Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by guest »

Starbucks to close 7 San Francisco locations in coming weeks
https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/ ... 404896.php

Is this the part where someone says, "That's racist."

Posts: 12661
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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

84.79 TLT @ close
now it gets interesting.
After this face melt rip many shorts will simply cease to exist.
Tom Mazanec » Thu Jan 10, 2019 1:50 pm
78% live paycheck to paycheck, 70% in debt:

Careful H the decline is sharp and ignored.
We will slowly add to it if/then on the way down if/because.

TLT modest positon
Uniparty body farm decay assures no pillows in hell.
Treasury on the gas and Bonds on the brakes.
Taxpayers are not amused with the agency issue corrupt.

Sogo supply lines reset as capex pushed ratio down with automation and opex repairs now
set for the long pain. Emptor many did not prepare.
Deming was correct.

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Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:28 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Sep 23, 2023 1:37 am
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:39 pm
A vast infrastructure has been put in place to make children into what they grow up to be. I don't think it can be lost for too long before the human race can turn into something that is unrecognizable. I'm not really saying humans will be walking on all fours and unable to talk, unless there are only enough humans left that they are all raised by packs of animals, which obviously is not going to happen. But the loss of the socialization infrastructure for more than a few years could have some pretty serious effects, as I think these extreme examples show. That's what I meant by the veneer is thin. The veneer is partly what we have the luxury to do without fully realizing the significance of it that makes the next generation what it is. One example that comes to mind. It's only recently that humans have lived long enough to see their grandchildren grow up. When I see the impact that grandparents have on the development of their grandchildren, it is huge. If a collapse shortens lifespan that advantage will be lost.
In the 60 Minutes Australia video posted previously, the woman says "we look at the development of language what happens if you don't get language up to a critical period and that critical period that is I think now generally accepted that if you haven't got language by about 5, you're not going to get language at all."

There is probably also a critical period for other basic functions...

...As far as other related issues, I think this demonstrates the covid lockdowns were a bad idea, particularly for specific age groups (teens, for example). It's another example of the monkeys flying 747s.
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:49 am
And he was talking about the appearance on the world stage of individuals, and he was speaking to the growth of the population and the appearance of new individuals coming into the mass of humanity, and these individuals evidently are barbarians. They came too suddenly to be educated and for the knowledge of how to keep the Western way of life alive. And so these people have increased and now they have taken over power and so now we're in the hands of barbarians. They have no idea of how our society came to be and what is necessary to keep it going. And they're fiddling with the controls. You might think of a monkey flying a 747. They have no idea what they are doing and this is not going to end well with the barbarians at the controls.

--Hugo Salinas Price

Dr. Bell:

A country like the U.S. has far more expertise on infectious disease within its borders than the bureaucracy at the WHO.

You're not there just because you're an expert, and it's not a pool of expertise. It's a pool of bureaucrats who are there to manage coordination of certain aspects of health internationally. You can look at their track record around Covid.

They do not understand immunity, how masks work, how the virus was almost all in old people and not in young people, and that if you close schools and massively damage the education of hundreds of millions of children you will push them further into poverty, having bad health effects on them and their country.

If you don't understand that, you've proven that you're not competent to give public health instruction to countries. Again, it's completely illogical to go down the path we are going at the moment where we give more power to this organization to tell to and control over our own health policy.
https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/d ... qQSA%3D%3D
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:24 pm
Several years ago, aeden mentioned the David Hoffman videos taken in New York City during the 1970s and 1980s - the differences are extreme at this point. Clearly, there is no u turn coming to take us back to high civilization.

David Hoffman in the streets of New York City - 1979
Photo of the bottom of a Farberware aluminum clad stainless steel cooking pan which was still being produced in New York City at the time these videos were made.

While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:21 am
To many people, sub-Saharan Africa seems a
place of utter despair. Yet it is not intrinsically
backward. That is just a recent western
assumption. The view that Africa’s present
prostration is an inevitable consequence of poor
climates or insufficient resources does not stand up
to examination. Still less convincing is the idea that
black people are condemned to an inferior position
because of some intellectual deficiency. Even if the
researches that show racial variations in
intelligence are assumed to be valid and
meaningful, these refer only to marginal
differences in average scores. There are still many
highly intelligent black people. It is also not clear
that performance on intelligence tests has anything
to do with a people’s achievements. Otherwise,
why would white races now dominate the world,
rather than Asians who consistently do better on
these very same tests?

Africa’s problems are not intellectual or
geographical. They are historical and sociological.
Angola, for instance, has oil and is relatively
wealthy by African standards, but it has long been
deeply divided by civil war. That is what holds
back the country’s development. Angola has not
really been at peace since rebel activity encouraged
the Portuguese to withdraw in the 1970s. Since
then Cubans and South Africans have fought each
other on Angolan territory, favouring different
factions in pursuit of geopolitical or ideological
interests. The United States has also interfered, as
have Russia and China, often without clear or
consistent aims. In these circumstances, Angola
has never really stood a chance of achieving
stability. Similar stories can be told for most of its

The longer and deeper the dark age, the greater
the chances of resolving Africa’s horrendous
predicament. It could therefore be considered
fortunate that the continent is in the vanguard of the
world’s current movement towards chaos. Africa
may well have the time that it needs. Once its many
contradictions have been resolved, it will then
contain the promise of great things. Its people are
certainly no less competent than any other. When
the dawn arrives, the world may at last see what
Africans are capable of.

