Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

https://www.disinformationindex.com/fil ... en_aw2.pdf
Same discussion since 1993. Taxpayers are only abused blood bags going forward.
Are we living in a new dark age?
By design filtered since the cheese wall H.
Narrative Payload.
No mention of the Noske Effect from the echos of this was never your war.
You were driven by your rulers into the world slaughter.

The transition from Weimar democracy to Nazi dictatorship was demonic in malice and deliberate then.
Disparities and inequalities will rule over all the crayon chewers in areas ignored in design.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

aeden, you have probably noted that inverse ETFs are no longer sheep sheer zones since the futures have gone into contango. Also hard to borrow designation has been removed on my platform.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Yes notes are tied to demand destruction from the seven sisters files to current affairs from the tobin q maps for reference.
Complicated measures in the resonance effect you noted as loop feedbacks.
Core focus is inputs and lightswitch issues in real time measures cascading failure maps.

My march sweeps are starting to roll off the 16th from 91 day roll offs to cash settlements.
The red diapers grifters have caused effects they cannot comprehend that will toll as even Hemingway knew.
We will have to leave at smart to dumb money indices since a few here wanted to keep up.

Fisher, Irving, (1933), “The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions,” Econometrica, Vol. 1, no. 4.

The study was reviewed as You and John had clarity for those with an eye.
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals ... ric-theory

marshal keynes tobin yellen Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:19 pm

You understand the pretext why MIT was needed for SEC parameters so a few could fathom what was coming and already here.

Year on year the debt has never decreased since 1957, according to Treasury data.
The current white house post turtle are door nails to hang the inept fact on with no doubt.

Thank goodness all the government jobs are safe and Congress just gave itself a well-deserved pay raise.

Taxpayers never had a chance as we warned.

The losses are staying with the tax payers. Bank nationalizations is well underway, and the taxpayers are chattel to be crushed.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »


Are we living in a new dark age?

This answer is similar to what Arthur Demarest was saying in the Bloomberg interview linked and summarized a few days ago.

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/20 ... o-collapse

5:25-6:00 speaks to what is said below.
18 Answers
Kutluk Ozguven

Studied Linguistics at University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) (Graduated 1900)6y

Dark ages appear suddenly during relatively peak times.

Göbeklitepe culture which gave the world religion, agriculture and construction was going well, civilising hunter-gatherers and producing farming towns. Then something happened, the temple was buried and an interruption came.

Sumer was going well, advanced, developing writing and cities and nobody invaded it but a hollow followed. Akkadians took over.

The late Bronze Age world was flourishing, stable, interconnected and within a few generations total darkness came towards the turn of the millennium.

Rome was going strong with double engines in the capital Constantinopolis and the old capital Rome but within decades the left engine collapsed and all Roman colonies were left alone with the barbarians.

Muslim world was at its peak in learning but out of the blue one of the Central Asian nations went into chain reaction in 13th century and world of Islam went with years into darkness for centuries.

Regaining peak the firearm empires of the Muslim world Turkey, Iran, India by early 17th Century and looked seemingly forever stable were faced in end 18th century supersized British, Russian, French empires fighting each other on their corpses.

Communist world had its glorious days in the 70s and looked like a 1000-year venture but in the mid-80s its death was imminent. In the 90s what was left of the Soviets was under the rule of jungle.

Death and subsequent dark ages come suddenly and at time least expected after a peak and complecency.

Our global interconnected microprocessor dependant world can easily run into chaos and stay there for a long time.

We are just at the edge of dark ages, as always and as likelier after times of peak.

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While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Cool Breeze »

Higster, what are you top 3 (or more) characteristics of a "dark age"?

This is a serious term but I don't see it very well defined anywhere, so what do YOU mean when you say it?

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 11:20 am
Higster, what are you top 3 (or more) characteristics of a "dark age"?

This is a serious term but I don't see it very well defined anywhere, so what do YOU mean when you say it?
These are my top 3 general characteristics of a civilization that is on the cusp of entering a dark age/has just entered a dark age (in other words, where I think we are right now):

1. Decline in societal standards
2. Functional failure of government
3. Lack of accountability

Each of these should be prefaced by the word extreme, which also applies to the present situation, in my opinion. Once the society is well into the dark age the top 3 characteristics are different.

