15-Feb-10 News -Finance Ministers meet, decide Greece's fate

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15-Feb-10 News -Finance Ministers meet, decide Greece's fate

Post by John »

15-Feb-10 News - Finance Ministers meet to decide Greece's fate

** 15-Feb-10 News - Finance Ministers meet to decide Greece's fate
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 15#e100215

"European finance ministers meet on Monday to discuss Greece"
"Niall Ferguson: A Greek crisis is coming to America"
"Additional Links"

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Re: 15-Feb-10 News -Finance Ministers meet, decide Greece's fate

Post by jldavid47 »

I love this application of fractal geometry to debt, but the entire Generational Dynamics theory has an underpinning of fractal geometry.

I was surprised and pleased to see this reference to fractal geometry. As you may or may not know there is another important theory that has its underpinnings in fractal geometry - Elliott Wave. I've been studying EWT for 25 years and been an interested "follower" of Robert Prechter the whole time. In fact, I was drawn to the Generational Dynamics web site because of the eerie similarities between Prechter's predictions and yours. I personally think GD and EWT compliment each other quite nicely and this common basis in fractal geometry is probably why. Ciao.


Re: 15-Feb-10 News -Finance Ministers meet, decide Greece's fate

Post by MisterB1 »

When there are no real solutions people sometimes come up with make believe solutions.

California (or maybe one of the other states in crisis) will be our own Greece. Do we bail out California or do we let it default? If we let it default then most of the other states will not be able to borrow and other states will default. If we bailout California then all of the other states will demand a bailout. Bailouts all around would seem to crash the dollar. On the other hand, letting California default would see a flight to the dollar away from munis.

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