In fact, the Africans are likely to have made
the world their own during the dark age, for they
will have swarmed all over the rich lands as the
new barbarians. When the smoke of the dark age
lifts, they may well be found to be in control of key
parts of the planet. They will be the new aristocracy
in regions far from their (now forgotten)
homelands. The formerly ascendant Europeans will
cringe before these haughty paragons. A bold but
reasonable prediction is that the next era will be the
African era. That will be sweet revenge. The most
despised basket cases of the present day, the people
that the world writes off, will soon lord it over the
planet. It could be only a dark age away.
The Phoenix Principle and the Coming Dark Age by Marc Widdowson, 2001
pp. 330-331
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 10:58 am
Before you continue pissing and moaning about how bad whites are, I would like to propose a 6 month assignment for you.

There are parts of Africa that the State Department considers no-go zones for Americans. For example, in Nigeria, the State Department will not provide support to any American who goes outside of Lagos or the capital city of Abuja. If the American does that, they are on their own. I have gone outside those areas myself, basically taking my life into my own hands.

I would propose that you do the same. If you agree, I will finance the trip. You will get on a Delta flight from Atlanta to Lagos. It will be a nice flight. On the flight, you will meet a Delta crew that will almost certainly be all black. Some will likely be African. They will tell you that when they land in Lagos, Delta will not allow them to go outside of the company's compound in Lagos for safety reasons.

Once you get into the Lagos airport, you will immediately find you are in third world conditions. The situation will be extremely chaotic right from the get-go. You will be accosted by blacks wanting to "help you" for a price. You will pay the price.

Once you get outside of Lagos, you may be lucky enough to meet a few fellow Americans, but it's not likely. I never did. At that point, even finding a white European will make you feel like you are meeting a fellow American. Here is what they will tell you. For example, if they work for Chevron in the Nigerian Delta, they will tell you that Chevron will not even allow them to take ANY public transportation within the country. All of Chevron's employees are air lifted out of Chevron's facilities by helicopter for safety reasons. If the European you happen to meet works in the Shell compound, some companies who also house employees in the compound will allow them outside for a maximum of 4 hours.

In other words, there is no opportunity for the few white people who are in the no-go zones in Nigeria to get "black culture" imposed on them because their employers fear that the process of doing so will leave them with no employees.

Before you launch into your typical liberal diatribe of why that is the case, your assignment will be to spend 6 months in Nigeria in these no-go zones learning for yourself why that is. Before you do that, you may want to consider hiring some form of security, as I did. I'll leave it up to you as to how to do that because I don't want to impose my racist "white culture" on you. Maybe you just think walking around with a BLM sign will be all you will need. I'd like to suggest that will not do the trick.

Then maybe when you get back from your 6 months of vacation, we can have a rational conversation about this.
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 11:53 am
If you were to choose to spend some time in the extreme situation of being essentially the only White American in an all Black African culture, it will be life changing experience. I would suggest it, particularly to any young White American who wants a starting point for understanding race and culture.

The above posts would seem to be inconsistent to many people.

While I don't advocate all that Widdowson is saying, I do advocate the general idea. The general idea being that if the new dark age is "longer and deeper" it is possible that some future form of the black race could come to dominate the planet.

As to how this could happen, there is a general idea and a specific idea based on my experience of being in an all black part of Africa.

The general idea is that, even if it is believed that Africans have a lower IQ distribution (i.e. The Bell Curve idea, etc.), when the new dark age does its work, the die-off rate of Africans can be higher than that of other races, potentially leaving a population of Africans that intellectually is on par with the remaining populations of other races.

The specific idea is that, in the all black part of Africa I was in, I noticed that among a subset of the population that could be considered the equivalent of upper middle or upper class, there was no observable deterioration in moral standards similar to what is seen in White Western cultures. This was about 10 years ago. I was sitting in a room in the compound I was staying in. The compound was gated and guarded. There were some black people I had met who wanted to bring friends to visit and I think it was a weekend night. I was able to call out to the guard or receive calls in my room so that they could let people in. As the families and individuals came in, I met them and then it was maybe an hour later that I began to make some overall observations. By then, there were 15 or 20 people in the room. The first thing I realized was that everyone by my estimate was under age 35 except for me. There was not a single tattoo, piercing, etc., on anybody. There was no torn up clothing. The group was much less overweight than typical Americans. Everyone was dressed respectably, much like the David Hoffman videos of New York City in the 1970s referenced above. Everyone spoke proper English and was polite. Nobody swore. There was no alcohol or drug use or suggestion of such. Men looked and acted like men and women looked and acted like women. Men were treated like men and women were treated like women. There were a couple or three small children there. They were to be seen but not heard. It was like a scene that might have occurred in America in the 1950s or maybe midwestern America as late as the 1970s. If that's representative of what will be left after a large dieoff, it's a better starting point for rebuilding a civilization than what we have here. I've made numerous similar, smaller observations but that was the incident where, for me, the lightbulb went on.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Demsheviks paid $6 Billion to the regime who did this.
https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/i ... t-2109d440
Last edited by aeden on Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by John »

