22-Dec-15 World View -- Russia's Syria airstrikes kill many innocent civilians, but otherwise appear futile

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22-Dec-15 World View -- Russia's Syria airstrikes kill many innocent civilians, but otherwise appear futile

Post by John »

22-Dec-15 World View -- Russia's Syria airstrikes kill many innocent civilians, but otherwise appear futile

Azerbaijan's currency devalues 32%, following Russia and Kazakhstan

** 22-Dec-15 World View -- Russia's Syria airstrikes kill many innocent civilians, but otherwise appear futile
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e151222

Russia's Syria airstrikes kill many innocent civilians, but otherwise appear futile
European Union renews its sanctions against Russia for Ukraine invasion
Russia retaliates against Ukraine by banning food imports
Azerbaijan's currency devalues 32%, following Russia and Kazakhstan

Generational Dynamics, Russia, Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Idlib,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh,
cluster bombs, European Union, Ukraine, Crimea, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17,
Hitler, Nazis, Munich Pact, Austria, Maidan, Viktor Yanukovich,
Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia

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Re: 22-Dec-15 World View -- Russia's Syria airstrikes kill many innocent civilians, but otherwise appear futile

Post by jimw4881 »

There are no “innocent” Sunnis weather they are women and children or not. Unlike Iranian Shiites, the Sunni dream of an Islamic state has never come true.

The popular Islamist ideology calling for the establishment of a modern-day caliphate is what has empowered Salafi jihadi groups such as IS. There may be a majority of Sunnis who would wish away the IS, but they also would support the establishment of a caliphate. Many, many times it has been stated on this site that the conflict, deaths and destruction, has been between Muslims, Sunnis v. Shiites. This war, like the Thirty Years War among Christians in Europe, must run its course before political reformation can take place.

“After 1630 the role of religion in European politics receded. This was, perhaps, the greatest achievement of the Thirty Years’ War, for it thus eliminated a major destabilizing influence in European politics, which had both undermined the internal cohesion of many states and overturned the diplomatic balance of power created during the Renaissance.” The Reader’s Companion to Military History. Edited by Robert Cowley and Geoffrey Parker. Copyright © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

The Islamic State, which has an opportunity to conquer lands beyond Iraq and the Levant, is not a mere terrorist organization, rather the product of a popular ideology based on a radical interpretation of Islam. Despite an unfortunate loss of life, this conflict will eventually lead to major reforms in Islam.

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