1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

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1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by John »

1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Julius Malema and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) movement

** 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e180301

Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform
Julius Malema and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) movement

Generational Dynamics, South Africa, African National Congress, ANC,
Cyril Ramaphosa, Jacob Zuma,
Julius Malema, Economic Freedom Fighters, EFF,
Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, Syria, Bashar al-Assad,
China, Russia, North Korea

White panther

Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by White panther »

The blacks are not worried. They still have all that vibranium and advanced technology in Wakanda.


Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by devorah »

The subject is easy: follow the money.
John's insight is spot on. Malema's traveling circus is akin to the BLM "victim" riots. The Rand is already tanking. As John points out, thoughts of happy sharecroppers staking out truck gardens are dreams of the mindless masses. Zimbabwe-style food riots are but a year away.
Lest we be too smug, i point out that various main line American church denominations hold congregational buildings "in trust". This is a euphemism, especially that "trust" word. Even after a congregation has raised money and erected buildings, the denomination OWNS the property. Should the parishioners decide to leave the main body, say over abortion approval, the locals must either forfeit the property or pay the denomination the assessed value.
Well, at least no one dies of starvation.


Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by Guest »

devorah wrote:The subject is easy: follow the money.
John's insight is spot on. Malema's traveling circus is akin to the BLM "victim" riots. The Rand is already tanking. As John points out, thoughts of happy sharecroppers staking out truck gardens are dreams of the mindless masses. Zimbabwe-style food riots are but a year away.
Lest we be too smug, i point out that various main line American church denominations hold congregational buildings "in trust". This is a euphemism, especially that "trust" word. Even after a congregation has raised money and erected buildings, the denomination OWNS the property. Should the parishioners decide to leave the main body, say over abortion approval, the locals must either forfeit the property or pay the denomination the assessed value.
Well, at least no one dies of starvation.
I don't see how those two things are connected.

Black ethno-states are all failed states. So are all of the Central American countries. Don't think so? If France suddenly had Mexico's murder, rape, and kidnapping rates, France would be declared dead. The West holds blacks (and Latinos) at the national and individual levels to rock bottom standards.

The only thing that keeps SA afloat now are the non blacks. There aren't any successful black countries, and there never will be. Successful black countries exist only in comic books and movies. South Africans will die of starvation. The real shame is the SA whites have been abandoned. Europa should have taken in the white SA population, not the waves of third world illegals that have been flooding in. White South Africans could have integrated easily and become productive citizens-not a permanent welfare class having at least nine children per woman, all of on welfare. The West is finished. And you still have social justice warriors running around talking about stupid crap. White society doesn't deserve to survive.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by Tom Mazanec »

We now know that North Korea has been supplying components to Syria to manufacture poison gas, and it uses the money to develop nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying the nuclear weapons to the United States, or elsewhere in the world.

And all this is going on with the support and encourage of China, Russia and Iran.

Interesting, John, that two of those three supporting and encouraging nations are supposed to be on the United States' side in the CoC WWIII.
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Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by jmm1184 »

1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform
John, this is a very troublesome development. At best South Africa will become a new Zimbabwe, which would be disastrous. However, there is a major difference between Zimbabwe's land reform and South Africa's. Zimbabwe's land reform was conducted in the beginning of a generational awakening era. It was economically disastrous, but to my understanding there was little widespread violence, since both blacks and whites had strong memories of the War of Liberation. But in South Africa, the last crisis war for both whites and blacks is WWII, and they are deep in a crisis era. And when land reform occurs in a crisis era, it can have devastating consequences as it usually involves bloodshed. I don't know if there would be a genocide against the Boers, but in the past you've mentioned xenophobia between native blacks (Zulus and Xhosas in particular) and other black immigrants. My fear is that performing a land reform in a crisis era could incite tribal hatreds in a competition for land. Maybe its too far fetched, but in a crisis era anything is possible.


Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by Guest »

jmm1184 wrote:
1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform
John, this is a very troublesome development. At best South Africa will become a new Zimbabwe, which would be disastrous. However, there is a major difference between Zimbabwe's land reform and South Africa's. Zimbabwe's land reform was conducted in the beginning of a generational awakening era. It was economically disastrous, but to my understanding there was little widespread violence, since both blacks and whites had strong memories of the War of Liberation. But in South Africa, the last crisis war for both whites and blacks is WWII, and they are deep in a crisis era. And when land reform occurs in a crisis era, it can have devastating consequences as it usually involves bloodshed. I don't know if there would be a genocide against the Boers, but in the past you've mentioned xenophobia between native blacks (Zulus and Xhosas in particular) and other black immigrants. My fear is that performing a land reform in a crisis era could incite tribal hatreds in a competition for land. Maybe its too far fetched, but in a crisis era anything is possible.
I've got news for you. No one really cares what the blacks do to each other. Or what they do to the whites that were abandoned after they were pressured into giving up power. The blacks will massacre what is left of the white population. That will wake up the whites that are even capable of being red pilled and a global race war will begin. That's the only silver lining I can see coming out of this. Whites can longer pretend that only they are capable of being racist. Also, they had better fight back or they will die along with their children.


Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by devorah »

Your point is well taken. This action will be black on black dispossession. Control and money. Another Zimbabwe. White South Africans are an endangered species, and then black factionalism chaos. Life as all South Africans know it is over. When the fallow dust settles, a few haves and many starving have nots will remain. If Malema survives he will be the head of a country lined up for CARE packages.


Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:The West is finished. And you still have social justice warriors running around talking about stupid crap. White society doesn't deserve to survive.
Don't throw in the towel


Re: 1-Mar-18 World View -- Moving sharply left, South Africa calls for potentially disastrous land reform

Post by StillTime »

Tom Mazanec wrote: And all this is going on with the support and encourage of China, Russia and Iran.

Interesting, John, that two of those three supporting and encouraging nations are supposed to be on the United States' side in the CoC WWIII.
Putin is showing off his toys to try, in part, to impress the U.S.

The Iran Saudi conflict will get worse until Saudi starts to falter and teams up with Turkey.

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