5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Brendan »

zzazz wrote:There will be war, but only because Trump needs a war to cover his crimes and his abject failure as a president. Recent Republican presidents are almost compelled to start new wars to mollify their racist base. Unfortunately, Trump does not have either Obama's integrity or his morality; like king Bush Trump actually prefers policies that kill millions of foreigners and takes a keen delight in authoritarian depravities.
Stunning insight, please do go on....

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by psCargile »

Let's throw NK a party, make them feel like one of the boys.

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by John »

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/08/us/p ... e=Homepage

Next Stop for the Steve Bannon Insurgency: China


Stephen K. Bannon, the former chief strategist to President Trump,
views China as the greatest long-term threat to the United States. “A
hundred years from now, this is what they’ll remember — what we did to
confront China on its rise to world domination,” he said. Credit Doug
Mills/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon has held court in the Capitol Hill
townhouse of Breitbart Media since he packed up his West Wing office
last month, meeting with conservative lawmakers, advocating hard-line
policies on undocumented immigrants and waging gleeful war on those he
considers traitors to the Trump cause.

Now Mr. Bannon is taking his insurgency abroad.

Next week, he plans to travel to Hong Kong to deliver a keynote
address at an investor conference, where he will articulate his call
for a much tougher American policy toward China. CLSA, the Hong Kong
brokerage firm that invited Mr. Bannon, is owned by a politically
connected Chinese investment bank, Citic Securities.

People close to Mr. Bannon said he met recently with Henry A.
Kissinger, the elder statesman who opened a diplomatic channel to
China in 1972, to exchange views about the relationship with Beijing.
Mr. Bannon said he admires Mr. Kissinger and has read all his books,
but none of that swayed him from his preference for confrontation over

The meeting and speech kicks off an effort by Mr. Bannon, who served
as President Trump’s chief strategist, to influence his former boss on
China policy as much as he does on immigration, trade or tax policy.
Given the lack of strong voices on China in the administration and the
inconsistency in its approach, Mr. Bannon believes he can make a
difference, though his record when he was inside the White House was

It is no accident that of all the foreign policy issues he could have
chosen, Mr. Bannon gravitated to China, where he once lived and which
he now views as the greatest long-term threat to the United States.

“A hundred years from now, this is what they’ll remember — what we did
to confront China on its rise to world domination,” he said in an
interview, previewing the themes in his speech.

“China right now is Germany in 1930,” Mr. Bannon said. “It’s on the
cusp. It could go one way or the other. The younger generation is so
patriotic, almost ultranationalistic.”

Mr. Bannon’s combative views on China are no secret to those who
listened to his Breitbart radio show before the election. In March
2016 he declared, “We’re going to war in the South China Sea in five
to 10 years.” Last month, he told Robert Kuttner, co-founder of the
left-leaning journal The American Prospect, “We’re at economic war
with China” — one of a number of impolitic observations that hastened
his departure from the White House.

But now Mr. Bannon is going to present this worldview to an audience
of Chinese investors. His speech is likely to attract attention, if
not raise eyebrows, at a forum where the past speakers have included
Bill Clinton, Sarah Palin, Al Gore, Alan Greenspan and George Clooney.
Among other things, Mr. Bannon will tell his audience that they made
their wealth on the backs of Mr. Trump’s voters.

“China’s model for the past 25 years, it’s based on investment and
exports,” he said. “Who financed that? The American working class and
middle class. You can’t understand Brexit or the 2016 events unless
you understand that China exported their deflation, they exported
their excess capacity.”

“It’s not sustainable,” Mr. Bannon declared. “The reordering of the
economic relationship is the central issue that has to be addressed,
and only the U.S. can address it.”

Mr. Trump clearly shares that view. He made it a centerpiece of his
campaign, and installed Mr. Bannon in an office near his, where he
sought out like-minded China bashers, including the economist Peter
Navarro. But Mr. Bannon had as many setbacks as victories on China at
the White House.

Shortly after Mr. Trump was elected, Mr. Bannon exulted when the
president-elect threw in doubt America’s adherence to the “One China”
policy. But he was undercut a month later when Mr. Trump, prodded by
his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, told President Xi Jinping that he would
honor the policy.

