25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

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25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

Post by John »

25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

Britain sees a big fall in net migration since Brexit vote

** 25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e170825

France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'
Britain sees a big fall in net migration since Brexit vote

Generational Dynamics, France, Emmanuel Macron, Romania,
Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Beata Szydlo, Britain, Brexit

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Re: 25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

Post by Weiseth »

It's good to remember every now and then that while the most inflammatory aspect of Britain's migration issue is Muslim migrants from Syria or Africa, the actual target of those who favored Brexit was the Christian migrants from Poland and other low-paying eastern European countries.
As Bill Clinton said "It's the economy stupid", there is one big difference you fail to include in Your analysis though. The polish migrant workers are for the vast majority very short term workers who obey the laws, does not engage in criminal activities and are loved by their host country employers (who rank from very small business to huge corporations) and integrate well during their stay here because they are respectful of our customs and those that decide to stay integrate as Norwegians. They even exploit the welfare system in the same manor as Norwegians do.

I have a Nigerian friend in Lagos, and he showed me Pictures of the villa and brand new car his cousin acquired just by allegedly "begging" in front of supermarkets in Italy. As these news make it to the mainstream just like the fact that Romanian gypsy gangs exploit Norwegians with drugs, robbery and home invasions to build illegal villas in Romania it creates a reaction.

It's true the polish migrants do the same with the money they make they send it back as remittances instead of spending it in Norway which would otherwise been adding to the velocity of money creating demand for jobs/services in the host country, the difference is Polish migrants does it legally and learn their host country language. There are no anti polish ethnic worker hate groups, only economically focused advocacy groups which forced the government last year to make Norwegian employers pay Norwegian tariff salary and all employer taxes for hiring foreign workers which levels the playing field between migrant workers and host country unemployed.

If I understand your statement correctly you are saying British people are more concerned about Polish workers and therefore ethnic violence with Christian Polish workers is more likely than Mohammedan sub Saharans or Middle Easterners. This I do not think that is true based on there is no ethnic animosity against polish workers, but there is ethnic animosity against Mohammedans of all races. The conclusion I think is that people do not care about ethnicity or religion as much as they do work and being able to supply for their families, at least in the short term when things are mostly stable.
Last edited by Weiseth on Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: 25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

Post by Guest »

I generally agree. However, some Easterners cause as much trouble as the Africans, Arabs, and Pakistanis. The Russians and Serbs are hated in throughout Europe. And in Portugal (where my family is from) they dislike most of the people from Eastern Europe. Gypsies cause endless problems. I have a friend from Sheffield whom says the Slovak gypsies have run out the Pakistanis because the gypsies are so badly behaved. Europe is a dumping ground for sure. I still think the biggest fear is the Africans, Arabs, and Pakistanis.

Violent crime, the rapes, the stabbings, have become a part of daily life in places that crime was almost unknown just 15 years ago. Everyone I know says 'I feel like a foreigner in my own country'. I think cultural identity is the biggest issue. Where will the Swedes go when the Africans overrun them? Will the Swedes all move to Antarctica? These migrants have no interest in adopting western values and cultures. They are invading and colonizing.


Re: 25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

Post by Guest »

"The single European market and the free movement of workers is not meant to create a race to the bottom in terms of social regulations.
I think that Europe should protect [its citizens], and in that way, the European integration project should get a new meaning. Ultimately our citizens want to free themselves from the pressures of globalization.

A Europe that protects is also in the position to solve the problem of posted workers. The posted workers directive, as it currently works, is a betrayal of the European spirit ... This only fuels populism in our countries."
Macron sounds like a Trojan Horse. Macron is turning out to be Le Pen lite :lol: France might have a chance at survival.

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Re: 25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

Post by Weiseth »

Guest wrote:I generally agree. However, some Easterners cause as much trouble as the Africans, Arabs, and Pakistanis. The Russians and Serbs are hated in throughout Europe. And in Portugal (where my family is from) they dislike most of the people from Eastern Europe. Gypsies cause endless problems. I have a friend from Sheffield whom says the Slovak gypsies have run out the Pakistanis because the gypsies are so badly behaved. Europe is a dumping ground for sure. I still think the biggest fear is the Africans, Arabs, and Pakistanis.

Violent crime, the rapes, the stabbings, have become a part of daily life in places that crime was almost unknown just 15 years ago. Everyone I know says 'I feel like a foreigner in my own country'. I think cultural identity is the biggest issue. Where will the Swedes go when the Africans overrun them? Will the Swedes all move to Antarctica? These migrants have no interest in adopting western values and cultures. They are invading and colonizing.
Gypsies are the historical parasites of Europe. I do not consider them European at all and yes they are hated here too and for very good reasons. I don't remember the exact percentage but it was well above 70% of all home invasions in Norway are by gypsies. It's important to make the distinction because Serbs, Croatians, Hungarians and Romanians all hate gypsies a lot more than everyone else, which says a lot!
Guest wrote:
Macron sounds like a Trojan Horse. Macron is turning out to be Le Pen lite :lol: France might have a chance at survival.
France's left has always been protectionist of French farmers and workers against global competition, though it is strange to see leftist universally today argue for free trade and globalization and conservatives argue for tariffs. Never thought I would see the day they would do a switcheroo on globalization, I think Macron is just pandering to the specific workers of agriculture and manufacturing than a statement against George Soro's style globalization.

But hasn't the term globalization changed as well since the 90's? Before globalization was a term for reduced taxation and increased free trade agreements whereas today globalization means free movement of all peoples into Europe/USA and veneration of all primitive terrible cultures at the expense of desecrating western cultures. Also it has been almost 30 years now since China opened up, the conservatives promise was that free trade with China would create a Chinese middle class that would over time create a equilibrium in wages as Chinese GDP rose. They didn't say we would be competing with slave labour forever.
Last edited by Weiseth on Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: 25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

Post by Guest »

They didn't say we would be competing with slave labour forever.
Of course they didn't, but they knew it would be.


Re: 25-Aug-17 World View -- France's Emmanuel Macron accuses EU countries of 'social and fiscal dumping'

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
"The single European market and the free movement of workers is not meant to create a race to the bottom in terms of social regulations.
I think that Europe should protect [its citizens], and in that way, the European integration project should get a new meaning. Ultimately our citizens want to free themselves from the pressures of globalization.

A Europe that protects is also in the position to solve the problem of posted workers. The posted workers directive, as it currently works, is a betrayal of the European spirit ... This only fuels populism in our countries."
Macron sounds like a Trojan Horse. Macron is turning out to be Le Pen lite :lol: France might have a chance at survival.
Don't bet on it.

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