14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disaster

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14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disaster

Post by John »

14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov IT systems a continuing disaster

Al-Qaeda surges back in Iraq following U.S. withdrawal

** 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov IT systems a continuing disaster
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e131014

Moscow police arrest hundreds after a massive race riot
Al-Qaeda surges back in Iraq following U.S. withdrawal
HealthCare.gov IT systems a continuing disaster

Generational Dynamics, Russia, Moscow, North Caucasus,
Iraq, al-Qaeda, Syria, Bashar al-Assad,
HealthCare.gov, Obamacare, Richard Nixon, wage-price controls,
Sean Gallagher, Ars Technica, CACI, General Dynamics


Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by Anon »

I can certainly confirm that the government uses garbage for physical hardware. They tend to recycle systems that are out of date so they can claim to be "under budget". However, I'll say flatly that I don't believe it's much better in the business world, apart from companies that do everything in house and live or die by their IT organization. And, just MHO, the "cloud" is a disaster waiting to happen. Already we've had several business sites down at once because the "cloud" allows for a single point of failure for all of them. The day is coming when a single intelligent DDOS attack can bring the entire country to its knees. All in the name of "saving money". LOL. We are going to pay for our presumption and soon.


Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by NoOneImportant »

See: 1-Sept-13 World View; where NoOneImportant wrote:
We are in the midst of a mess that was apparent even before the 2008 election. Candidate Obama was the least suitable candidate for high office since the mid fifties. He had no political management experience; no business management experience, no economic experience of any sort; no foreign political experience; no experience in consensus building; no experience in military matters - other than reviling those who wore the uniform; and no intelligence gathering experience. In short his only experience was in confrontational demand making - demanding monetary, and financial concessions from those who actually worked for a living. In short his strong suit in the 2008 election was reading, and incompetence; both of which he has used to their fullest for five straight years.

He has single-handedly destroyed the U.S. economy - no nation has ever incurred our debt load and ever recovered successfully; undermined the world's 73 year faith in the U.S. dollar as a stable unit of international trade; destroyed the manned U.S. space program; destroyed the U.S. healthcare industry; removed the right of free association from what used to be a free people
The arrogant, inept, and incompetent are not just arrogant, inept, and incompetent some of the time. The healthcare industry represented 1/5 - 1/6 th of the entire U.S. economy. Only unmitigated arrogance would make anyone believe that they could foresee all the exigencies of nationalizing 1/6th of the world's largest economy.

One of the great benefits of parsing things into small "chewable sized chunks" - privatized healthcare - is that you only screw up small amounts of anything at any given time. In the private sector those who screw things up continuously go on to go broke, and thus are allowed to screw up no more. Such is not the case with government... they will continual to screw up until you are no longer able to pay.

You may want to take note that what you are seeing is only the front end of a disastrous cluster f---. Technical difficulties aside, and they are appreciable; the underlying difficulty lies in the fact that those who seek to use the coercive power of government to steal that which they do not already own - socialize - always believe that personal initiative will be maintained, and will replace what they have stolen so that it may be stolen again - they delusionaly believe that they can command individual personal initiative, and "...just spread the wealth around." They believe that they can maintain and command the great benefits of personal initiative while stealing the produce of that initiative. Once those who expend great personal effort to create have what they have created stolen from them, they either leave, or decide that they will produce no more.

This is only the beginning, bad times are coming - to those old enough, I would commend you to the waning days of the Carter administration 22% interest rates, 18% prime rate, 12% per year inflation rate. Again I would note: when merit is reviled; incompetence reigns supreme.

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Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by John »

The CEO of Aetna was on CNBC this morning, and though he was very
careful not to insult anyone, it was clear that he believes that the
Obamacare system will not be completed by March 1. Obama is desperate
to get this thing working, so he's going to pour tens of millions more
dollars into this project which, as everyone knows, is a strategy that
always works.


Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by NoOneImportant »

There is an old software developers adage: it takes one woman 9 months to create a baby, not 9 women one month. It reinforces John's comment above. The message is that all the money in the world, or all the people in the world can't fix what initiative, creativity, thought, and diligence alone can fix over time. We have taken a task away from the dedicated, and motivated and given it to those who go home at 4:30 - the DMV is now responsible for your healthcare.

For those who are skeptical, or those who want to see what's coming, go visit a VA hospital, or an Indian Reservation; the Feds have been taking care of them for a hundred years.


Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by Rbutcher »

As usual politicians in power are blamed for the economic mess that exists at the present time. The debt in the U.S. is largely from military spending of the last 2 wars. Iraq and Iran cost an average of $14,000 dollars per person or the average family of 4 has a debt of $56,000 due to just these 2 wars or more than most families make in 1 year. Would any U.S. taxpaying family voluntarily pay a $56,000 bill if it was sent to their home or would they have said skip the wars and keep our taxes in the U.S. for all of the things our own country needs?

In regards to "Universal Health Care" most developed countries in the world have it (Canada, England, Germany, France etc. etc. etc.). It's not perfect however the majority of citizens of those countries would scream murder if you tried to take it away. Maybe the entire one in the U.S. should be rewritten completely but most of the poor people that have nothing need health care too. The biggest complainers in the U.S. are the Health Insurance providers and their lobby groups.

Gun control is stopped in it's tracks in the U.S. even though the U.S. is in the top of shooting deaths per year in the world. Most countries with gun control have many multiples less of gun related deaths per year. See http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2013 ... udy-finds/

You can thank special interest group lobbies for any insane problems in the U.S.
Gun lobby : insane firearms laws
Health lobby ; stop the poor from getting affordable heath care
Munitions / Military supply lobby group : keep wars going to fund their business ($100,000 a shot weapons = big profits)

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Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by 9_eU4oMpoNP »


You have repeatedly stated that the ACA will fail, citing Nixon price controls as an example. Yet, I cannot find support for your proposition that the ACA contains price controls. On what do you base your opinion? If it's Medicare payment schedules, similar schedules have been in place for decades and are not different in substance from the "negotiated" rates that private insurance companies use. It seems like you latched onto a catch phrase and ran with it, without examining whether the catch phrase is true or not.

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Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by gerald »

Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa
Postby Rbutcher » Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:16 am

Gun lobby : insane firearms laws
Rbucher ---I think not, gun deaths are a reflection of government and social policy -- most US gun deaths are due to drugs and gangs ( I lived in Chicago , I do not buy the PC BS )
An example -----------
from Australia http://www.news.com.au/national-news/is ... 6690018325
Is Australia staring down the barrel of a gun crisis? ---( And this is after strict gun laws were passed in 1996)

THERE is a gun battle going on in Australia. As bikie gang members and drug dealers gun each other down on a regular basis, sending fear through the community, authorities seem to be fighting a losing battle to keep firearms out of their hands.
"As one crime expert said: "Crims don't hand in their guns."
There has been a steady increase in gun-related crimes over the past seven years.
The total number of crimes in which a firearm was used rose from 823 in 2005, to 1217 in 2012, an increase of 47 per cent.

One former counter terrorism officer, who spoke to The Australian and asked not to be named, said the gun culture had become so ingrained among Middle Eastern males in southwest Sydney that they have taken to settling so-called "honour'' disputes with guns.

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013 ... Of-Control

Yet 17 years after the implementation of gun control schemes that are very similar in many ways to those being pushed by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the NSW police department is launching a new operation to rein in gun violence.
The lesson: criminals do not pay attention to gun bans. They never have and they never will.

And then there is Switzerland --

http://world.time.com/2012/12/20/the-sw ... hat-works/ The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works
"the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public. Because of this general acceptance and even pride in gun ownership, nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder."
“We will never change our attitude about the responsible use of weapons by law-abiding citizens,”

And we must not forget ---------- The Nazi 1938 German Weapons Act http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Germany

On November 11, 1938, the Minister of the Interior, Wilhelm Frick, promulgated Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons. This regulation effectively deprived all Jews living in those locations of the right to possess firearms or other weapons.[6][7]

It is always easier to kill unarmed people

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Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by John »

9_eU4oMpoNP wrote:John,

You have repeatedly stated that the ACA will fail, citing Nixon price controls as an example. Yet, I cannot find support for your proposition that the ACA contains price controls. On what do you base your opinion? If it's Medicare payment schedules, similar schedules have been in place for decades and are not different in substance from the "negotiated" rates that private insurance companies use. It seems like you latched onto a catch phrase and ran with it, without examining whether the catch phrase is true or not.

