10 News - Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

** 12-Mar-10 News - Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 12#e100312

"Embarassing Mideast talks collapse over settlements"
"Debka: Obama administration is talking to Iran's Revolutionary Guards"
"Elizabeth Warren: Nothing has changed since near-disaster"
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Re: 12-Mar-10 News-Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

Post by jhc811 »

Very good posting, esp the Warren part (Obama talking to Rev Guard is interesting and it does make sense).

We definitely need to have more Warrens around!

Paul Volcker said:

"If a big non-bank institution gets in trouble and threatens the whole system, there ought to be some authority that can step in, take over that organization and liquidate it or merge it -- not save it," Volcker said on CNN.

"It's called euthanasia, not a rescue."


“In no sense would these capital market institutions be deemed too big to fail. What they would be free to do is to innovate, trade, speculate, manage private pools of capital –- and as ordinary businesses in a capital economy, to fail.”

To Fail! In that case, you just cannot ignore FAZ :) It short the dead-broke, flat out insolvent, zombie banks big time.

Even govt themselves are not too big to fail too. PIGIES comes to mind. (Portgual, Italy, Greece, Ireland, England, Spain)


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Re: 12-Mar-10 News-Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

Post by John »

jhc811 wrote:Even govt themselves are not too big to fail too.
PIGIES comes to mind. (Portgual, Italy, Greece, Ireland, England, Spain)

PIGIES -- that's great! I hadn't heard that one.


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Re: 12-Mar-10 News-Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

Post by VinceP1974 »

John wrote:
jhc811 wrote:Even govt themselves are not too big to fail too.
PIGIES comes to mind. (Portgual, Italy, Greece, Ireland, England, Spain)

PIGIES -- that's great! I hadn't heard that one.

How about US PIGIES

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Re: 12-Mar-10 News-Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

Post by VinceP1974 »

jhc811 wrote:Very good posting, esp the Warren part (Obama talking to Rev Guard is interesting and it does make sense).

We definitely need to have more Warrens around!

Paul Volcker said:

"If a big non-bank institution gets in trouble and threatens the whole system, there ought to be some authority that can step in, take over that organization and liquidate it or merge it -- not save it," Volcker said on CNN.

"It's called euthanasia, not a rescue."
But isn't this idea of nationalizing a failing company the very perpetuation of the idea of "Too Big To Fail"?

Isn't TBTF a political decision that some people are to be protected from investment loss?

TBTF says Person A is special and if A's investment in Company B becomes threatened by a failure in Company B, that the Government is going to rush in, at the behest of A and seize B.

So it seems whatever A decides to invest in, that becomes a grant to the Government to nationalize the target.

This scares the crap out of me. It violates everything this country stands for. And I think it will do the opposite of what they say the intention is. They're not only going to have created zombie banks... now we're going to have zombie corporations (in fact we already do.. GM, Chrysler)

Insolvant companies need to go bankrupt. If that brings down their creditors, then too bad. The people who pick up the pieces from the ashes will have learned a lesson.

It seems very few people .. especially (and maybe only) the idiots in Washington., have learned a damn thing the past few years.

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Re: 12-Mar-10 News-Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

Post by jhc811 »

John wrote:
PIGIES -- that's great! I hadn't heard that one.

I got that abbreviation from Nick Guarino, the guy from Wall Street Insiders. Giving credit when it's due. :)

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Re: 12-Mar-10 News-Mideast peace talks collapse in humiliation

Post by jhc811 »

VinceP1974 wrote: It seems very few people .. especially (and maybe only) the idiots in Washington., have learned a damn thing the past few years.
Sooner or later (more likely sooner) they are going to learn that there is no such thing as a free lunch. They will have to let TBTF to go fail in order not to burn the dollar down as Fed Govt is totally hooked to the ATM machine called Treasury market. By letting the markets taking it's natural course, Treasury would be able to roll debt into longer dated Treasuries at lower and lower interest rates to get interest bill to the minimum as possible. We know they aren't going to pay off the Treasury debt but reducing the interest bill is the big key. Instead of propping up the markets which is same as throwing good money after bad, time to purge the excesses of the previous multi-decade booms and start a solid recovery on a clean slate. In short, I think we are seeing same things that was happening during The Great Depression of 1930's and the real recovery finally started around 1950's so that is about 20 to 25 years in between. IMHO

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