The top 3 general characteristics once well into a dark age are:

1. Subsistence economy
2. Local government
3. Strong family unit

Which brings up a point made by Navigator in his recent post, which I fully agree with:
Navigator wrote:
Mon May 08, 2023 2:01 am
There is no turning back from this and society will ultimately collapse as its fundamental structure, the family, falls apart. There was hope at the end of the Roman empire because the “barbaric” tribes actually had stronger marital and familial ties and bonds than the so-called Christian Romans did. This is what allowed for the survival of mankind during the dark ages.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Navigator »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 12:17 pm
Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 11:20 am
Higster, what are you top 3 (or more) characteristics of a "dark age"?

This is a serious term but I don't see it very well defined anywhere, so what do YOU mean when you say it?
These are my top 3 general characteristics of a civilization that is on the cusp of entering a dark age/has just entered a dark age (in other words, where I think we are right now):

1. Decline in societal standards
2. Functional failure of government
3. Lack of accountability

Each of these should be prefaced by the word extreme, which also applies to the present situation, in my opinion. Once the society is well into the dark age the top 3 characteristics are different.

The top 3 general characteristics once well into a dark age are:

1. Subsistence economy
2. Local government
3. Strong family unit

Which brings up a point made by Navigator in his recent post, which I fully agree with:
Navigator wrote:
Mon May 08, 2023 2:01 am
There is no turning back from this and society will ultimately collapse as its fundamental structure, the family, falls apart. There was hope at the end of the Roman empire because the “barbaric” tribes actually had stronger marital and familial ties and bonds than the so-called Christian Romans did. This is what allowed for the survival of mankind during the dark ages.
I would add just a couple of points to the " characteristics of a dark age":
A. Almost complete abscence of "Rule of Law". In a dark age, might makes right. Hence near anarchy.
B. Almost complete shut down of "Higher learning" and technological advance. Example - major tech advances of Dark Age were stirrups (hey, I found a way to not fall off my horse!) and chimneys (hey, I found a way to not have the grand hall filled up with smoke during a banquet!), and that's about it.
C. A definite characteristic of the last such age - Drastic enforcement of Heresy laws - No freedom of thought or speech.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 12:17 pm

The top 3 general characteristics once well into a dark age are:

1. Subsistence economy
2. Local government
3. Strong family unit
Some might question the use of the word government in characterizing what is going on in the depths of a dark age. It might be more appropriate to call small numbers of families that join together for political reasons after the huge wave of destruction is mostly over something other than a government. It won't be anything as organized as what we call a local government today.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by John »

** 11-May-2023 World View: Dark Era

Someone (Higgie or Aeden I think) posted
the following link:

*** Are we living in a new dark age?

This article contains about a dozen
different answers to the question of
what a "dark age" is, and whether we're
already in one.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

With regard to the rule of law, in the recent past, the rule of law was generally fairly and uniformly enforced. As of now, by my reckoning, we have a "functional failure of government" (general item number 2 above) to enforce the rule of law fairly and uniformly in many instances. This is the specific type of thing that is leading from the cusp of the dark age into the dark age proper. In the dark age proper, the rule of law will be in most cases not fairly or uniformly enforced either but will be enforced at the family or small group of families level. And, once again, rule of law wouldn't be the appropriate term because it will be nothing like what we consider to be the rule of law today. "Frontier justice" or something like that might be better. Which was brought up indirectly in a recent post:
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 12:15 pm
Someone I know who moved out on 10 acres in Florida almost lost their property to fire last week. The adjacent neighbor, who moved in a year ago, was burning cardboard during dry season and a fire got out of control quickly. I don't know where they came from. It took the fire department 20 minutes to arrive and by the time they got there 5 acres was gone. It was estimated that in 2 more minutes the fire would have reached the house.

A couple things I said to them. If this were the dark age rather than just the descent, your house would be gone. And if this were the dark age, the remaining neighbors would have to get together and decide what to do about these clowns.
I also brought up the failure to enforce the rule of law a few years ago in this sense:
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:00 pm
Now I'll use Tuchman's words to further attempt to define a Dark Age.

"Mankind was not improved by the message. Consciousness of wickedness made behavior worse."

This is a clear distinction in my view and we are seeing Dark Age behaviors today, behaviors that have not been seen to this extent in seven centuries. As the financial crimes go unprosecuted, the consciousness of that knowledge has apparently increased the willingness to commit even bigger financial crimes.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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