I'm no expert on the details of Obamacare, but from the day it was
proposed in 2009, I heard story after story about all the different
ways that prices were going to be controlled. Insurance companies are
limited in profits, hospitals and doctors were restricted in charges,
and so forth. Some of the loudest complainers are labor unions who
are being taxed because they offer "Cadillac" plans. Whether done by
taxes or restricting prices, these are all price controls, as in the
case of Nixon's wage-price controls.

For those of you who are "liberal" and "progressive," you're the ones
who owe the world an explanation, not me.

If you're "liberal" or "progressive," then you have to believe that
Nixon's wage-price controls should have worked. They were
enthusiastically backed by labor unions and other liberals, they were
fully backed by the Nixon administration, and almost everyone thought
they'd work to reduce inflation from 2-3% down to 1% or so.

Instead, they were a disaster, and inflation rocketed to 10%.

If you're liberal or progressive, then you owe me and other people why
that happened. This is a simple non-ideological question.

Wage-price controls were a typical liberal program, attempting to
control the markets through government regulation, and it was a
disaster. Give me and others an explanation of why this typical
liberal program was a disaster.

When you go past your ideology and understand that you have no
explanation why Nixon's wage-price controls were a catastrophe, then
you'll also understand why Obamacare is a catastrophe.

In simple economic terms:

-- If you want health care prices to go down, then you need to
increase the supply of medical services -- doctors, hospitals,
devices, insurance companies, and so forth.

-- The only way to increase the supply is to allow prices to find
their own levels, which means no price controls.

-- Instead, Obamacare seeks to control prices, which is going to
DECREASE the supply of medical services.

-- This means that the prices of medical services are going to

That's exactly what's happening today.

Once again, forget your ideology for a moment, and go back and check
out what happened under Nixon's wage-price controls, and you'll see
the same thing happening today.

One bit of irony: Labor unions were the loudest advocates of
wage-price controls, and they were the loudest complainers when the
controls failed. Today, labor unions were the loudest advocates of
Obamacare, and today they're the loudest complainers. Go figure.


Re: 14-Oct-13 World View -- HealthCare.gov a continuing disa

Post by NoOneImportant »

Ah, Rbutcher - a lib politico - standard stuff.

Using the logic and mentality of his post the U.S. should still consist of several small tentative coastal communities. Communities inhabited by poverty stricken souls fearfully huddled along the eastern seaboard, each awaiting governmental help. Communities people by those who should be lined up daily about their local post office waiting for their, as yet to be printed governmental checks, or food stamp EBT cards to get recharged.

Rome used to toss gold and silver coins from buildings to elicit the expectant crowds below... no longer necessary Rbutcher is just going to give you whatever you want. And he will do it by mugging somebody else for your, and his benefit - no more messy tossing coins, he'll just apply whatever you need to your EBT card. And where is the immediate cash going to come from that will pay for your good life, a life obtained at someone else expense? From the Fed of course, they'll just print it, and it will be insidiously inflated away from your every paycheck, or from any savings you might be foolish enough to have socked away.

Standard B.S.: military warmongers did it to us; "...look, see ABC says so...", now there is an impartial source. Might It not be the squandering of almost a trillion dollars on fruitless "stimulus" projects. Or might it possibly be the shrewd federal "investments" that between Solyndra, Beacon Power, Ener1, and A123 made over a billion dollars in public money to go to zero. And finally, might it not be the borrowing of forty cents of each federal dollar being spent - that couldn't be the problem could it?

Could the problem be Federal spending being squandered by a profligate out of control, increasingly socialistic, Federal leviathan? A leviathan that presumes that it may intrude into virtually every aspect of life - that couldn't have anything to do with where we find ourselves, could it? Nor could the actions of a parasitic government that produces nothing, but believes that it may control everything: what you may say; what you may do; what you may have; and ultimately what you may think; from the flow of your faucets; to the flush of your toilets; to the light bulbs you choose; the car seat you select for your child; the use of the property you "own"; or the mandated booster seats you select for your 26 year old still carried on your insurance. /sarc. off.

You, my friend, are the problem for you gave the unqualified the ability to do the asinine. And now that you are obtaining the asinine results you seek someone else to blame it on, but there is no one else to blame it on. Should you want to confront the source of your problem it may be found in the mirror - perhaps that's why it's called reflection. There may, however, still be hope for you as there was no more dedicated a Red than Thomas Sowell before he met Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmqoCHR14n8 - it's short 7 min, suggest that you investigate some of the others also.

Gerald, and John took care of much of the rest of your post.

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