5-Mar-15 World View -- Turkey and Armenia schedule conflicting WW I centennial commemorations

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5-Mar-15 World View -- Turkey and Armenia schedule conflicting WW I centennial commemorations

Post by John »

5-Mar-15 World View -- Turkey and Armenia schedule conflicting WW I centennial commemorations

China continues its double-digit military spending increases

** 5-Mar-15 World View -- Turkey and Armenia schedule conflicting WW I centennial commemorations
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e150305

Turkey and Armenia schedule conflicting WW I centennial commemorations
China continues its double-digit military spending increases

Generational Dynamics, Armenia, Turkey, Ottoman Empire,
World War I, Gallipoli, Azerbaijan, Zurich Protocols,
Nagorno-Karabakh, China, Li Keqiang, India, Vietnam,

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Re: 5-Mar-15 World View -- Turkey and Armenia schedule conflicting WW I centennial commemorations

Post by Trevor »

There are times I doubt that we're going to end up winning this fight. China's mobilizing for war, but we're doing nothing about it. If anything, we're cutting back on what we have. At least in the days prior to WWII, we were making an effort to prepare, but I see nothing of the sort this time. According to the people currently running things, "Climate change" is our top priority.

If it starts out as a conventional war, we'll have some time to build up our missile defense. If, however, they launch a massive nuclear strike as you claim, we're in big trouble. We'd be able to shoot down some, but the strike would still kill tens of millions of American citizens.

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Re: 5-Mar-15 World View -- Turkey and Armenia schedule conflicting WW I centennial commemorations

Post by gerald »

Trevor wrote:There are times I doubt that we're going to end up winning this fight. China's mobilizing for war, but we're doing nothing about it. If anything, we're cutting back on what we have. At least in the days prior to WWII, we were making an effort to prepare, but I see nothing of the sort this time. According to the people currently running things, "Climate change" is our top priority.

If it starts out as a conventional war, we'll have some time to build up our missile defense. If, however, they launch a massive nuclear strike as you claim, we're in big trouble. We'd be able to shoot down some, but the strike would still kill tens of millions of American citizens.
Have you ever seen the movie " The Manchurian Candidate"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Manchu ... 62_film%29
Watch the 1962 original. It is a heavy, especially today.

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Re: 5-Mar-15 World View -- Turkey and Armenia schedule conflicting WW I centennial commemorations

Post by jimw4881 »

“But to put things in perspective, the United States has a total inventory of 4,650 nuclear weapons, including nearly 2,000 actively deployed warheads. Russia has roughly the equivalent and is working with the United States to reduce stockpiles. In contrast, China possesses an estimated 300 nuclear weapons, or roughly 6 percent of the U.S. stockpile. Just one of the U.S. Navy's 14 Ohio-class nuclear submarines can hold as many as 288 warheads (although they are only permitted to carry 192, still more than enough to level cities and kill tens of millions)”…………………… The Week, 01/20/14, E. K. Chow

First strike? Not likely. It would be more of a self-imposed death blow AT THIS TIME. Additionally, while China could wreak havoc on some of our allies in the region, and even our bases and some US ships at sea, a mainland strike would be limited by the current range capabilities, since sending a warhead over Russia to reach us (shortest route) probably would not be viewed favorably by the Russians. And what would be the target? Our nuclear strike forces not our population centers.

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