Mr. Bannon poured his energy into engineering Mr. Trump’s nationalist
trade agenda. He cheered when Mr. Trump ordered investigations of
China’s theft of technology from American companies and its dumping of
steel in the world market. But he fought constant rear-guard actions
against other advisers, who warned Mr. Trump not to start a trade war
with China at the same time that he needed its cooperation in
confronting North Korea.

Mr. Trump has suggested that he will go easier on trade if China steps
up its pressure on the rogue regime of Kim Jong-un. Mr. Bannon
contends that this is a sucker’s bet: China is stringing along the
United States, he says, and has no intention of exerting influence on
its neighbor.

“If you’re a great power,” he asked, “how come you can’t control the
Frankenstein monster you created in North Korea?”

Last weekend, Mr. Bannon said he was thrilled when Mr. Trump tweeted
that the United States would consider halting trade “with any country
that does business with North Korea.” The statement was aimed at
China, which conducts the lion’s share of trade with the North.

But Mr. Trump has assiduously cultivated a relationship with Mr. Xi,
and his willingness to confront him on this issue is not clear. After
speaking by phone with the Chinese president on Wednesday, he told
reporters, “I believe that President Xi agrees with me 100 percent” on
the threat posed by North Korea. There is no evidence, however, that
China plans to support Mr. Trump’s call for a cutoff of oil supplies
to the North.

For Mr. Bannon, who lived in Shanghai when he ran an online gaming
company, the key to understanding China’s motives is to look at its
history, specifically the Taiping Rebellion and the Cultural
Revolution. “The whole thing is about control,” he said. “They think
that by 2050 or 2075, they will be the hegemonic power.”

“We have to reassert ourselves because we have retreated,” he said.
“We have to reassert ourselves as the real Asian power: economically,
militarily, culturally, politically.”

A version of this article appears in print on September 9, 2017, on
Page A17 of the New York edition with the headline: Bannon Sets Sights
on Limiting China’s Reach.


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Guest »

The North Koreans are winning. The UN resolution is so watered down now that it worthless: a mere paper cut instead of a knife wound. On top of that, the Japanese government is scared and asking America to moderate its response to North Korean threats and provocations. Everyone is laughing at the Americans.

https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/ ... ba4uvNJZdg
Asked about the possibility of U.S. military action against the North, the defense chief hinted that Japan is requesting Washington to take a measured response.

“It is certain that South Korea will be the one that suffers major damage, and Japan will be placed in a similar situation,” Onodera said. “In talks between Japan and the United States, we are always conveying our thinking.”
The whole world is laughing at the United States. America is begging to be laughed at.

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Weiseth »

Guest wrote: The whole world is laughing at the United States. America is begging to be laughed at.
The socialists will not be laughing when the rest of the world such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and other ASEAN countries start arming themselves With Nuclear weapons because the US withdraw to Fortress America as a result of UN ineptitude.

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Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by psCargile »

It's the classic Hollywood showdown: the Bad Guy is holding the Girl with a gun to her head. Can the Good Guy save her from harm? Seoul is the Girl. The trick to saving her is not getting her killed. Is she worth the sacrifice?


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by Guest »

psCargile wrote:It's the classic Hollywood showdown: the Bad Guy is holding the Girl with a gun to her head. Can the Good Guy save her from harm? Seoul is the Girl. The trick to saving her is not getting her killed. Is she worth the sacrifice?
So, how do these situations usually turn out in the movies, and how do they usually turn out in real life? That's your answer.


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:
psCargile wrote:It's the classic Hollywood showdown: the Bad Guy is holding the Girl with a gun to her head. Can the Good Guy save her from harm? Seoul is the Girl. The trick to saving her is not getting her killed. Is she worth the sacrifice?
So, how do these situations usually turn out in the movies, and how do they usually turn out in real life? That's your answer.
..bullet through the forehead (of the bad guy)?

But the real question is: Are we in the "final act" of the movie, or only about half to three-quarters of the way through?

..and is "the bad guy" the REAL bad guy, or an "intermediate bad guy"?

Aloha guys!

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Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:34 pm

Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by psCargile »

There are no good solutions.


Re: 5-Sep-17 World View -- America's UN ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea is 'begging for war'

Post by awld »

I said North Korea should be nuked 5 years ago and as usual I have been proved right!!! This idiot won't stop until he has destroyed half the world!!!! Or we stop him first!!!!

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