aeden wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:27 pm
Demsheviks paid $6,000,000,000,000 to a regime that has openly stated its intention to kill US officials with our open borders.
We see the civilians just wiped out. They are that vapid and just stupid. The lightswitch seen was real and noted.
Now they targeted us internally. Complete and total intelligence failure.
$6 trillion?


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:33 pm
aeden wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:27 pm
Demsheviks paid $6,000,000,000,000 to a regime that has openly stated its intention to kill US officials with our open borders.
We see the civilians just wiped out. They are that vapid and just stupid. The lightswitch seen was real and noted.
Now they targeted us internally. Complete and total intelligence failure.
$6 trillion?
In Zimbabwe dollars.

Another guest

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Another guest »

The Incredibles: Roughly 80% Of Grades Given At Harvard Are In The 'A' Range
The Harvard Crimson on Thursday reported that 79 percent of grades given to Harvard students in 2020-21 were in the A range. That is an increase of 20 percent over the last decade. It leaves the question of not how difficult it is to flunk out of Harvard but how difficult it is not to excel. Faculty have apparently solved any equity issues by making everyone a top student. The problem was raised in the movie “The Incredibles,” when the villainous character “Syndrome” reveals a plan to make everyone a superhero. Syndrome’s motive is hardly altruistic: He hated superheroes and “with everyone super, no one will be.”In 2010, 60 percent of Harvard students were given grades in the A range and that was viewed at the time as rather scandalous. Now, to not get an A, is apparently a shocker.Dean of Undergraduate Education Amanda Claybaugh and Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana reportedly presented the data at the first meeting this year of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Claybaugh admitted that the “report establishes we have a problem — or rather, we have two: the intertwined problems of grade inflation and compression.”She noted that the effort to secure better teaching evaluations may be driving the upward shift. She also noted that it obviously “complicates selection processes for prizes, fellowships, or induction into Phi Beta Kappa, which rely heavily on students’ grade point averages.”In other words, to paraphrase Syndrome: “With everyone an A student, no one will be.”Yet, the suggestions on how to deal with the problem were even more bizarre. Romance languages and literatures Professor Annabel Kim suggested the “abolition of grading” and the institution of “narrative-based” evaluations.It is not clear how employers would be informed of the narrative-based performance of students in school.
On this trajectory, Harvard will be at 100 percent As in year 2033. It may seem the perfect grading system for a trophy generation. However, my students have long objected that they never wanted the trophies. It is not their generational problem, it is ours. We resolved the struggle over tough decisions by not making them.

What is interesting is that Harvard is creating an effective three-grade system where the curve runs from A+ to A-.

The new report seems to vindicate William F. Buckley, Jr. when he declared “I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.”
Romance languages and literatures Professor Annabel Kim suggested the “abolition of grading” and the institution of “narrative-based” evaluations.It is not clear how employers would be informed of the narrative-based performance of students in school.
This woman's entire career has been focused on 'fecal' issues. She teaches graduate courses on fecal use in French Literature.
I received a B.A. in French and Art History from Williams College in 2007 and a Ph.D in French from Yale University in 2014.

I am interested in feminist writing and theory, the novel (in particular, the contemporary novel), and, more broadly, the ethical and political implications of writing and reading fiction. While I specialize in 20th- and 21st-century French literature, I have a soft spot for literature from the 18th and 19th centuries, despite the myriad ways it has of killing off its women.

My first book, Unbecoming Language: Anti-Identitarian French Feminist Fictions (Ohio State University Press, 2018), uses the collective corpus of Nathalie Sarraute, Monique Wittig, and Anne Garréta to theorize a feminist poetics that hollows out difference and reworks our subjectivities so that we can break free of identity and exist as subjectivities without subjecthood. My second book, Cacaphonies: The Excremental Canon of French Literature (University of Minnesota Press, 2022), works to combat the deodorization of the French literary imaginary and argues that the persistent excrementality of the modern French canon puts forth fecality as a corporeal, concrete corrective to abstract universalism as a site of exclusion and violence. My current book project, Ought to Fiction, is a critique of contemporary French literature's domination by autofiction and exofiction and its unquenchable thirst for the real.
This is taught at Harvard?

And the leadership at Harvard is 'shocked' when 31 student groups come out in support of Hamas.

You reap what you sow.

A Harvard diploma is worthless. It is only good for toilet paper. Which, all things considered, is appropriate.
https://jonathanturley.org/2023/10/12/ ... rd-are-as/

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Consumers the ruthless arbiters. Educated idiots was the active measures intent.
True believers as Marx told you to your ends.

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